
Behind the Bell by Dustin Diamond

stargazer0330's review against another edition

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I have a shelf on my goodreads account that I have named I cannot believe I read this . That is where I have shelved this abomination. I decided that I wanted to read this after the made for tv movie and I read [b:unSweetined|6986084|unSweetined|Jodie Sweetin||7228112]and this came up as a recommended book. Based on this, I may never want to trust my goodreads recommendations.

I have a confession, I didn't finish this book, but what I did read was more than enough!

I have never come across someone who is self-deprecating, and self- centered. I honestly didn't know that was possible, but it is. Dustin Diamond does it in such a vial way. He tried to paint this picture of this geeky ignorant kid and how was he supposed to know any better, but then later on goes on to act like he is god's gift to acting and then implies that Saved by the Bell wouldn't have been anything without all the input he supposedly gave.

I hadn't gotten past the introduction before Diamond started bashing his former cast mates, and it was a little bit much. Even though I was a huge Saved by the Bell fan, I am not so deluded to think that all of the cast members got a long like they did on the show, but there is a way to express how things really were. Maybe Tiffani Amber Thiessen was as promiscuous and Mario Lopez was a huge jerk like Dustin Diamond says, but really the only thing that Diamond did was make me question him and hate him more.

What really got me to stop reading this book was the fact that my stomach was literally turning just from the wording that he used and how he described certain aspects of his body. I hope he stays in his sad life in obscurity. (I think I spent more time writing this review than I did reading the book)

bottleblack6's review against another edition

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This book is sheer trash, but it's trash in that trainwreck-y abhorrent way that draws people to watch the Real Housewives of wherever or most reality tv in general. The book is chock full of thin complaints about his fellow cast mates, annoyingly unfounded "dirt", and bitter stories of how Hollywood screwed him over. If syndicated reruns of SBTB and it's schlocky idealized world hadn't served as a notable part of my formative teen years, I wouldn't have gotten past the first chapter.

surlygrrrl's review against another edition

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I blame all the time I've spent listening to April Richardson's hilarious podcast, Go Bayside, for inspiring me to read this cheap piece of garbage!

jesslroy's review against another edition

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The whole book felt like a giant attempt at "humble brag". Could have also been labeled Dustin Diamond and the giant chip on his shoulder against everyone. Truth aside, very difficult to read.

desiree_mcl's review against another edition

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1 star.

The only reason it got a 1 star was because I couldn't give it 0 stars and also because it was one of those books that I couldn't look away from no matter how bad it got.

Borrowed this from the library, I was (and still am) a fan of SbtB. So I figured at most this would be an interesting read.

Do I believe that the SbtB kids were as squeaky clean as their on screen counterparts? No. However do I think they were as bad as DD is saying in this book? No.

Unfortunately DD came across as petty and bitter and it didn't make this book a fun read.

santino818's review

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The Bible. Pride and Prejudice. Moby Dick. Great Expectations. War and Peace. Behind the Bell.

Not necessarily in that order.

snarkytorta's review

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Just finished reading Dustin Diamond's (aka Screech) book.
Here's a quote from it:
"Tiffani-Amber Thiessen went from sweet, innocent, lovable all-American teen to SBTB's set whore and Hollywood's pass-around girl."

nebulots's review

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If Dustin Diamond (may he rest in peace) was on an episode of Dr Phil, I imagine this is what it would be like.

shinychick's review

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So, I avoided this when it came out, because it seemed like a lazy cash grab of crap. Pretty much case in point: only 2 libraries in all of Michigan own it, which definitely tips you off about the quality.

That said, this book is badly written and badly edited, wanders aimlessly, and, topping it all off, is indeed a lazy cash grab. For a huge chunk of chapters, every single page is: "I have a big dick. I screwed a lot of chicks with it. I was not a whore. Everybody else on the show was a whore, slut, etc, because they used their fame to screw people."

It's trash, and only mildly entertaining trash at that.

ashreec's review

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I didn't have high hopes for this book but I was still disappointed. If I could have given this book a half, no wait a quarter of a star, I would have. The really good stuff, like playing chess with Will Smith, getting presents from Johnny Cash, meeting Michael Landon and lots of other people, etc. get one sentence mentions. The rest of the book is just Screech talking about all the girls he supposedly banged, hanging out with his Opie look-a-like friend and his giant penis. It may be true but my "this is all a lie" alarm was blaring through the whole thing. Most of the other celebs he puts down. Instead of sounding true it sounds like he is bitter and jealous that he wasn't as big a deal. I almost didn't want to admit that I read it but I'm at least getting it to count for my book total this year.