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Different types of Apocalyptic/Dystopian fiction

Hosted by bookgerblin

Trying to read all different kinds of apocalytic and dystopian ficiton. Based on the cause/types of disasters. A book can be of any genre as long as it has an apocalyptic/dystopian story line. 

14 prompts | 1 participant | 28 books added

The Classics Collection

Hosted by leahopkins

Good classics according to the Internet, but only the ones I actually want to read.

25 books | 7 participants

Literary Bucket List

Hosted by clovestrand

This is a bucket list collection of Classic Literature, epic reads, and books I want to read (or re-read outside of education/as an adult) during my lifetime. This is in no particular order, and titles may be added in the future.

62 books | 4 participants

YA & NA SFF Addicts Summer Reading Challenge

Hosted by ettaviereads

Rules available at: https://www.yasff.com/post/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-2024-summer-reading-challenge?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2bW2uZLa3Ve56oPyBnm2_Jbpeb6wQRt550y0LA4O1Zmvz-E1QHXxgBn7M_aem_ATBP5NjPVumEiRDxyAGcZkE3U6RvrBO0EuwSxdJ9...

18 prompts | 6 participants | 22 books added

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

Hosted by alanacca123

To read different types of historical fiction (three categories -- time period, location, and thematic). 

29 prompts | 6 participants | 21 books added