
Banking the Billionaire by Max Monroe

books_bourbon's review

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loved. (:

gingerspice's review

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THATCHER!!!!!! I love when a hero is a goofball that can never be serious and then he turns into the biggest cinnamon roll EVER! And that is Thatch! Him and Cassie were basically the same person and it worked perfect because they understood eachother so well! I loved their ridiculous pranks and friendship they developed. But man watching Thatcher just be gone for Cassie was amazing! This book kept up also with the other characters in the series which I love!

cnapierkowski's review

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I really enjoyed this!

mooncricketjp's review against another edition

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Loved it, but...

I really loved this book but do wish that it was a little shorter. Although, I enjoyed the book, I felt like it took forever to read.

agrutle's review

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Thank you so much to the authors for the book in exchange for an honest review!

We got a small taste of Cassie and Thatch in the novella Tapping Her that came out in June of this year. With that taste I was super excited to read their book. I was NOT disappointed.

Cassie is a brash girl. She doesn't need a man and is happy with her life. She loves her job and has a best friend that she loves to mess with. That's the way Cassie works, she loves to prank people, and doesn't like to be the one to give in. Thatch intrigues her, Cassie got drunk and had sex with him. Only she fell asleep before he could finish. It's something she's done before. Thatch is dumbfounded. He has never had that happen. When he wakes her up the next morning to let her know he's leaving and kind of nudge her toward the door she just cozies herself up in his bed and says she'll see him later. She's got him convinced she's moving in with him. Real or fake? He doesn't get pranked by anyone, he's the pranker.

Both of them are stubborn, neither will back down. They both want to win this prank war, but they don't realize that it would end up biting them both in the butt. Feelings become more than irritating the other one. This book cracked me up. Both characters are snarky but they feel with their whole hearts. We get to see Georgia and Kline too. OMG and Phil is the best!! Y'all will have to read it to find out who Phil is! I think we also get to see a glimpse into who Wes is going to find to love. I love these books. If you haven't read them I suggest you do, they're funny and sexy. I don't even think sexy is the right word. HOT, STEAMY and hilarious are the words that could come close. Please don't forget to review the book as a thank you for the author!

geo_ix's review against another edition

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I still don’t really like Cass, but I enjoyed the story so no matter how much I dislike her or hated some of the stuff that happened, I can’t say I wasn’t entertained and feeling emotions.

A lot of the scenes in this annoyed me. I was annoyed at how everything was a ‘prank’, but at the same time, I loved it? Honestly I have a super love hate relationship with these books because the women are so over the top crazy and weird, but at the same time I like how different they are from most heroines in books?

Adding the novellas and final book to this year’s TBR because I want to get back to the football series and eventually get to the doctor one. Maybe I can do that this year. I do plan on reading a few authors whole list of books this year, maybe MM will make this year. We shall see.

reginarix's review against another edition

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Simpatici e irriverenti, una storia divertente. Ma davvero troppe parolacce, in ogni situazione, romantica, erotica o leggera che fosse, talmente da smontare la tensione nella lettura. Anche qui il finale assurdo: il "difetto fatale" non è stato spiegato bene durante la storia tanto da rendere il tracollo improvviso inverosimile. E poi un lieto fine assurdo, non coinvolgente nonostante la simpatia verso i personaggi.

digitlchic's review against another edition

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lisamh68's review

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So funny!!! I love how the books blend.. and how everyone is in all of them..

kidisitor's review against another edition

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Totally hilarious! No major emotional turmoil, though there is that one scene that causes some major stress and dejection. You'll love both Thatch (the Hero) and Cassis (the Heroine.) Their characters have no shame and are so similar they are made for one another. It starts as a one up prank war that just naturally turns into a real relationship before they realize what happened. Neither have much of a filter on what comes out of their mouths. (Meaning plenty of vulgarity... so if you are sensitive to rough language or graphic sexual commentary, then you may not want to dive into this one.) Safe to say this is intended for mature readers. You've met these characters in Tapping the Billionaire, so you already have an idea of what they are like, but now we get to see them in all their glory. This can be read as a stand alone, but these characters are so great, I highly suggest reading them all in order to full appreciate them... plus you'll want to get your fill of Thatch. ;) There are lots of cute moments (mostly on Thatches end, as he shows us his swooniness.) As I mentioned, lots of laugh out loud moments. This is a fun book to read. A fun story. I doubt you'll be disappointed if you give this read a chance.