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josiahrichardson's review against another edition
I may be the last one in my theological-political circle to have read this work, and I have no one to blame but myself. It is really a terrific book, perhaps more in the terrifying sense of the word than, and one that should not be dismissed. Truman chronicles the history of the sexual revolution through the transformation of self. Our identity, both on the individual and national perspective, has been under attack for centuries and Truman shows where this really got some wheels. Rousseau psychologized the self, Freud sexualized the self, and Reich politicized the self. We stand here at the end of 2023 where it is quite normal to determine your own identity based simply upon your own subjective perception of who you are. It is, as Trueman points out, a strange new world where if a gent were to say “I am a woman trapped in a man’s body,” we all immediately know what he means, whereas my grandfather would have no context for understanding that statement outside of assuming some form of mental deficiency. Expressive individualism is becoming an inalienable right for people and to infringe upon that right is essentially to deny their existence, if for no other reason than that they themselves have inextricably tied their identity to their personhood.
I read this in conjunction with Trueman’s other work “Strange New World” and the corresponding study guide. This means a few things, but most importantly that I have been thoroughly Trumanized over the past few months. Once you put these lenses on, it becomes very difficult to see anything without the change in perception. This book is heavy on history and philosophy, so gear up before you dig in. If you want to accurately and poignantly responded to our culture’s devolution into absurdity, use Scripture. If you want to do that as well as see all the ways that the modern church was complicit (and still is) in this revolution, read this book. There are no brakes on this thing; it will only get worse until it implodes from within. Let them swallow the reductio. Let them break apart in the light of the eternal law. Let them find hope and spiritual regeneration from the Gospel. And if possible, let them read this book. I have been suggesting this book to many of my non-Christian friends but it has gotten no takers yet. It is no waste of time to read this book.
I read this in conjunction with Trueman’s other work “Strange New World” and the corresponding study guide. This means a few things, but most importantly that I have been thoroughly Trumanized over the past few months. Once you put these lenses on, it becomes very difficult to see anything without the change in perception. This book is heavy on history and philosophy, so gear up before you dig in. If you want to accurately and poignantly responded to our culture’s devolution into absurdity, use Scripture. If you want to do that as well as see all the ways that the modern church was complicit (and still is) in this revolution, read this book. There are no brakes on this thing; it will only get worse until it implodes from within. Let them swallow the reductio. Let them break apart in the light of the eternal law. Let them find hope and spiritual regeneration from the Gospel. And if possible, let them read this book. I have been suggesting this book to many of my non-Christian friends but it has gotten no takers yet. It is no waste of time to read this book.
amber_thiessen's review against another edition
“But as I noted in the introduction, this book is neither a lament nor a polemic. It is rather an attempt to explain how the revolution of the self came to take the form it has in the West and why that is so culturally significant.”
I read this for a seminary class and found it an insightful journey toward understanding some historical and philosophical elements of the sexual revolution.
I read this for a seminary class and found it an insightful journey toward understanding some historical and philosophical elements of the sexual revolution.
cassiakarin's review against another edition
The triumph was truly felt upon completing this book! Okay, this book is enormously and substantially valuable in our culture and in our churches right now. It needs to be read, and studied, and...understood by our young people, like me, today. It is a difficult listen. I've been told that reading it with eyes helps enormously - I listened. Once the multiple new terms and historical names and theories started getting jumbled or lost in my small mental storage I sped things up and listened faster. I listened for the wide strokes, broad themes, and cultural benchmarks that I could relate to and evaluate within my own little world. Even with this, and with my small storage capacity for dates, names, and ideas, I found the book immensely helpful for building and shaping an honest and grounded cultural worldview. I learned a LOT.
One of the things that I appreciated most about Trumans approach to writing this book is his carefulness as a historian. This book takes discernment. Truman is respectful and careful with rendering *meaning* to or behind historical figures and accounts. He does not form his thesis before combing through or cherry-picking facts out of history. He is a true and honest historian. Curating historical data and synthesizing it into a useful dialogue for our understanding of our today. He is respectful of both those people of the past in representing them, and of individuals and groups today.
I would like to go back through this book with fingers and eyes and truly study it. It is a fantastic resource for grounding oneself into the earth and time today. How valuable it is to be useful to this era and to our surrounding generations simply by knowing clearly where we stand.
One of the things that I appreciated most about Trumans approach to writing this book is his carefulness as a historian. This book takes discernment. Truman is respectful and careful with rendering *meaning* to or behind historical figures and accounts. He does not form his thesis before combing through or cherry-picking facts out of history. He is a true and honest historian. Curating historical data and synthesizing it into a useful dialogue for our understanding of our today. He is respectful of both those people of the past in representing them, and of individuals and groups today.
I would like to go back through this book with fingers and eyes and truly study it. It is a fantastic resource for grounding oneself into the earth and time today. How valuable it is to be useful to this era and to our surrounding generations simply by knowing clearly where we stand.
mahir007's review against another edition
لو فكرنا في طبيعة الحياة في أوروبا أثناء العصور الوسطى، حيث كان المجتمع زراعيًا في الغالب، فنظراً لأن التكنولوجيا الزراعية كانت آنذاك، وفقاً لمعايير اليوم، بدائية نسبياً، فإن الزراعة كانت تعتمد بشكل كامل على الجغرافيا والمواسم. كانت هذه الأشياء عبارة عن عطاءات ؛ فبينما كان المزارع يحرث الأرض وينثر البذور، لم يكن لديه أي سيطرة على الطقس، وكان لديه قدر ضئيل من السيطرة على التربة، وبالتالي كان لديه سيطرة قليلة نسبيًا على ما إذا كانت مساعيه ستنجح. ربما كان هذا يعني بالنسبة للكثيرين عدم السيطرة على الحياة أو الموت: لقد كانوا بالكامل تحت رحمة البيئة.
في مثل هذا العالم، كانت سلطة نظام الخلق واضحة ولا مفر منها. كان العالم كما كان، وكان على الفرد أن يتوافق معه. إن زرع البذور في ديسمبر أو حصاد المحاصيل في مارس كان محكومًا عليه بالفشل. ولكن مع ظهور التكنولوجيا الزراعية الأكثر تقدمًا، أصبحت هذه السلطة البيئية مضعفة بشكل متزايد. أدى تطور الري إلى إمكانية نقل المياه أو تخزينها ثم استخدامها عند الضرورة. إن زيادة المعرفة بعلوم التربة والأسمدة والمبيدات الحشرية تعني أنه يمكن التلاعب بالأرض لإنتاج محاصيل أكثر وأفضل. والأمر الأكثر إثارة للجدل هو أن التطور الأخير في علم الوراثة سمح بإنتاج أغذية محصّنة ضد أمراض أو طفيليات معينة. ويمكنني أن أستمر، ولكن النقطة واضحة: سواء كنا نعتبر بعض الابتكارات جيدة أو سيئة، فإن التكنولوجيا تؤثر بشكل عميق على كيفية نظرتنا للعالم وتخيل مكاننا فيه. إن عالم اليوم ليس هو المكان ذو السلطة الموضوعية الذي كان عليه قبل ثمانمائة عام؛ نحن نفكر فيه على أنه مادة خام يمكننا استغلالها بقوتنا لتحقيق أغراضنا الخاصة!!
Carl R. Trueman
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
Translated By #Maher_Razouk
في مثل هذا العالم، كانت سلطة نظام الخلق واضحة ولا مفر منها. كان العالم كما كان، وكان على الفرد أن يتوافق معه. إن زرع البذور في ديسمبر أو حصاد المحاصيل في مارس كان محكومًا عليه بالفشل. ولكن مع ظهور التكنولوجيا الزراعية الأكثر تقدمًا، أصبحت هذه السلطة البيئية مضعفة بشكل متزايد. أدى تطور الري إلى إمكانية نقل المياه أو تخزينها ثم استخدامها عند الضرورة. إن زيادة المعرفة بعلوم التربة والأسمدة والمبيدات الحشرية تعني أنه يمكن التلاعب بالأرض لإنتاج محاصيل أكثر وأفضل. والأمر الأكثر إثارة للجدل هو أن التطور الأخير في علم الوراثة سمح بإنتاج أغذية محصّنة ضد أمراض أو طفيليات معينة. ويمكنني أن أستمر، ولكن النقطة واضحة: سواء كنا نعتبر بعض الابتكارات جيدة أو سيئة، فإن التكنولوجيا تؤثر بشكل عميق على كيفية نظرتنا للعالم وتخيل مكاننا فيه. إن عالم اليوم ليس هو المكان ذو السلطة الموضوعية الذي كان عليه قبل ثمانمائة عام؛ نحن نفكر فيه على أنه مادة خام يمكننا استغلالها بقوتنا لتحقيق أغراضنا الخاصة!!
Carl R. Trueman
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
Translated By #Maher_Razouk
atommot8's review against another edition
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self read in 2022 gives bearings to those living in the modern world. From Rousseau through modern day philosophers whose iconoclasm threatens institutions built over centuries, Trueman systematically builds the modern reasoning and logic behind “I am a woman trapped in a man’s body.” It is prophetic and timely, and a must read for the church, as stewards of the gospel of Jesus Christ.