
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: By Lewis Carroll by Lewis Carroll

liliov's review against another edition

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Los sueños siempre son maravillosos....

lexxluthor's review against another edition

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adventurous funny lighthearted relaxing fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


bengthesnowball's review against another edition

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Despite being 21 years old this is actually the first time I've read, watched or otherwise got to the end of this story and it is impressively... bizarre. The off-the-wall happenings mean that the fact it was written in an entirely different context doesn't really register and in fact parts that would have seemed commonplace and grounding in its original time now serve to add to the unusualness of the whole experience.

Given that there was a lot less similar content for Carroll to draw from, as well as, at least to my knowledge, no LSD for him to take advantage this books is incredibly creative and imaginative.

laurenjoy's review against another edition

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A fun classic, filled with absolute nonsense and childhood charm!

sibylle28's review against another edition

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I read this book some time ago and honestly I have to say I really had no opinion. I appreciated the dark nature of the book and left it at that...until I began to suffer migraines. During my research of the disease? I read that Lewis Carroll was a migraine sufferer and he suffered them during the creation of Alice in Wonderland. It is sad to say that this made me read the book again...funny thing is I get it now...boy! do I get it. If you suffer migraines or severe headaches this book kind of explains what your brain is like on pain and drugs. Apologies I usually don't go on about this illness but I get it now; sometimes it helps to understand an artist's struggle or point of view before critiquing his/her work.

momotan's review against another edition

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Uno di quei casi in cui a mio avviso è meglio tutto ciò che è fiorito successivamente, partendo dal libro originale, rispetto alla storia vera e propria.

Una storia nota, che si perde nella meraviglia del suo nonsense, piena di riferimenti vittoriani e di giochi di parole intraducibili nelle traduzioni (buona la scelta del traduttore di spiegarli nelle note in fondo a ogni capitolo, quindi).

Onestamente avevo sempre pensato che i vari adattamenti di Alice (film, cartoni, serie tv, libri, parodie) proponessero le loro versioni di alcune parti della storia, lasciandone fuori altre e che quindi l'opera originale fosse molto più vasta e profonda.
Mi sono dovuto ricredere, gli adattamenti che si sono susseguiti hanno anzi preso tutto quello che poteva essere preso, anche da Atraverso lo specchio, ricamandoci una storia che fosse più che non un racconto inventato durante una gita sul lago, poi messo su carta.

Ecco, posso dire di aver forse apprezzato di più la vita di Carroll e la genesi della storia rispetto alla storia in sé e per sé.

allaboutfrodo's review against another edition

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I've read Alice in Wonderland many times and it's a great book. Original, clever, funny, thoughtful, it has added many images and phrases to our language and culture. Unfortunately, many people who claim to love Alice have never read the book or don't credit the book for Alice's creation and enduring popularity. If you are an Alice fan but have never read and appreciated the book, it's time to do so! And the original drawings by John Tenniel are masterpieces in themselves.

Through the Looking-Glass overall is not as good, but it's still worth reading.

kcnomad's review against another edition

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adventurous funny lighthearted medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Loveable characters? Yes


findingpeaceinabook's review against another edition

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Alice tumbles into a dreamland, where animals and kings and queens quarrel and recite poems.

This book felt like listening to a toddler play with its toys talking nonsense, for hours on end. I thought I would enjoy reading it, but I didn't.
I can handle surreal scenes, but it didn't go anywhere. But maybe that was the point... there not being one.

dustjpg's review against another edition

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a classic for a reason