
Adrenaline Rush by Cindy M. Hogan

talithamayisha's review

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3.0 stars
I received a free copy of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

This is my first Christy novel, so I don't know how you would experience this book if you have read the Watched series, but for a newbie it started out as a great deal of fun! A teenage spy infiltrating a group of adrenaline junkies in order to be kidnapped? Count me in!

This book takes a love triangle to a whole new level. It's not so much a triangle as it is a circle with Christy in the middle, surrounded by all the hot boys that smile at her (damn you teenage hormones!). But you know what? The girl inside of me loved it, despite all the eye rolling and awkwardness and 'no - not again, no triangle!' - feelings. It's my guilty pleasure. There, I've said it.

Back to the story: it is a fast paced, fun read with action and romance, and Christy (or her alias Misha) is, most times, a smart and likable character. Up to 3/4 of the book I would have given it a solid 4.0 stars rating. Then it got a bit preachy, and it's made obvious that Christy is a believer. If the author just had stuck with the occasional morning prayer, it really wouldn't be a problem. But from that moment on, Hogan took every opportunity to slap the reader in the face with one prayer or conversation about God after the other. I'll give you one example:
"I prayed for (...). That she would have strength and that extra angels would be send to watch over her and bless her."
Really? Come on. I don't want to give away spoilers, but in the context of the story, I found it ridiculous. It really took away some of the pleasure I experienced before.

The narration of the audiobook however, was a pure delight to listen to. Laci Morgan really did a superb job. If you were planning on reading this, I would highly recommend you to try the audiobook. You won't be disappointed.

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First off, I did it again. Sort of. As I started into the book, I realized right away that it was reading like a sequel. ARGH! Not again! I have a bad habit of accidentally picking up the second book in a series. Now I find out, I have the fourth!?! Not really. Adrenaline Rush, while not directly part of a series, is still a sequel to a trilogy. Lucky for me, I found it wasn’t required to have read the other books first. I followed the plot with zero difficulty, but there are a certain amount of spoilers. If you plan on reading the other books at all, then I would recommend doing it first. I’ll wait a while before diving into them, in the hopes that I will forget the spoilers. :P

So there I was, moving along with the story, when all of a sudden I hit 33%. Then all of a sudden, the plot took a turn into the world of WTF?! It went from being a fairly typical suspense, to peculiar, bizarre, and utterly fascinating! I couldn’t put it down once I reached that pivotal turning point! I refuse to say anything else to spoil it, but you won’t have a chance to guess what’s about to happen.

Connecting with the characters was tough. Maybe it was assumed that I would already be attached to Christy from the first books? Anyway, while I would normally get to know a character by how they interact with others, there wasn’t much dialogue, so I had to observe their actions instead. There is a lot of guessing and second guessing about everyone’s motives, which is perfect for a suspense novel! Hogan had me guessing right up until the end. I couldn’t see how everything could possibly wrap up in time, and I mentally prepared myself for the mother of all cliffhangers.

I was on the fence as to whether or not I should put an age warning on this book. There is a large amount of violence, but after all is said and done, it isn’t overly graphic. Sexuality plays only a very minor role. As a parent, I wouldn’t have a problem with my teens reading this. Mom Approved!

There were a couple niggly things, like plot gaps and discrepancies, that bothered me but only a little. For example, the cover. Not for one second of the story does Christy/Misha look like that. As long as the little details don’t bother you, you will be thrilled with this book. In fact, I suffered a severe case of book hangover after this one!

A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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