A review by lifeinthebooklane
Hunter by Eden Summers


I slightly over-extended myself with arc's this week. Two things stop that being a bad thing, #1 I've got the week off so have plenty of reading time and #2 they have been amazing books. This one hasn't bucked that trend. This is a real departure from the authors previous work but is a book that I highly recommend.

I loved Hunter, both the book and the guy. He has an air of danger and mystery and yet Steph/Emma/Her somehow trusts him. The question is, has she made a mistake doing so? I loved how the chapters were titled Him or Her - since we don't truly learn who either character is until towards the end of the book. I don't know if others give away names in their reviews but I want to give you the same unknown I had. The suspense and mystery of this story is amazing, with plot twists that made my head spin (in a good way, not a confusing way).

This pair drew me into their story and had me caring about them even as they spun their webs of lies. Steph/Emma/Her is one kick-butt heroine, strong and determined. She felt quite cold at first but that's a shell she has built to protect herself from further hurt. Hunter/Him was such an enigma, he clearly had unknown motives and I struggled as much as 'Her' over how trustworthy he was. The book is written first person from both POV's, so as we get further into the story I really felt like a knew, trusted and really liked both characters.

Some books have too much mystery and the perpetual dangling of the 'big secret' can actually be annoying and spoil the book. This book wasn't like that, it gradually revealed enough information to keep you riveted but I also had no clue how the story would progress.