
Addicted by Charlotte Stein

bookish_ms's review against another edition

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Hot and sweet, just like I like em!

cardigoth's review against another edition

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I wanted to stop this book basically as soon as I started it. It really lacked heart for me. I have a hard time putting down a romance novel because they're usually so quick to read so I stuck it out. I'm not sure it was worth it. There were a few hot scenes, thankfully, but nothing to write home about. With this caliber of romance author (read: an author I trust), I have a hard time being super harsh because I know it can get much worse. But no heart, no go.

literaturesque's review against another edition

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3.5-ish. I'd like my own version of Dillon Holt oh man.

opheliabedilia's review against another edition

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  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


I'm tired of so many of Stein's MMC's being as big as houses. Also, these two main characters were weird, and did not act like real people, and were not likable. There was a scene in the prologue that seemed really hot and wasn't complete that I don't believe showed back up in the main body of the book.

medievil_'s review against another edition

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Reading Stein's prose is like spending an extra hour in bed on Sunday morning just because you CAN. Perfect and comfortable and decadent and chocolate ice cream and sleepy kittens and somehow still molten sex. What. WHAT.

latetotheparty's review

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Reading this for the first time in 2024, this starts with a prologue that made me nervous that this would be like the 50 Shades books that were all the rage at the time. Turns out that the premise/plot was a fun approach. The end got a little sappy for my tastes but I'm glad when people who think they're too flawed to love find the person that loves them.

panastasia's review against another edition

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funny tense medium-paced


 Η μαζεμένη και προσεκτική βιβλιοθηκάριος Kit Connor γράφει μια ερωτική ιστορία όμως η κριτική που δέχεται είναι ότι οι πικάντικες σκηνές δεν είναι αληθοφανείς. Η λύση; να συμμετάσχει σε ένα γκρουπ όπου συζητιούνται εμπειρίες ερωτικής φύσεως για να πάρει έμπνευση. Όχι η πρώτη μου επιλογή αλλά εγώ θα έχανα διότι η Kit πάει και γνωρίζει τον κουλ και γοητευτικό Dillon Holt (ναι, ξέρω) ο οποίος εντελώς ανέλπιστα είναι διαθέσιμος να την βοηθήσει. Όχι όμως μόνο στη θεωρία. Το αγόρι μας είναι υποστηρικτής της πρακτικής εκμάθησης και η Kit κάνει γρήγορα εγγραφή στα μαθήματα. "Τεχνικές αποπλάνησης 101", "Προφορικές δεξιότητες για dirty talking", "Διαχείριση χρόνου στα προκαταρτικά." κλπ.

Αλλά ο Dillon δε μένει στο δικό του υλικό. Πιάνει το χειρόγραφο της Kit και το εξετάζουν μαζί. Σελίδα, σελίδα. Θα αριστεύσει; Εγώ λέω ναι. (Το βιβλίο δεν ξέρω αν θα γράψει τελικά.)

Δηλώνω φαν της Stein γιατί έχει τα δύο βασικά στοιχεία που χρειάζεται το είδος. Ξέρει να γράφει διαλόγους ΚΑΙ ερωτικές σκηνές.

"Όχι. Με φτιάχνει το να μην ξέρεις τίποτα για τον εαυτό σου και να είμαι εγώ αυτός που θα σε βοηθήσει να μάθεις. Γιατί εγώ είμαι αυτός που θα σε βοηθήσει. Αυτό στο υπόσχομαι."

"Δεν μπορώ καν να τον κατηγορήσω για την αλαζονεία του. Είναι μεγάλο. Είναι τόσο μεγάλο που μπορείς να πείσεις τους Δρυίδες να το προσκυνήσουν στο ηλιοστάσιο."

Reserved librarian, Kit Connor writes erotica but her spicy scenes are criticised as not realistic. The solution? Join a healing group where experiences of erotic nature are discussed. Not my first choice but it'd be my loss because Kit goes and meets the cool and charming Dillon Holt (yeah, I know) who is also, quite unexpectedly, available to help her. But not only in theory. The boy is a fan of hands-on learning, and Kit quickly enrolls to his masterclass. "Seduction Techniques 101," "Dirty Talking Skills," "Foreplay Time Management." etc.

But Dillon doesn't stick to his own material. He steals Kit's manuscript and they go over it together. Page by page. Will she graduate with flying colors? I daresay yes. (I don't know if she will ever write the book though.)

I declare myself Stein's fan because she is gifted with what that the genre needs. She knows how to write dialogue AND spicy scenes.

"No, it gets me off you not knowing a single damned thing about yourself, and getting to be the guy who makes sure you learn. Because I  am  going to be that guy, I promise you that."

"I can’t even fault him for his arrogance. He  does  have a big one. It’s so big you could persuade druids to worship it on the solstice." 

charms1976's review against another edition

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After reading a previous book by Charlotte Stein, I have been watching out for new releases by her. The last book I read was a short story, but this one is a full length that I was highly anticipating. Ms. Stein can right descriptive scenes like a master story teller. It actually feels like you are the character in the book with all of the emotions pouring from the pages into your body.

I absolutely loved Dillon in this book. He was so carefree and funny that it was refreshing in this genre. After reading so many books about Alpha/Dominant men with having to have the upper hand, it was delightful to read about a main male character actually being kind and very generous to the woman in the bedroom. This is not to say that he is not a strong and alpha man -- the man is freaking huge in height and "length" -- but he has a tender side as well.

Kit was just as funny, but she did get on my nerves at time with her inner dialogue and embarrassment at every little thing. This is something that could be overlooked, but at times I just wanted her to get over it and quit making up such random things in her head.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It had the steamy factor, the hot male lead, the chemistry, the humor and the wonderful writing I knew Charlotte Stein could deliver. Another hit by an author I am "Addicted" to now!

bethb23's review against another edition

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I very much enjoyed this book. There were parts that I laughed out loud at. There were other parts that I found a bit confusing because of the way they were written. But overall it was a good, quick read!

lifeand100books's review against another edition

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I would have liked the conflict to have come a little earlier than it did. It gave the ending a rushed feel IMO.