
Her Fierce Warrior by Paige Tyler

lisa_me's review against another edition

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Minka is a hybrid that Angelo found while on an Army Special Forces assignment in Tajikistan. Minka was running away from the doctors who had made and tortured her. She was out of control, but calmed around Angelo. Angelo escorted her back to the states and the Department of Covert Operations (the shifter organization).

Someone in the DCO is funding the rogue doctors, and the director of the DCO (John) is trying to discover who it is.

Minka and Angelo tangle with some of the chairmen of the DCO, and are forced to go on a deadly mission that has an ulterior motive.

If they survive that, the lovers will be separated when Angelo has to return to this Special Forces team.
I enjoyed this book. But the best parts...well, read on.

But first, I wondered why
SpoilerAngelo was the only person who could calm Minka. Was it insta-love that did it?
I expected there to be an explanation.

The absolute best parts of this book, however, were that some secrets were revealed. Some of them the reader already knew but were finally revealed to another character. But other secrets were revealed to the reader and were jaw-dropping game-changers! Wow! If you're reading this series, don't skip this one!

sissykat31's review against another edition

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I liked the romance and suspense in the book.

romancejunkie1025's review against another edition

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a really fun story and i loved all the twists and turns. I'm enjoying this series very much and i cannot wait to see who falls in love next.

inmyhumbleopinion's review against another edition

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Another high energy, pnr/romantic suspense from the fantastic Paige Tyler. Although this book can be read standalone I believe you will enjoy it so much more if you’ve read the others first. In this installment we are given some answers and a whole lot more questions. We meet Minka running from the sadistic bastards who have injected her with a serum made with Ivy’s harvested DNA creating a beast inside her that she doesn’t understand. It is her good luck that she runs into the one American company of service men who get what she is and can get her help. She attaches to Angelo and won’t let go. He grounds her. So he is charged with bringing her back to America and the DCO where nothing is as it seems and there are multiple games in play. But between Angelo and the good folks at DCO Minka is given every tool to get the beast inside under control but not much time. I really like Minka. She isn’t perfect but she is real. Angelo is hot and kind and also not perfect. These two are made for each other. Run and get this series.
Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

elenajohansen's review against another edition

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As a military romance, I'm underwhelmed. Everyone in this secret shifter organization doesn't seem to give a single eff about any sort of rules, up to an including the director of said organization. Yes, okay, I picked this up free and didn't realize I was starting the series in the middle, but I quickly gathered that Angelo and Minka aren't the first couple in this series who are breaking the non-fraternization rule.

So it's not much of a rule at all, is it? Not even a guideline.

And without at least a token nod to military discipline, this was really just a bunch of buff dudes and shifter ladies running amok in poorly done action scenes.

I was prepared to give this a bit of a pass, in terms of plot, because it's my own fault if I didn't understand something because I didn't read the previous entries in the series. But honestly, so much page time was devoted to back story that I didn't feel lost, but it did detract from the immediacy of the romance and main plot. Also there was a B-plot romance over maybe two or three chapter's worth of text between two semi-random people as well, who are probably holdovers from another book, or maybe a preview to a future book, but it felt really out of place. How was there room for that too?

I said the action was bad, and it was, but the non-action stuff isn't much better. I felt talked down to. After a tense scene from Angelo's perspective, where his observations about Minka learning to control her beast within gave me a solid handle on what she was probably feeling, the next chapter in her POV took its first two pages to rehash the scene and explain, in great detail, exactly how she felt at every point. Which was incredibly frustrating, because I already had that all figured out! Don't tell me twice! Trust me not to be a complete idiot!

Most of the book felt the same way. I usually do fine with dual-POV in romances, but not when the author uses that structure to repeat herself in case I was too stupid to figure it out the first time.

mags_louise's review against another edition

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***ARC kindly provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

I must just start by saying both the genre and author are new to me but there was just something about the synopsis that intrigued me enough to request it on NetGalley and to take a chance on it and I'm really glad that I did. In fact the story had me so hooked I didn't want to put it down and sleep (unfortunately though I couldn't keep my eyes open) but as soon as I woke this morning I dived straight back in determined not to do anything until I had finished it.

The story itself was really gripping and although I did struggle a little in the beginning with some of the terms and trying to understand who was who and how the entire team worked. However once I had that all figured out, it was easy to get lost in the story, and really root for the characters especially Minka who was mistreated so horribly in the beginning and I loved the relationship that developed between her and Angelo, and also the friendships Minka forged with Ivy, Tanner, and Layla. Which really helped Minka understand her new capabilities and gain control over them too.

Overall this was a very exciting and entertaining story, with very likable characters, a few hot moments and some kick ass action and I would happily recommend it to others and I will definitely be catching up with everything I have missed so far in this fab series. :-)

tirmer's review against another edition

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jasmyn9's review against another edition

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Yes! Finally a lead in the hybrid case and who may (or may not) be behind it all. All thanks to Minka - a new hybrid that Angelo finds running for her life and terrified. Another very exciting, but not in a non-stop action way like some of the books are, story with lots of great moments of every sort. The development of this overall story arc was the best part of this book for me. Finally moving forward with some good solid information was great.

Minka is super special - in a lot of ways. She's incredible smart and has a heart of gold. She is a bit of a delicate personality as well. Understandably terrified and confused about what has been done to her, she latches on to Angelo and doesn't let go (quite literally). He becomes her anchor, the one thing she needs to continue to be the person she knows she is.

We've met Angelo here and there in the past books as one of Landon's ex-teammates. He's a great guy, but sometimes there just didn't seem to be much to him. I'm finding a hard time thinking of something about him that really stood out from all the other heroes. Incredibly protective towards Minka, they do make a cute couple. They have some adorable moments that you will just have to smile at - you won't be able to help yourself.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

loverofromance's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceMy Review Updated


Angelo, a member of an elite special forces team, run into a lone woman, that is full of fear and displaying signs in a human he has never witnessed. But Angelo has a calming influence on Minka. Minka has just escaped from being tortured and turned into a creature she doesn't recognize...a monster. She is frightened and determined to escape from those that tormented her. But after she is attacked and defends herself and turns into a rogue, there is one person that brings calm to her inner beast and brings her back...a sexy military agent Angelo. Minka is brought back to the center, where she goes under counseling, and recovery and learning to control herself and the inner animal that lives inside her. Meanwhile there is a plot of traitors and Minka and Angelo will need to join forces to get to the bottom of it.

Plot and Story Line

In Her Fierce Warrior we have another fantastic story that Paige Tyler. I have enjoyed this world that she has created and we get another great addition. We also get another fun romance here. I liked this story and seeing more progression in the series of certain events and truths revealed. We see more from Landon and Ivy, the building romance with our next couple in the series, and some fun bantering between our favorite side characters. What I liked is having another rogue being a main character. Minka's story was pretty heartbreaking and pulls at your heart in moments. I loved her strengths and also her vulnerabilities. I loved how Paige Tyler really brings to light the consequences on a person who suffers from torture or PTSD and showing ways to heal and recover under various circumstances. I loved the strength that Minka has here...she is a winning heroine. The romance that is between Angelo and Minka is fun and engaging. I did love how these two come together, and there isn't much conflict that holds them back from each except for Angelo still being in the military. What I loved about these two, is how they embrace the moments they have together and make the most of them. I really liked the teaser at the end that makes me excited for Layla's book and maybe some more truths revealed about the traitors involved.

The Cover

What a great cover, and I love the intense feel to it that really gives off the right feels for the book!! I love the green tones, and the poses here.

Overall View

Her Fierce Warrior is another fantastic addition to a wild and sexy series that is intense, with some crazy fun, and curl your toes with every page!!

Series Order (2)

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About The Author Updated

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audiobookmel's review against another edition

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Review originally posted at

In this series, we’ve been following the members of the DCO (Department of Covert Operations), a secret organization within Department Homeland Security. This organization takes a human and pairs them with a EVA, extremely valuable asset or shifter. However, some people within the organization would like to see it shut down. They feel that the shifters are dangerous and shouldn’t be trusted.

This is the first book in the series that the neither member of the couple is a member of DCO. This story revolves around Angelo, who is a member of the military team that our first hero original ran. Angelo is part of a special ops team that is currently stationed in Tajikistan. He stumbles upon a group of men attempting to rape a woman. Angelo, being not a douche, follows with every intention to stop the rape. Only to learn that she can take care of herself. Since he knows what she is, he calls the only people he knows that can help her, Landon, his old boss who is now with DCO.

Minka has been working with the US military in Tajikistan when she was captured and her life changed. She has been experimented on and tortured until she finally escaped. These people who tested her have turned her into a monster. She has no idea what is going on and has been stumbling through towns trying to hide. She’s been in the same clothes for a really long time and eating out of dumpsters. That is until a man shows up. He seems to calm the beast inside her.

This is another great installment in the X-Ops series. Angelo is a character that has been a really fun secondary character. I love that he finally gets his own story. Angelo has his reasons for not wanting a wife/girlfriend. Buy when Minka shows up in his life, he can’t help but be protective of her. Minka is a new character that we meet for the first time in this book, but she is a very solid character. She has had a lot to live through, but has made her way through life anyway.

This series is a really fun. It is full of suspense. I loved watching as the team search out and try to solve who is running the lab that created Minka. She’s a hybrid, which is a created shifter, not one who was born like most of the agents in DCO. There is also the fact that their is someone in DCO who isn’t on the side of the team. The romance is also high as we watch Minka and Angelo come together. There is an insta-love aspect to the story, but the pair do take a while to come together completely.

Even though there are many paranormal romances that can be read out of order. This is not one that I would recommend with that. Each story builds on the previous, so I would read these books in order. With this book, I would recommend you read the prequel, Her Secret Agent, before reading this one. It is free and quick read. Thanks to Sophia at Delighted Reader for the heads up. I’m really excited for the next book, Her Rogue Alpha.