
Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken

sarcrawsh's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. This book was great, much better than I expected it to be (although I don't know where my low expectations came from). The characters were good, the plot quite believable for a historical fantasy, and the conflicts were great. The romance was a bit clumsy, but not the focal point of the story, so acceptable. Will definitely read more by this author!

nee311's review against another edition

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Quick read :)

lizpatanders's review against another edition

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I first saw the cover of Brightly Woven in December of 2009, and my jaw instantly hit the floor. When I realized that not only is the cover gorgeous but also that it is an epic fantasy, I knew that I needed to own Brightly Woven. Full of magic, action and romance, this story proved to be just as epic as the cover that drew me in.

Brightly Woven is a fitting title for this novel not only because of the pot, but because of how the book is written. Even though this is epic fantasy, Bracken doesn’t just hit the reader with world-building like a ton of bricks. Instead, it’s carefully woven into the story. Oftentimes a new plot twist would uncover a new element of Bracken’s world, or in dialogue. Yet even if Bracken had used verbose descriptions of her world, I still would have soaked them up like a sponge. Bracken’s writing is simple yet gorgeous.

Of course, I’ve got to mention North, who nearly every blogger has been swooning over. If you’ve swooned over North, I’m going to be straight with you: I spent the first half of the book thinking that you were crazy. About halfway through, however, it clicked for me. I don’t want to say any more at risk of being spoilery.

Brightly Woven is a brilliant debut novel, and while it’s gotten many positive reviews in the blogosphere, I think it deserves more praise than what it’s already gotten. I urge all of you fantasy lovers to go out and buy this book. You want that gorgeous cover in your personal collection, right? I look forward to reading Bracken’s future work, and will be hoping that one day she shares more stories set in this world.

yatllive's review against another edition

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I was trying so hard to wait, and be patient, and read this book closer to release date but alas, as you can see, I couldn't hold off anymore. I am so glad I read it, because it got me out of a reading slump and I devoured this book page by page.

Alexendra Bracken's debut, BRIGHTLY WOVEN, is a high fantasy adventure filled with mystery, love, romance, and danger. It has the perfect blend of mysterious boy meets fascinating, small town girl and these unseemingly opposite characters are on the run from a mean and powerful wizard that seeks to cause some serious damage.Not only to our hero and heroine but well, to a lot more people! But not all is as at it seems --Syd and North learn new things about themselves and eachother but the magic happens as they discover these dangerous and heartbreaking secrets that make this book so wonderful and unexpected.

Bracken's well-paced storytelling mixes well with a fascinating world and vibrant and intriguing characters that transform this tale into a book that you cannot possibly put down! Like Norht's capes, Bracken unfurls the corners to reveal unexpected twists and turns and each chapter is a vibrant thread that make up this enthralling BRIGHTLY WOVEN!

Fans of Cashore will devour this book! And it's a must read this spring when the book debuts in March! Seriously worth pre-ordering!

booksareamood's review against another edition

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Superb fantasy book! My favourite part was how it wasn't instant romance the 'I'm drawn to you' and all of that malarky. I like the hart to love transition, and I think this was written really well! I recommend it.

holtfan's review

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3.5 stars...I am left with too many unanswered questions but it was so good!
An absorbing read that balances fantasy, mythology, and power play with wizards and magic and heroines-with-untapped-potential.
Truly a must-read for [a:Diana Wynne Jones|4260|Diana Wynne Jones|] lovers.

Sydelle Mirabil's village has been in a drought for 10 years. When a wizard, Wayland North, comes bringing rain, the grateful villagers offer him anything he might want. He chooses Sydelle. Naturally, Sydelle resents being dragged away from her family and friends as little more than a slave. However, North has an important message that might save the country from going to war, if only they reach the capital city in time.

Very likable characters and a plot setting. I liked the myths of sister-goddesses and the start of wizards, but would have preferred more information and action from them, something like [b:The Thief|448873|The Thief (The Queen's Thief, #1)|Megan Whalen Turner||1069505]. The plot had a good antagonist and a lot at stake. Characters had multiple sides with good questions about power and good and evil.
The romance was adorable.
Lots of good side characters.
In some ways, this could have been a perfect fantasy story (I mean, come on, the main character is a red head. Doesn't get better than that!) but I felt it didn't quite reach its full possibility.
Spoiler It almost seems to set up for a sequel but there isn't one...and there are too many plot elements left open for my imagination! Is North ever healed? Is her family happy to have her back? What happened to the evil wizard dude? Where were the hedge witches throughout this all? Why does she look like the goddesses? What was the prophecy precisely and why are all mentions of god/goddesses basically ignored outside of her village? Are jinxes really that common and if making bracelets to contain their power is really that easy, why kill them? Why did the cloak she weaved work for North, doesn't the talisman have to come from the master? Can she really control her powers, or just hold her emotions in check long enough to release them later? I thought Sydelle might have a bigger identity role as well. Like she really was the goddess or a lost princess or at least the descendant of the evil hedge witch. And then I expected her to become friends with the new Queen or help usher in a new age or something. Not go wandering about. The story could have been wound up more tightly

I love that Sydelle is a weaver. It gave her an awesome talent and spark to her character.

Overall, a good read!

dazyden's review

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Not quite a three-star read for me here but it certainly rounds up.

I didn’t really like the narration and that was a very large hurdle to get through. The characters kinda bored me and the romance, while it had a strong dynamic, had some pretty ugly undertones (At least at first.)

I love Alexandra Bracken and its cool to see how far she’s come. I liked all the concepts and the world, even if I wish there’d been more description.

It had a lot of trouble holding my interest. The Graphic novel is out now and I think the story would be a lot better suited to that format. Go for that instead if you’re interested.

maidmarianlib's review

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Liked the plot and characters, some intriguing magic that is innovative. The emotional development was a little rushed.

elevetha's review

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4.5 stars. Nearly perfect, but has some issues.

Sydelle grew up in the tiny desert town of Clifton, known only for the sand that is exported out to other countries in exchange for water. Clifton has been in a ten-year drought. She barely remembers rain and has never seen snow. So when on a regular day when it suddenly starts raining, everyone in the town is confused but overjoyed. War is eminent and the wizard Wayland North, who caused the rain, needs to deliver a message to help prevent it. The people were so happy that he made it rain that they offered him any reward he wanted. He chose Sydelle. Mostly for the fact that she can mend his magical cloaks. Or so Syd thinks. Syd hates North at first for taking her away from home, acting the way he does, and being so secretive. They eventually become close friends until Syd believes that North betrayed, lied, and used her for his own well being. For Syd is something special. Something no one has seen for many years. Someone who can break the curse that is slowly killing North. The girl who can destroy worlds. Magic and wizards and weaving, oh my!

Me every single time North was around:


Me about this book: Fangirl all the way. Though it doesn't show up much in this's there. And maybe someday I will write a review like Anila's and it will shine through like the bright light it is. But that day is not today. So for now: gifs. A picture is worth a thousand words and I hope this shows some of my love.




This is a male version of me and my sister when we talk about this and other very few select books:


Although it must be said that my love for this book in no way means that I am unaware that this wee precious book has problems and also is horrifyingly incomplete. Oh, no, I am aware, I just love it so much, I don't much care.

Fan Mix

1. Snowflake (White Apple Tree) - North\Syd
2. Breathe In, Breathe Out (Mat Kearney) - North\Syd
3. Collide (Howie Day) - North\Syd

I now have this beauteous book in my possession after years of wanting it. Finally the money to procure it showed up and now it's MINE. Yay!

daisybell's review

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I must have read this quite close to when it was published more than 10 years ago now, and it remains one of my favourites and most memorable reads. I still hold North and Sybelle close to my heart and can recall remarkable parts of the book even though it has been some time since my last re-reading (I could be due for another one). My only -and this is a giant one - complaint is that THERE REMAINS TO BE NO SEQUEL even after so many years, and this book is written as if it was meant to be part of a trilogy or more. The world has been set up and it reads exactly like a first book would, a taste of a richly crafted world with characters being set up for development, and a romance that could be epic. There are too many mysteries unsolved and threads that need weaving! We need more.... I keep checking in every few years to check if a sequel is happening but nope, no news, yet, please pick this up again Ms Bracken!!