
The Play by Karina Halle

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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This book....oh man this book just killed me on so many levels. Kayla is just hilarious and Lachlan is gorgeous. This book was just deep and raw on so many levels. It wasn't just the sex scenes, although those were raw and sexy. It was the rawness to Lachlan's life and therefore his personality. Kayla was just blunt but some of that rawness bled over to her in a way that she desperately needed.

Lachlan was always the "realest" person in the room. He was unapologetic although somehow still ashamed of himself. It's on odd dichotomy although one I found myself understanding, and his ability to give to the dogs was just unparalleled. I loved that there was this soft and tender side to him that no one else really got to see. It was sweet to read about in a man who didn't seem to have a sweet side. Lachlan and Kayla together were just heartbreakingly amazing. Heartbreaking because I knew that Karina Halle would never be able to let their love go without some kind of hardship. And for two people who had already been through so much real, raw life it was a hard thing to read.

I'll admit I shed plenty of tears in this book, and none more than when Kayla and Lachlan were separated (not a spoiler you can see it coming from the synopsis) but I loved this book. I loved it for so many reasons but these characters were a huge part of it. I'm giving the book 5 out of 5 stars.

*I have to take a moment to just talk about the generosity of Karina Halle for a moment. This book features a man who loves to save dogs, and Karina Halle took money from her own sales to raise money to save dogs at animal shelters. She's fucking amazing.

*This review was first posted at Moonlight Gleam Reviews

theproficientreader's review against another edition

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Third straight book I've given just 3 stars (Friction and The Fall Up). I feel like it's just me though.

allibruns's review against another edition

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Easily the best Karina Halle novel. It was sweet, sexy, broke my heart into a thousand pieces and put it all together again.

bergamotandbooks's review against another edition

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5 stars - amazing!!! Loved this one even more than the previous two. Tissues required!

milshollini's review against another edition

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Тази поредица ми е много носталгична и си я слушам с голямо удоволствие. По принцип интересното на Карина Хали е, че героите ѝ не са перфектни, излъскани и девствени до мига, в който срещат другия главен герой. Засяга сериозни теми (без да влиза в дълбочина, все пак говорим за любовни романи) като бедност, гентрификация и достъп до жилища, самотно родителство, но и алкохолизъм, борба със зависимости.

И страшно ме кефи, че всичките ѝ герои са някакви тежки метъли, много е сладичко. Като се замисля - повечето авторки на ЛР, които слагат плейлисти залитат именно към рок/метъл и/или тежък хип-хоп. Не е лошо :)

Както и да е, от трите книги досега, тази беше най-интересна (и дълга). Лаклан и Кейла може да не са най-симпатичните герои (по всички бг стандарти тя си пада малко ковра, той е доста токсичен) в началото, но има нещо в образите и във връзката им, което ме накара да ме е грижа за тях.

Само не знам Карина Хали откъде ще продължи да вади братовчеди на Макгрегър...

morlas_books's review against another edition

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Karina Halle - The Play - Spiel nicht mit mir
Kayla Moore war bisher immer auf der Suche nach wilden Abenteuern. Doch sie spürt, dass ihr das nicht mehr ausreicht. Sie hat genug von Bekanntschaften für eine heiße Nacht. Gerade da taucht Lachlan McGregor in ihrem Leben auf. Der unwiderstehliche schottische Rugbyspieler ist ein äußerst geheimnisvoller Bad Boy. Schweigsam und unglaublich attraktiv. Und Kayla muss sich entscheiden: Will sie sich erneut auf das Spiel der Liebe einlassen oder hat sie zu viel Angst davor?
Da ich vom vorherigen Teil „The Offer“ - Liebe mich nicht, so begeistert war wollte ich auch den dritten Teil der Serie lesen!
Danke an den @heyne Verlag für das Rezensionsexemplar!
Das Buch zu lesen kam mir wie eine Ewigkeit vor.
Am Ende schlug ich dann schlussendlich das Buch zu und hatte eine leichte Zornesfalte auf meiner Stirn. 593 Seiten und auf den letzten 100 Seiten passiert alles auf einmal.
Ich muss zugeben ich hatte wirklich Probleme mit Lachlan. Ich kann mit diesem Namen „Lachlan“ schon mal nichts anfangen und stolperte beim Lesen bei jedem „Lachlan“ gekonnt darüber. Das mich ein Name so nervt hatte ich tatsächlich noch nie in einem Buch!
Auch seine normale Seite und seine Sexseite empfand ich sehr differierend.
War er ohne Sex der nicht sprechende Mann und sehr in sich gekehrt, mutierte er beim Sex zur Maschine. Wörter wie „deine Möse“ und „deine Muschi“ passten in meiner „Lachlan“ Kopfwelt nicht zu ihm. Ich fand das alles ein wenig verwirrend und fand schlecht Zugang zu Lachlan. Er holte mich einfach garnicht ab!
Die Geschichte an sich hat mir eigentlich richtig gut gefallen, aber es hat sich für mich einfach nur in die Länge gezogen!
Fast 600 Seiten nur Liebesgeschnulze und Sex! Es passierte auf 400 Seiten wirklich nichts!
Außer ein „Ich liebe Dich“ gefolgt von einem „Ich liebe dich auch“ und dann der heiße Sex!
Spaziergänge ohne Ende und Pubs so weit die Buchseiten reichen. Liebe und Liebe machen!
Ich bin eine Leserin, die Drama, Drama und noch mehr Drama braucht. Ich habe nicht umsonst den Spitznamen „Drama Queen“.
Aber hier sind wir weit, wirklich weit entfernt von Drama!
Ein Liebesroman der an Kitsch und Sex nur so trieft.
Ich würde wirklich gerne 3 Sterne gegeben aber das Buch hat mich überhaupt nicht abgeholt.
Ich kann das Buch weiter empfehlen an Leser die Storys mögen wo nicht viel passiert außer Händchen halten und Liebesbekundungen, gefolgt vom wilden hemmungslosen Sex der mit einem Spaziergang endet.
Sry not my Story!
2 ⭐️/ 5 ⭐️
Die Leuchtschrift gefällt mir sehr gut aber das Paar, diese Menschen darauf nicht.
Würden die Menschen nicht am Cover sein wären mir die Farben doch etwas zu schrill gewählt.
3 ⭐️/ 5 ⭐️

__livesbtweenpgs__'s review against another edition

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Blown away!

Wow, this is only my third book by Karina that I have read and I love her to pieces. I have to say I was favoring Bram but lach is my favorite for sure with Bram closely behind him. I can't wait to read more from karina.

georgilvsbooks's review against another edition

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Lachlan has been brought up in ruff conditions as a child, abandoned by his mother at age 5. Filled with guilt for his mistakes as a young adult.

Kayla has had her heart broken, refuses to get close with anyone and just has endless sex quite frankly!

Both the main characters have got it bad. I felt they needed each other to survive this life, no longer be lonely. No longer watching others living a life while they just sit back and watch.

I absolutely loved Kayla. Her opening line...
"How long do you have to be absent of dick before you're considered re-virginized?" Had me laughing so much.

I loved the friendship between Kayla, Steph and Nicola. "We've all got the right dicks right now"

The rugby scene? Oh my days!!!! Imagine getting to tackle some hot Scottish beast in the rain.

This book was brilliant! Lots of laugh out moments, plenty of hot steamy sex!!!!

Loved reading about Edinburgh (my home town) :)

Well done Karina Halle. I love you even more now. Your stories always amaze me!!


yesididbringabook's review against another edition

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I found the dog aspect very interesting, one of those intriguing parts of a book that teaches you random facts that you tell people, "I read somewhere once..."