
Kahin Tum Bhatak Na Jaao by Patrick Modiano

kwatson's review against another edition

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It was good. Just not my cup of tea.

habelhamessafaa's review against another edition

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رحلة عبر ذاكرة الكاتب الممزقة و الذي يعمل كاتبا و يدعى جون دراغان.. يفقد الكاتب دفتر العناوين الخاص به في القطار ليجده شخص يدعى جيل و يطلب التعرف إليه ليعرف عن إحدى شخصياته.. لكن جون لا يتذكر شيئا. لا عن الشخصية و لا عن الكتاب.
نهاية مفتوحة. لست أدري كيف أشعر نحو هذا الكتاب.

niinjah's review against another edition

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Denne korte boken måtte leses sakte. Dersom jeg las for mye mistet jeg tråden, men når jeg lot det gå litt tid før jeg tok boken frem igjen, fikk ordene og stemningen tid til å gi gjenklang. Selv om du sitter igjen med mange spørsmål (som kan frustrere mange) likte jeg den surrealistiske følelsen med hyppige referanser til om man kan stole på hukommelsen eller ikke. Det ga boken et litt mystisk preg, og jeg liker når ikke alt er åpenbart fra begynnelse til slutt. Alt i alt en god leseopplevelse

mcnevinh's review against another edition

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Haunting, unsettling, minimal, and very slow. An old man’s past is reawakened. Childhood, youth, middle age and the present overlap; cogency slips away, though with moments of clarity; memory and fiction blur, and lost memory spills into lost identity… all with a moment of heartbreak at the center. I fell asleep numerous times reading this, and had nightmares about encroaching senility. Which may be what this is actually about.

alfonsofuggetta's review against another edition

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Sarò io incapace di cogliere il valore di questo scritto, ma proprio mi dice poco. Forse la mancanza di struttura vuole ricordare la natura dei ricordi? Mi pare forzato e poco efficace. Leggendolo mi chiedevo perché a lui il Nobel e a Roth niente.

abetterjulie's review against another edition

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I have no idea what I just read. None of the plot resolved. I couldn't keep track of where the MC was in time throughout most of it. Not a fan.

csark's review against another edition

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I feel like my brain isn’t wired correctly to understand this book or I’m just stupid, idk. It wasn’t exactly an easy read and I like to read books for fun between school readings, and this one wasn’t great lol. I can see someone who thoroughly enjoys literature and picking stories a part liking this, but it just wasn’t for me.

mirthejasmijn's review against another edition

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Een boek dat voelt als verdwalen in het geheugen van een Fransman.

tommyro's review against another edition

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Meaningless drivel. Main character is definitely lost and so is the reader. Character goes around in circles, not knowing where he's going or what's going on right in front of him or what or why he's doing anything or even who he's talking to or remember who he once knew or knows now. He spends his time avoiding everyone - which is what we should do with him. Sound like perfect fodder for a Nobel Prize? Did I mention it's French? That was the clincher. I am vowing never to read another book by this clown Modiano who can't tell his buttocks from his baguette. Plus jamais - which means never again!

jordanxmckenzie's review against another edition

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i honestly don’t think i had a clue what was happening throughout this little book, and after finishing i don’t even care to try and dissect it further to have a better understanding