
Big Easy Temptation by Shayla Black, Lexi Blake

kaydanielsromance's review against another edition

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I've had this book sitting in my TBR pile for longer than I want to admit.
Honestly, I'm really glad I waited to read it because I was able to read this book and Smoke and Sin (#4) sequentially, which now has me waiting on the edge of my seat-completely biting my nails to find out the mystery in the final book, At the Pleasure of the President, which is releasing soon!!
These ladies know how to write a fantastic series arc and steamy love story which has only built to its pinnacle. I'm so looking forward to the fifth and final book.
In Big Easy Temptation, we learn the story behind Dax and the mystery involving the death of his father. This brings him to the one woman who got away, Holland Kirk.
These two have a blazing chemistry from the get go which doesn't go away after years and blazing mistakes between the two of them.
As death closes in and choices must be made it isn't easy to walk away, or is it?

deanapotter's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

chrissy3562's review against another edition

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Big Easy Temptation by Lexi Blake and Shayla Black is the third book in their Perfect Gentleman series and I absolutely loved this book. I was hooked from page one and couldn't wait to see what new secrets these characters were going to unravel. Dax has been one who intrigued me from the first story in this series and I was excited that he got his HEA. Holland was his perfect counter part because she was strong and kick ass, but knew how to be soft too. This story is a stand alone, but it is enhanced if you've read the other two books in this series because there is a larger mystery that began in book one and has continued through all of the books thus far. I have my own theory about the way a few things are going to happen as this series progresses, but I don't want to share those and risk spoiling the story for someone else. I just hope I am correct because it'll be such a happy end to the series (once we get to that point). I give this book a solid 5 stars and am dying to get my hands on the next books in this series.

nicki_theoverflowingbookcase's review against another edition

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Wow, this book was awesome. As the stakes get higher I fall more in love with all of the Perfect Gentlemen. Dax has been in love with Holland for years and each time they seem to get together, they get torn apart with lies and deception. The Russians are still out to get them all and I cannot wait until the next book in the series to see just where the masterminds, Lexi Blake and Shayla Black take us.

jeannethinks's review against another edition

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Love this series, cannot wait until we have the whole story. Hoping for a happy ending in the long run.

adriftinfictionalworldval's review against another edition

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nicandbooks's review against another edition

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Love Dax and Holland!!

I picked up this series because I love Lexi Blake and some of the characters from this series are mentioned in her Masters & Mercenaries series. To be honest, it wasn't totally what I expected. Lexi does a FABULOUS job of meshing romance with suspense and I expected the same in this series... but what I got was a great mystery that I'm desperate to solve and some romance on the side. So this isn't a bad series but it's not at the quality that I expect and love from Lexi Blake.
It's worth reading for the mystery/suspense component - just don't expect the same level of romance in terms of the couples really growing (together and as a person) and their relationship being just as important as the suspense plotline.

This was my favourite of the series as I really liked the relationship that developed between Dax and Holland and it complimented the mystery plotline well.

ninadonata's review against another edition

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Im Mai diesen Jahres kaufte ich mir bei einem Booksstagramtreffen in Hamburg den zweiten Teil dieser Reihe. Nach dem mir der erste Band der Reihe und sein Nachfolger ganz gut bis mittelmäßig gefallen haben, nutzte ich die Chance als man das Ebook zum dritten Teil bei Netgally anzufragen. Band drei hat mir viel besser gefallen als Band zwei, denn mit Dax konnte ich mich besser anfreunden als mit Connor.
Eine der Sachen die mir in diesem Roman sehr gut fallen har, war das sich der Schreibstil der Autorin gut lesen ließ.
Des weiteren hat es mein Herz erwärmt wie sehr Dax für seine Familie gekämpft hat, denn ich finde der Stellenwert einer Intakten Familie, die natürlich auch nicht perfekt ist aber das ist bekanntlich normal. Es war schön zu lesen wie wichtig Kindern ihre Eltern sein können.
Auch die Darstellung der Freundschaft zwischen den fünf Männern total beeindruckend. Denn sie setzen sehr für einander an und vor allem das sie über die ganzen Jahre gehalten hat. Denn oft ist es ja so das man sich im Laufe des Lebens auseinander lebt, aber hier war das nicht Fall. Die Autorin hat nicht viele Worte gebraucht um mir deutlich zu machen wie tief diese Männerfreundschaft geht.
Doch haben mich auch in diesem dritten Band ein zwei Dinge gestört. Zum einen gab es viele Sex Szenen von denen einige meiner Meinung einfach nur da waren weil es eben so war. Für mich haben dieser zur eigentlichen Handlung der Geschichte zu wenig beigetragen. Denn wie tief die Gefühle zweier Menschen für einander gehen kann man meiner Meinung auch bei Protagonisten in diesem Alter anders zeigen.
Auch fand den zeitlichen Aufbau der Geschichte sehr verwirrend.
Es ist den Autorinnen einfach gelungen sehr unterhaltsame Nebencharaktere einzubauen.

Dax war ein Mann aus dessen Sicht ich gerne gelesen habe. Denn ich es super sympathisch wie er für seine Familie kämpft und gleichzeitig noch die Frau seines Herzens zurück gewinnen will. Außerdem waren seine Gefühle und Gedanken authentisch geschildert.

Auch Holland war durch aus eine interessante Protagonistin. Ihre Gesetzestreue und ihre Loyalität Menschen die ihr wichtig sind gegen über macht sie mir sehr sympathisch. Aber ihre Sturheit war ein bisschen anstrengend.
Abschließend lässt sich sagen dieser Roman ist etwas für Menschen die Kriminalfälle gepaart mit Romantik stehen. Ich hat ein paar Dinge die mich gestört haben und deshalb bekommt dieser Roman von mir vier von Fünf Sternen
Rezensionsemsplar von Netgally, habe aber trotzdem eine Freie Meinung und keine Vereinbarungen

ashnight's review against another edition

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This series just brings you further into the conspiracy. Love how each character has their own story. Not like other series like this where the story feels the same no matter which character it is about.

They all have their own story that also is part of a bigger picture. Cannot wait for the next one.

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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Big Easy Temptation
3.5 Stars

Series note: This is book #3 in The Perfect Gentlemen and continues immediately from where the previous book ended. As such, the series must be read in order.

The story is presented in three different time periods: Dax and Holland's initial meeting nine years prior to the events of Seduction in Session, followed by their investigation into the death of Dax's father three years earlier, and finally a return to the present and the revelations concerning the ongoing story arc.

When done well, flashbacks can contribute significantly to character and plot development. However, in this case, it is a mixed bag. While the details concerning Dax's father are interesting and necessary for advancing the storyline, the romance in these sections is problematic primarily due to Dax and Holland's inevitable separation and the fact that the reader is constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop.

That said, Dax and Holland have the sweetest romance of the three so far. It is obvious that they care deeply for one another, and the hurt and betrayal that keep them apart are heart-breaking. Their reconciliation in the present is one of the best aspects of the book despite one or two asshat moments on Dax's part and Holland's tendency toward being too forgiving.

With regard to the conspiracy, there are some excellent twists and turns and some great actions scenes. Nevertheless, there are still more questions than answers and I look forward to finally learning the truth behind it all.

Dax's sister, Augusta Spencer, and the 4th Perfect Gentleman, Roman Calder, are the focus of the next book, and I look forward to the feisty Gus finally putting Roman and his machinations in their place.