
A Whisper in the Dark by K.J. Sutton, Jessi Elliott

chivon's review

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i enoyed this book and a great dive back into the vampire world. We are pretty much current day where the vampire uprising has left humans as slaves.
The King as several heirs and upon their 18 birthday their social class standing is determined by eye color, their " Awakening" an ancient ceremony.
Each eye color means where you will be placed among society, each holding great value, that is unless you're a violet. Then You are a disgrace to society and will be killed or outcast to the humans.
Charlotte Travesty has lead her vampire life behind the castle and royalty and had everything handed her way, even blood survival.
After her Awakening , she is faced with an uncertain truth, she is now on her own . Thrown into the real world she must face new opportunities, survival skills, and meet new friends.
She is in the common - low social standard now with halflings, vampires, humans, and faires, and fighting a new job facing the weepers.
There is friendship, love, lust , enemies, and a mystery at hand here as Charlotte, now Charlie faces her new life .
I definitely recommend this fast paced, thrilling , descriptive, sexy vampire tale and cant wait to dive into book two.

xobooktrovert's review

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A Whisper in the Dark is the first installment in the Charlie Travesty serial.

A vampire princess disowned by her family because of an ultimate betrayal. Charlie, the ex-princess, is thrown into a post-apocalyptic world that is ran by vampires. I loved getting to see Charlie live a lush vampire lifestyle before seeing her fall to the lowest ranks of the society. All the characters were really fleshed out for a novella. I really enjoyed two characters besides Charlie – a certain human and a vampire slayer. *winks*

I can't wait to continue on! ♥

This review was originally posted on Sincerely, Whitney

jenacidebybibliophile's review

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Disclaimer: This book was sent to me by the authors, Jessi Elliot and K.J. Sutton, for an honest review.

“The crown rests beside me – it must have fallen off while I slept.”


A quick introduction to a new Adult Fantasy series that are bringing the Vamps back with a vengeance!

I LOVE anything by Kelsey Sutton, so of course when I found out she was working on a series of novellas with an author I hadn’t had the pleasure of knowing about, I was SOLD. And in true K.J. Sutton fashion, she literally gives ZERO information ahead of time about what she is writing, and then just displays it in all it’s glory on release day, on a platter of gold and blood. ❤


This first installment of the Charlie Travesty series was AMAZING! I was hooked from the first page until the last, immediately in love with our leading vamp Charlie, and obsessed with the world. I absolutely love a dystopian styled fantasy, especially one where Vampires rule over humans, and one where a royal “falls from grace“.

In this vampire world, the Awakening is the moment when a vampire comes into who they are. Each eye color dictates where a vampire will reside and what their interests will be. Charlie, being an artist, hopes to wake with emerald eyes that will take her into Sul, the quarter for artists and writers. But when she wakes, her eye color shows the true proof of who Charlie really is.


I am so impressed with how easily this story flowed. Usually when you get a book written by two or more authors, there is a disconnect between the writing styles or the switch in voices in painfully obvious. And being such a HUGE K.J. Sutton fan, I figured I’d easily be able to tell which parts were written or influenced by Kelsey.

Well. Color me wrong AF.

You would NEVER guess this was written by two different people! The melding of these two creative minds is impeccable, and the story and world they created was addicting as hell. And even though I’m not a big novella reader, I really found myself preferring this pacing. It gets to the point, but not in a rushed way. I honestly had no problems at all with this book, and all I want is to read everything else these two beautiful writers put onto paper.

bookloversofi's review

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This little novel is the first in a series of novels about a Vampiric romance and isn't usually my type of reading, but I had a lot of fun with it, it's short and easy to read. Maybe this first book has a lot of information and the balance is strange at the end because the plot itself does not develop too much, but I still enjoyed it and I would like to continue with the rest of the novels in the future. I loved the construction of the world and the characters are interesting enough.


3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

starryworlds's review

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3.5 stars.

I enjoyed reading this. It's been ages since I've read a vampire romance and I've missed reading them.

So far, Charlie is an interesting character and the story sounds interesting so far. I can't wait to see where this goes next.

sparracino's review

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Overall okay. I am interested enough to continue

alexabookish's review

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i can’t wait to read the next part of this serial. the world is so cool, and i already like the characters. give me all the paranormal vampire reads

tometower's review

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I have never read a serialised book before so I’m struggling with what to rate it. I really like how eye colour determines where you fit into vampire society. Im also very intrigued by the little bit of world building and lore that’s been set up so far. Will definitely be continuing on with the series.

boose's review

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1.5, kötü değil ama pek elle tutulur bir tarafı da yok

writehollydavis's review

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An exciting start to this fresh vampire serial! Jessi and K.J. excel at fully immersing you in this urban fantasy world. The prose is strong and immediately drew me in to the story. Charlie is a likeable character with a promising arc. This first episode was a great introduction to a myriad of characters and I look forward to seeing how the story progresses!