spridlewv's review against another edition

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This is a funny book. Very funny at times in fact. I had a little trouble keeping track of the characters, but I’m typically slow in that respect. I look forward to revisiting this one soon, as I believe it holds some wisdom and humor that I don’t want to just gloss over quickly. I totally understand the disgust for the real scumbag as an American but its more than just a little sad to consider the damage being done to America’s reputation around the world.

zoes_human's review

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Imagine for a moment a group of strung-out, vegan, punk rock squatters have taken offense at the recent choice of leadership in the US. Imagine further that they have taken it upon themselves to take a trip, in oh-so-many-ways, to the United States in order to play a protest song. If you can't quite imagine that, never fear for Rupert Dreyfus has done this for you.

Prezident Scumbag! is the comic adventure of some of the residents of Hotel Scum including Fazal who somehow, despite chronic vomiting and a strange desire to literally rock out with his cock out, manages to at times be utterly charming.

The major criticism I would offer to this work is that at times it becomes overly didactic. The message is good, just a bit heavy-handed at times. Also, denizens of the USA may notice some cultural idiosyncrasies.

liisp_cvr2cvr's review against another edition

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Quite possibly one of the craziest novellas I've ever read. When I say- craziest- I mean it lovingly. Prezident Scumbag! delivers a goodie bag of middle fingers. It's hilarious, relevant, sobering... It has heart, mischief and passion. It has worry for the world and future.

Through a drug-fuelled and entirely vegan haze, Archie the joint smoking hippie, the unofficial leader of crusties, speaks the Mother of Truth. It will challenge quite a lot of people, I think- after all, we're all so easily offended now, aren't we?! I felt challenged, too... It wasn't the idea of the protest at the White House, it wasn't the anarchists, nor the profanity... It was the drugs and the puking that made me turn up my nose... f*ck! My delicate heart was grimacing! They do say to face your fears, I need a medal for being brave.

Prezident Scumbag! takes No.1 spot on many levels:
* Most profane- check. (I added a few new choice words into my vocabulary! )
* Most drug-fuelled- check. (It quite possibly tops Trainspotting, I'm not even kidding!)
* Most adventurous- check. (A punk band with a great cause travelling from Norf of England to America, meeting Demon Dogs biker gang, staring down the barrel of a drug dealer's shotgun, meeting Native Americans.)
* Funny- check. (Mary on mushy brew was hilarious! I'm not saying I would love a travel companion in such a state but it was hilarious.. like tears running out of my eyes!)

Even though the novella is delightfully mental (because 'normal' is not a goal to be proudly striving for anymore) it is more. More. So much more. In between the worthy goal and shenanigans of Sick Bastards punk band members (one more dense than the next), there's wisdom to plant a seed of 'something else, something different' into society's mushy brain.

Prezident Scumbag!'s message is strong and stinks of vomit but it's a message nonetheless.

Prezident Scumbag! is:
*up yours to the 9-5
*up yours to the skinheads and racists
*up yours to the system
*up yours to mainstream
*up yours to nanny state
*anti-status quo, anti-establishment,
*up yours to the corporations and profiteers that would kill their Grandma only to add another zero at the end of their bank account balance.

If you can't agree with that, go back to your sandpit and bury your head in it!

kingjason's review

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What a book! It's like Mr Dreyfus is trying to bring back the young ones. This book is violent, crude, gross and bloody hilarious whilst at the same time being incredibly important. If you are scared that the USA voted a sexiest halfwit to have control of that big red button then read this book, if you think he is a great guy then you should read this book...just to see what the rest of the world thinks of you.

Sick Bastard is a band, living on the edge of self destruction, they can't believe who is now the President and decide they have to make a stand and wake up folks. What follows is a good old adventure across America with cockup after cockup. You can't help but laugh at them and yet feel really proud of what they are trying to do. Having Archie surrounded by these delinquents makes him seem like an island, this then makes what he says stand out more than it normally would, a clever bit of writing there. The ending works out well tying things up nicely for the next book.

Facts about this book:
Cunt is mentioned 178 times and more importantly Donkey is mentioned 4 times.
Americans are gonna have very little idea what is going on. Some awesome non-US terms used throughout the book.
Billy Whiz is mentioned a lot here and I think that is either a sweet or a character from Viz, either way I don't think they should be snorting it.

I am so glad I have a copy of this book, a perfect read for when the world eventually falls apart and starts to burn.

PS: I have been censored by Harry Whitewolf, I think this book is so good it deserves the "unicorn vomiting a rainbow" award, but he has forbidden me from adding the gif. Should I ignore him?

Due to demand here is a gnome and a unicorn for Harry
