chitra1111's review against another edition

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"The meaning of ichigo ichie is something like this: What we are experiencing right now will never happen again. And therefore, we must value each moment like a beautiful treasure."
-Ichigo Ichie

This book deals with the most important yet a neglected topic, the importance of present moment. We actually talk about it a lot but not in the right way. But here, in this book you'd find the way of practicing Ichigo Ichie in your daily life.
The learnings from this book:

▶️ Don’t postpone special moments.
▶️ Do something you’ve never done before
▶️ Practice mindfulness
▶️ Notice coincidences
▶️ Make every gathering a party
▶️ If you don’t like what there is, make something different.
▶️ Be a hunter of special moments.
▶️ Celebrate imperfections.
▶️ Be your own friend.
▶️ Practice compassion

catherineamiller's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective relaxing


clubsanwich's review against another edition

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inspiring lighthearted reflective slow-paced


harebrianna's review against another edition

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inspiring lighthearted medium-paced


flicky's review against another edition

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inspiring lighthearted reflective relaxing medium-paced


hanfrier's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


aargee's review against another edition

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Authors start the story from a Japanese Tea Restaurant, goes all over the world, brings anecdotes & introduces several people who are unique in their own ways & present examples with facts in how to live a life at the moment instead of living in the past or in the future. They also stress the importance of living life in the present & how it can help one to live a fulfilling life

dragonessreads's review against another edition

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The Book of Ichigo Ichie by Hector Garcia and Frances Mialles is a handy book about the importance of slowing down and enjoying the simple acts of life. Too often, people move from task to task and fail to breathe. Ichigo Ichie is all about calmly appreciating the small acts. Thank you, NetGalley for this ebook to review

cauchemarlena's review against another edition

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Sõit Jaapanisse jõuab iga päevaga aina lähemale. Kummalisel kombel suhtun ma viimasel ajal eesseisvatele katsumustele lausa ebamaise rahuga. Vaatan bussis sõites aknast välja ja imetlen Eestimaa loodust. Osaliselt aitas seda seisundit luua raamat „Ichigo, ichie”, mille pealkiri tähendab midagi sellist: „üks kord, üks kohtumine” ehk iga hetk on kordumatu. Selline elufilosoofia meeldis mulle varemgi, aga teada, et ka jaapanlased on selle elamise kunstina leidnud, siis nautisin selle raamatu lugemist.

„Ichigo, ichie” on kõigest 144 lehekülge pikk. Nende lehekülgede sisse mahub aga arvukalt lugusid, mis pakkusid vähemalt mulle äratundmisrõõmu. On tõsi, et hindame asju eriti kõrgelt siis, kui oleme neid kaotamas, klammerdume selle külge, millest me ei taha lahti lasta. Võib-olla ongi minu praegune kodumaa-armastus osaliselt tingitud sellest, et raske on lahkuda. Raske on jätta maha kõik tuttav ja astuda tundmatusse.

See raamat kutsub üles nautima hetke ja aeg-ajalt rutiinist lahkuma. Valima täringuveeretusega restorani, kus varem pole käinud, ja tegema ootamatuid kingitusi, kui tuua paar näidet. Elu koosneb juhustest ja on oluline neid märgata. Mõnikord tulebki juhusele ise võimalus anda, et elu nautida. Olgu selleks siis saatuse suunamine või lihtsalt meelelahutus – vaid üks juhus võib meie elus kõike muuta. Selles teoses oli palju sellist, mis mõne jaoks tundub täiesti loomulik ja tavapärane, teise jaoks aga midagi, mida tuleb õppida. Inimesed on ju erinevad, kuid ma arvan, et kõik võiks endale aeg-ajalt meelde tuletada pisikesi mõttekilde nagu näiteks see, et igasugune valu on mööduv, et mõnikord on teise aitamiseks vajalik ainult tema kuulamine. See raamat aitab seda teha ja annab ka juhiseid, kuidas üht või teist meelt arendada nii, et elada ichigo, ichie elustiilis, nautides iga hetke kui ainukordset.

alenaysu's review against another edition

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I love the concept of Ichigo Ichie and there sure were some great information.
However, there was also a lot of drifting off and boring passages about stuff that didn’t directly had anything to do with  Ichigo Ichie (Especially the last chapters you can just skim read through them)