
Red Fox by Karina Halle

lee25's review against another edition

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I first read [b:Red Fox|11710500|Red Fox (Experiment in Terror, #2)|Karina Halle||19191181] 6 years ago, but decided to re-read the entire Experiment in Terror series after finding [b:Came Back Haunted|55618050|Came Back Haunted (Experiment in Terror #10)|Karina Halle||86734082] (Ada's story) in a bookshop.
I knew I enjoyed this series, but I had forgotten how much I loved Perry and Dex as characters, and how addictive and creepy the stories are.
I had rated Red Fox 3.5 stars on first read, but on re-reading it (and knowing what is coming), I have revised my rating to 4.5 stars.
Now on to [b:Dead Sky Morning|12322385|Dead Sky Morning (Experiment in Terror, #3)|Karina Halle||17300620].

divapitbull's review

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I enjoyed the second EIT installment despite that I still have issues with the two main characters. In Red Fox we did a switcheroo and Dex aggravated me more than Perry. Granted, Perry got off to a bad start hating on Dex’s girlfriend Jenn for no reason other than that she’s seethingly jealous of her and makes all sorts of assumptions about her “perfect life” that are nothing but sour grapes. Then she announces that she “tends to hate on a lot of people for no apparent reason". It all makes her sound shallow and insecure, a little pathetic and plain old not very nice. Then there’s the whole blaming her “flabby thighs” for slowing her down – and for the love of God – if you’re that fixated on it – eat less and exercise or accept yourself as you are and stop whining!! However while we got off to a rough start Perry pulled it together and focused on the mystery. She also earned points for resisting Dex’s flirtations and reminding him that he does have a girlfriend – which was the decent thing to do and very impressive for Perry – especially since she fancies herself in love with Dex.

Dex who in the first installment I gave props to for being flirtatious but not crossing any lines with Perry – nosedived in installment 2. He was crossing lines all over the place. He also forgot his medication. His psych medication that he’s only been taking for a short period of time and has no idea how he’ll react to withdrawing from it. Both Dex and Perry astound me with their level of irresponsibility and immaturity. But they do have chemistry – I have to give them that – there are definitely sparks between them. And while on the subject of characters – Perry’s parents seem awfully critical; but at this point I’m still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they’re worried she’s going to end being 30 and living in their basement.

The story follows the format of Darkhouse – Perry has creepy dreams that foreshadow what’s to come in her ghost hunting endeavors. For the second episode of their webinar Perry and Dex are going to New Mexico to investigate poltergeist activity experienced by a Native American couple on their ranch. There’s quite the cast of characters and the feeling that everyone has an agenda and you don’t know quite who to trust adds to the suspense. We learn a little bit more about Dex’s background from his old college friend Maximus who calls them into the investigation when he hits a wall in his ghost cracking.

The difference between Dex and Perry and their Experiment in Terror show and other ghost hunting reality shows it that Dex and Perry encounter real supernatural activity that tries to kill them and leaves bruises and other assorted injuries. This time around it’s in the form of attacking animals and Native American mythology (nothing so mundane as garden variety poltergeist).

I think I’ll finish the series. Perry could be a really cool character if she could grow up and embrace the Serenity Prayer. I’m not sure what Dex’s deal is yet. He’s got a Byronic hero vibe going on which is intriguing; but I don’t like the game he’s playing with Perry when he has a girlfriend – that he lives with no less. I’m thinking he best shit or get off the pot pretty quickly or I’m going to lose patience with him.

aralston08's review against another edition

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This book! It had me on the edge of my seat, biting my fingernails from beginning to end. Not only was I using my deduction skills in attempt to figure out who was behind the Lancasters' torment but the chemistry between Dex and Perry was magnified by ten...maybe a thousand in book 2! The whole book creeped me out. Could you imagine waking up in the middle of the night to animals lurking in the shadows of YOUR HOUSE? Or how about strange rock storms...yes, rocks being flung at your house from all over? No? Neither could I. Honestly, Perry and Dex and studly Max were absolutely out of their minds to stay in the Lancasters' house after the first incident. But anyways...onto the characters.

I love Dex and Perry. Their banter and rapport is amazing. I can firmly say they are among my favorite book duos. Half the time I want to slap them because I can't figure out whether Dex is attracted to Perry or if he's just a weirdo. I also can't figure him out, period, but that's a whole other can of worms. And Perry, I She's everything I could ever want in a main character. She, at times, can be self-depreciating but her moments of sheer awesomeness totally overshadow her moments of self-doubt. The are-they or aren't-they vibes I got the entire time I read this book literally had me wanting to pull my hair out! I loved what Max brought to Red Fox. He's this big, somewhat burly red-head and I think he brings a bit of competition in for Dex. Although Dex and Perry are pretending to be married, it's obvious Perry and Max might find each other attractive. It's also interesting to attempt to figure out what in the world is going on with Max and Dex. We know they have a history...but the tension between them is unbelievable!

The actual story was moved much more quickly for me than Darkhouse. While I still enjoyed Darkhouse, Red Fox's pacing was just better for me. The book seemed to take off from a few pages in and I felt as if there was always something going on to hold my attention. I also enjoyed playing the "Who Done It" game with myself while reading. I love a good mystery and when you throw some paranormal elements in and a little bit of (possible) romance...I am a happy reader.

Red Fox was a strong second book in the EIT series and I cannot wait to continue on with the crazy situations and shenanigans Perry and Dex get into!

minimishi's review against another edition

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Navajo, New Mexico… obviously it had to be skin walkers!!!

This story felt more complete than the last, and I can’t wait for them to figure out their story and why they are so connected!

bmg20's review against another edition

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I'm going to find it very hard not to read every single one of these books. So good.

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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Red Fox was exactly what I wanted this series to be. It was dark and mysterious, I was hooked from the first chapter, Dex and Perry have so much chemistry it's freaking unreal, and the writing was what I've come to expect from Karina Halle. I read this book in a day I was so hooked! I don't want to leave spoilers for anyone but Karina Halle's writing was soooooo scary. I was jumping at shadows all night long! I'm so so curious as to what is up with Dex's past, I think I've got Perry pretty much figured out, but Dex is so intriguing and he seems to be carrying so much baggage that I just can't wait to find out what is going on. I'd give it 5 out of 5 stars and anyone who likes a good paranormal thriller, this is the series to read!

emieinspace's review against another edition

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I loved it. I was intrigued by the story, which is part of why I could not put the book down. Something in the writing is also clearly amazing, even if I don't know what exactly yet. Maybe it is the realism of it. I still love the two main characters, Perry and Dex. Getting to know more about Dex was nice, but that doesn't mean that we know everything. There's obviously a lot more going on with him than the story told by Maximus, and I am curious about it. As for Perry, she's still herself, still funny and not annoying. That's what I like so much about her : there's not one point in the story where I thought she was annoying. She's great.
Anyway, I want to read the next books. That's for sure.

bergamotandbooks's review against another edition

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In the for­got­ten town of Red Fox, New Mex­ico, a Navajo cou­ple is tor­tured by things unseen and by motives unknown. Armed with a cam­era and just enough to go on, Perry and Dex travel to the des­o­late locale, hop­ing to film the super­nat­ural occur­rences and add cred­i­bil­ity to their flail­ing web­cast.

Only their show has a lot more work­ing against them than just grow­ing pains. Tested by dubi­ous ranch hands, a ghost from Dex’s past, and shapeshift­ing decep­tion, the ama­teur ghost hunters must learn to trust each other in order to fight the most ancient of myths…or die trying.


Okay, I series love this series so much already! Red Fox is definitely a step up from the previous novel, with more twists and turns and an ending that I didn't see coming. Although it was sort on the horror and gore, it still left me feeling unsettled (and DYING to get my hands on book 3!!) I can't wait to see what Dex and Perry get up to next....and that sexual tension has to explode sometime soon.

Final thoughts: Go buy this series. You won't regret it.

caseykd's review against another edition

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This was a book that completely sucked me in. It was an unable to fall asleep until I finished it sort of book. The supernatural story line with the Lancasters and the strange happenings on their farm was very interesting and detailed. At one point during the book I sent an e-mail to my friend who introduced me to this series and I said "When are Dex and Perry going to hook up already", the sexual tension between them is crazy! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was scary and suspenseful! I like Perry more and more as the series goes on!

penandpencil's review against another edition

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Great relationship building between Perry and Dex.