bowienerd_82's review against another edition

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Death was always my favorite character from the Sandman books, and Gaiman gave her two of her own adventures.

The first (High Cost of Living) is definitely the best, but they're both worth it.

Gaiman's idea of what Death would be like is perhaps my favorite personification ever created. Death as a teen goth girl who loves life and has a great deal of wisdom (see the story The Sound of Her Wings in Sandman Vol 1, Death's first story) that she isn't preachy about sharing.

I only wish Gaiman had written more. A must read.

akmargie's review against another edition

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Not to say this wasn't good but when compared to Sandman it doesn't feel fully formed. Like this really should be included with other stories, which maybe it orginally was and Vertigo pulled it out to make a few more bucks off a popular character.

laughinglibra84's review against another edition

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Tori Amos introduces this graphic novel. She says that when you're in a situation, you need to feel it. Otherwise, you might as well be dead. Then we meet Sexton who is writing a suicide note, not as a cry for help, but as an end to things. **semi-spoiler** Through a sequence of events he decides to give life one more chance.

"Most of us love the stage and suicide is definitely your last performance and being addicted to the stage, suicide was never an option" - Tori Amos

nwhyte's review against another edition

Go to review page[return][return]Fun stuff, spin-off from the Sandman series.

primo_s_s's review against another edition

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Loved it. Gaiman's portrayal of Death is truly unlike any other, friendly, kind, and funny. It's not hard to see why she's kinda becoming more popular than Morpheus himself. Personally, while Sandman has better story, I like Death more tham Dream. Too bad there isn't more of the story.

kyriakiz's review against another edition

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Η Θάνατος είναι μια από τους καλύτερους χαρακτήρες τις σειράς και προφανώς και τις άξιζε μια δικιά της ιστορία! Θα ήθελα όμως να ήταν λίγο μεγαλύτερη.

η άποψη μου για όλη τη σειρά εδώ:

katierodante's review against another edition

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Death is such a badass. This story is absolutely one of my favorites about her.

watchingpreacher's review against another edition

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Gaiman spins a fine tale about Dreams' sister in this book, but it doesn't reach the brilliancy of THE SANDMAN. Still, it's Gaiman - you're going to love it.

anna_hepworth's review against another edition

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This four comic collection is almost a slice of life story -- a single mortal day for Death of the Endless. But there is a quest (or two), the changing of some lives, and the meetings with at least one immortal. A spot of senseless violence/brutality means that this is not necessarily an easy story.

skyturtles's review against another edition

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I've been meaning to read this for YEARS (it was shelved in 2012), and like most others was introduced to Death by her older brother when reading Gaiman's Sandman series, which I highly recommend. This was a good side gig, and made me want to pick up Sandman again...