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Booker Prize Winners and Short Lists

Hosted by lsd

This is a challenge, with no time limit, to read all the Booker Prize winners and all the books that made the Booker Prize shortlist since the prize's inception (1969).  List will be updated yearly. Bonus challenge to come and it will include t...

326 books | 1 participant

Premio Strega 2024

Hosted by la_cori

Leggiamo i 12 titoli in gara per il Premio Strega 2024

12 books | 1 participant

literary fiction by GOATs

Hosted by andy_acid

 Trying to read a selected few literary fiction/classic books written by some of the masters of the craft, many of which have been nominated for several literary accolades. 

118 books | 3 participants

Orwell Prize for Political Writing- 2024 Fiction Finalists

Hosted by anna_oreally

These are the 8 books in the running for the Orwell Prize for Political Writing - Fiction category this year.Winner announced on 27th Junehttps://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-prizes/finalists/

8 books | 3 participants

2024 Stella Prize Shortlist

Hosted by sarahxify

 From the Stella prize website:  The six books that make up the 2024 Stella Prize shortlist are urgent, necessary and vital.These six outstanding books cover a broad range of subjects – from chronic pain, mental health and self-discovery, to cl...

6 books | 2 participants