
The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen

andreea27's review

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A fost prima carte pe care am citit-o care trateaza tema abuzurilor. M-a captivat mult mai mult decat ma asteptam si fara sa-mi dau seama am inceput sa o indragesc, pentru ca mi s-a parut ca se diferentiaza destul de mult de restul romanelor young-adult. In primul rand, dialogul este foarte consistent, ceea ce a fost un plus fata de alte conversatii formate dintr-un flirt necontenit pe care le-am intalnit in alte carti. De asemenea, relatia dintre Callie si Kayden a evoluat intr-un mod exceptional. Desi la inceput am fost putin exasperata de atitudinea rezervata a lui Callie, mi-am dat seama ca trebuie sa fi suferit o trauma puternica in copilarie care i-a indus aceasta teama fata de apropierea de oameni. Intr-adevar, am avut dreptate in aceasta privinta iar banuielile mi s-au confirmat cu mult dupa jumatatea romanului. Putem adauga deci pe lista plusurilor si un suspans care, din fericire, nu este deloc exasperant cum s-ar putea crede, ci iti starneste curiozitatea.
Pornind tocmai de la aceasta atitudine rezervata si reticenta fata de cei din jurul ei, Callie incepe sa isi invinga temerile alaturi de Kayden. La randul sau, si el are un trecut intunecat iar aceasta este coincidenta care ii uneste. Relatia lor a parcurs pasii pe care eu consider ca orice relatie ar trebui sa ii urmeze. Incetul cu incetul, Kayden se apropie de Callie si reuseste sa o cucereasca si de la nivelul inocent al prieteniei lor, ea devine pregatita sa faca un pas mai departe. In mod inevitabil, apare si o tensiune sexuala insa nu exagerat de conturata si nu reprezinta elementul-cheie pe care se bazeaza cartea, ceea ce este un lucru bun. Accentul cade deci pe latura emotionala insa in ceea ce priveste problemele interioare si dramele cu care se confrunta unii adolescenti care au fost abuzati in diferite moduri, si nu pe un lucru atat de superficial precum sexul.
Finalul este extrem de frustrant, deoarece se termina intr-un moment crucial si te face sa astepti cu nerabdare urmatoarea carte din serie.

missmeek1's review

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Good book. Wasn't expecting that cliffhanger. Off to get book 2.

ec_newman's review

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I think out of the three New Adult books I've read, the only one that was solid was Losing it.

I got 20% through this. I don't want to bash or be cruel or anything like that because it's hard to write books. I know. But at the same time, it's frustrating to see a book that could have been great, but suffers from a plethora of issues.

I like romance. Truthfully. I like the idea of two broken people finding each other. I don't like when the writing is awkward and stiff and the problems/angst seem to be thrown in as mere layers to make the characters seem more multi-dimensional. That is what this felt like.

And sometimes, I'm interested enough in the characters to look over perhaps not the best writing (who am I to judge on that? I'm not overly impressive). But the characterization wasn't strong enough to pull me in. Kayden's interest in Callie seemed forced. I just...I'm sorry to the author, but I was really disappointed. I wanted to like it. I certainly didn't go into reading it overly critical, but the first page worried me with the little 'philosophical' thought about coincidence. It just didn't ring true.

vampire_mother's review

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It was an interesting read... but that's all.

alyh2000's review

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Very fast read...wish I had waited for book two to come out before I started this one. I never have the patience to wait until the sequel comes out.

tfpeel's review against another edition

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bello bello davvero, anche se davvero inizio ad odiare questi finali con cliffhanger, già li odio mortalmente nei telefilm quando devi aspettare mesi, figuriamoci su questo che per avere il seguito dobbiamo sperare che la casa editrice non si perda per strada... ho apprezzato il modo di raccontare, di spiegare un pezzo per volta i segreti terribili di questi due ragazzi... delicato e sensibile, due anime gemelle che si sono trovate nel momento più brutto per rinascere insieme....

jaxness's review against another edition

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Well, I just want to say that I hate Callie's character. Dumbass girl.
And I don't like the fact that everyone in the book has something that ruined their life, the story feels colorless. I wanted to stop but, you can't help but wonders what would happen next, That's what the 3 stars for.

josie9814's review against another edition

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When I started this book I knew it was different from the Fallen Star series but I didn't expect this. I absolutely fell in love with it and could not put it down. It was something I felt like was so real because of the subject, especially Kayden's hit very close to home. I'm so happy to see someone write about the reality of life. Jessica Sorensen is definitely my new favorite author!

marscandy37's review against another edition

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One the things I hate most about a book is to end on such a vague way. That's annoying. It's forcing you to shell out more money for the remainder of the book. I don't like that. Overall the book was alright.

readwithkiekie's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. The characters are messed up, but their stories are so relatable to me. I loved the deep, dark storyline and the romance was a little different. Really excited for the next book.