
Up to Me by M. Leighton

chloemariexo's review against another edition

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Really enjoyed this! Yet more twists, can't wait to read the next book!

kirstym3692's review against another edition

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DNF at 40%. Part 1 was ok but this was just horrible.

diana_acc's review against another edition

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Tiene mas sorpresas que el libro anterior y me parecen geniales, pero.... No me gusta mucho el cliché de la chica que aparece y hace que el chico malo cambie y se vuelva territorial y hasta crea una cierta dependencia.
Si nos enfocamos en el tema de la Mafia, es Wow, todo lo que pasa, desde querer hacer un intercambio por los libros que tiene Cash en su poder y secuestros para poder amenzarlos.
Y bien lo dice el epílogo no pueden confiar en nadie

aahacara's review against another edition

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Loved it.

pamgodwin's review against another edition

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This Bad Boys sequel carries the same sexy tone as the first and picks up where Down To You leaves off. The H/h relationship is fun, scorching, convincing and, with the continued Cash twist from Book 1, original. But the twist in this book is neither original nor convincing. It feels more like an after-thought than a fine-tuned plot element. As for the plot itself, the quest to free the father from prison and safeguard the accounting books mounts. But you might find it difficult to care about the success of this mission. Maybe the stakes aren't high enough. Maybe the father doesn't play a large enough role in the story to matter. Regardless of the reason, the conflict serves as more of a distraction than a page-turner. Still...the writing is just as skillful and compelling as the first book and the romance is fun to read.

casimoore's review against another edition

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Loved it more than the first! I like how there is a background thriller/suspense storyline in addition to their love story. It really kept me on edge and not wanting to put it down. Not sure when the 3rd book comes out but I hope it is soon - I need to find out what happens!

meghayes11's review against another edition

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I thought this was only okay and didn't really seem to cover much since the last book except to throw in the one twist.

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Read more of my reviews and ramblings at Ana's Attic Book Blog

If you haven’t read Down To You by M. Leighton, STOP RIGHT HERE. Read that book. If you continue from here, there will be spoilers for Book 1–Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Up To Me picks up where Down To You left us in that huge cliffhanger. Luckily, even though there will be a third book, Up To Me does not end in a cliffhanger, and even has a happy end.

Cash……oh Cash, he is still one of my top FFs (Fictional Fucks). Hot, sweet, sexy, commanding, alpha bad-boy Cash was back in full swing, in fact in even hotter scenes than Down To You.

“I guess I’ll just have to show you when you get back then. And if you happen to be wearing panties, make it a pair you hate. It’ll be the last time you see them intact. Consider yourself warned”

And Olivia’s friend Ginger was back making me laugh again:

“And just as I suspected. I’ve been worrying my ass off and you’ve been having multiple orgasms at the head of a Greek god’s penis. Figures.”
“Who’s phone are you calling from? Did you find a third penis to add to the mix?”

But this story was much more of a romantic suspense with action, guns, Russian mafia…all that kind of stuff. And I really enjoyed it. All the while, Cash was……..oooh Cash……oh, sorry, sometimes I get a little too swoony thinking of Cash. And it really started pissing me off that Olivia, who I loved in the first book, wouldn’t get over the bad-boy thing; she couldn’t trust him. But he kept convincing her…with orgasms!! (Oh PLEASE Cash, convince me!)

“Can you trust me? Please! I know I’ve not given you many reasons to, but this one time, just go with your heart. I promise you, promise you, I won’t let you down.”
…I want to be worth the risk. I want her to finally fall for the right guy.

But she can’t get over her mother’s influence (what a bitch her mother is!)

“Oh God how I want him! I’ve never wanted someone this way. So deeply. So completely. So desperately. But that’s the part that gets me into trouble. It’s the part that scares me.

But Cash keeps pushing for that trust:

“Trust in what you know about me. Because I know if you stop listening to your fear, you know who I am. Deep down. You know me Olivia. You know me.
…And when my lips are on yours, you trust me….you trust me when my hands are on your skin….you trust me when you turn your mind off when you just feel.”

Remember in Down to You there was a twist? Well hang on to your hat, there is one here too! And like last time, it had floated through my mind, but I discounted it because it didn’t make sense. So I was just like:

*****SEMI-SPOILER***** Now, I don’t want to spoil the twist so I won’t say what it is, but if you think about it after, it DOES.NOT.MAKE.SENSE. What was the purpose? It took me a while, even after to book to realize how little sense it made. What was the purpose???

-Cash. Need I say more?
-Newcomer Gavin…now this is a guy I’d like to see in another book!
-Fuckhot sex scenes (bookmarked for a later read).
-Fun and exciting action and adventure.
-Funny flirting banter throughout the book

-Olivia couldn’t get over herself.
-Olivia doing the typical dumb blonde move.
-The twist had no purpose.
-Marissa seemed to have undergone a brain transplant and I don’t buy it.

Rating: 4 Stars 4.5 Heat

Down To You was one of my favorite books last year. Though I really enjoyed Up To Me, there was enough that bothered me that it wasn’t up to the first book for me. That being said, I still loved it, I’m even crazier about Cash, and I will still grab the next book, even though it is apparently about characters I don’t even like (and if I said who, I’d ruin the surprise!)

“He’s everywhere. He’s on my skin, under my skin, in my heart, in my soul”

So let me know, who is on your FF list? If you read this, if you really think about it, does the twist make sense???? If you put a spoiler in your comment please mark it **SPOILER before your comment. Thanks!

malloryevans's review against another edition

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Loved the story... Had lots of "OH SHIT" moments and lots a hot scenes... I still can't get over the bar sex scene... Has to be one of the hottest moments...prob shouldn't have read it at work.... Yeah definitely shouldn't have read it at work...........but damn that was hot!!!!

julespie's review against another edition

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Oops. Clicked 4 when I meant to click 3.

I enjoyed this book because I enjoy Cash and I probably would have given this 4 stars if it didn't end so abruptly. Nash is beaten and stabbed and they are given 3 days to do what they need to in order to get these Russian Mafia dudes of their backs and then THE END. WTH? I know Book 3 is eventually coming and it will be Nash's story and I assume Marissa since she's been reborn after her kidnapping incident but come on... it just abruptly ended. I needed a tiny bit more closure than that!

And I'm more than irritated with the relationship between Nash & Cash. It was understood that some animosity would be there considering Nash was presumed dead but wasn't and he was in hiding for all those years but to have him saying he thinks his brother is invovled somehow that he doesn't trust him? That's a far stretch.