
Buckman by Erin Lockwood

whatshawnareads's review

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I loved this book! April and Tallan's romance is dramatic and steamy. The ending is satisfying and didn't necessarily leave me wanting more or disappointed with where they ended up. As someone who can stand to watch a game or two of football, but doesn't obsess over it, I appreciated the football deatils without feeling like they took over the story.

I'd read reviews before I started it where people would say I can't believe this or I didn't like this about their relationship. I'm sure it's not the most thought-provoking book in the world and if I wanted to analyze it I could find problems with how April and Tallan acted, but it definitely was a quick, enjoyable read for me. That's what I keep coming back to, I really loved reading this.

I'd highly recommend for a quick, romantic fall read.

Thanks to the author for the advance copy through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

rozzzzbrock's review

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Awesome, quick read! College football & romance. If you’ve ever watched college football and seen them zoom in on the star’s girlfriend, this is the live story behind the scenes. Read in a day and a half. Loved it. Hope there’s a sequel!

gwensreading's review

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I received an ARC of this from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

This wasn't my favorite book. Tallan is the star quarterback for his college football team. April is the daughter of a famous musician. They meet at a party, he falls instantly in love with her, and they go back and forth in a relationship. She doesn't want to be with someone famous and omg he can't live without her.

I get where April was coming from. I don't think I'd want that lifestyle either if I'd had the same bad experiences that she did. However April is a jerk. Plain and simple. She wants to be with him then doesn't. Over and over and over. She refused to go to his games. She didn't want anyone to know they were dating. She wanted to sleep with him but not be in a public relationship. She asked him not to join the NFL draft because, after like 3 months of dating, they were in love and going to be together forever and she didn't want to be in the limelight. What????

Tallan was courteous and put up with more than I would in a relationship. He let April make really big decisions for him and his life. He followed her around like a puppy, cleaning up her messes. To be fair I did not like how he pressured her into a relationship or into going to his away games. But I think he was a genuinely nice guy and deserved a lot better than April.

I ended up skimming most of the book because I couldn't handle the back and forth. The writing is good and engaging plus I liked the descriptors of the football playing itself. I just really didn't like April.

bookanonjeff's review

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Excellent Non-Football Football Story. This is a romance told from the girl's perspective that happens to involve a star quarterback and the pressures he faces. Definitely a recommended read, particularly during the college football season. Just ignore the implausibility of this particular school doing as well as it does it the book - it is the author's alma mater. :D As a romance, this is one of the better ones I've read this year. As a football story, it actually ranks up there with John Grisham's Bleachers - yes, it is *that* good, and rare in that it *is* told from the non-football fan girlfriend's perspective. Seriously, stop reading this review and go buy this book. :)

juliaspence422's review

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I always love a good football romance story and Erin Lockwood nailed it with this one! I need a Tallan Buckman in my life <3 You can't help but root for him and April - they are such likable characters! I feel like I really missed out by not going to a college that had a big football program, but in Buckman I felt like I was there, rooting for the Ducks (and Tallan) every step of the way! I really hope there is a sequel with Tallan and April in the future (or even Tallan's younger brother)! Fans of Intercepted by Alexa Martin will love this one! Perfect fall read during football season!

Thanks to Erin Lockwood, the publisher, Independent Book Publishers Association, and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

booksinthemountains's review

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I received an advanced reviewer copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I have read one of Erin Lockwood’s book All the Rogers which addressed issues of mental health and first love.

What It’s About: April Moxley has a bad experience with the limelight, her father is in a band and essentially personifies the worst parts of rock n’ roll culture, he chooses sex and drugs over her all the time. Her ex-boyfriend is not much different. She’s decided she’s done and ready to live an anonymous life helping others, too bad she falls in love with Tallan Buckman, the star quarterback at her college. This book is about the two characters journey in love and April’s struggle to deal with Buckman’s fame and future career.

What I loved: I liked the story of a sweet romance where two characters are pulled together despite the circumstances. I cheered for the characters to make it work often even though there were a lot of mistakes and the characters were imperfect. I loved the secondary characters like Mayra. I liked that the book was set at a real University and I could picture it perfectly.

What I didn’t like so much: I felt at times that the Buckman was needy and sometimes had character traits I would associate with an abusive boyfriend (he never hits or anything, but sometimes his explosive anger is troubling) and the main character will blame herself for his behavior when in fact it is over reaction. I didn’t find him to be so much of a Prince Charming as the book made him out to be. I felt he had anger issues that weren’t addressed and made me less invested in a happy ending.

Who Should Read It: People who love a good football centered romance novel. People who love campus novels. People who have previously loved Erin Lockwood novels.

General Summary: A romance story with fame and football at its center.