
Swimming at Night by Lucy Clarke

jacki_f's review against another edition

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Katie and Mia are sisters and they are complete opposites. Katie is organised and responsible, while Mia doesn't last 5 minutes in a job and is very highly strung. They have been raised by their mother after their father left when they were very young. After their mother dies of cancer, Mia spontaneously decides to take a trip around the world with her best friend, Finn. Several months later, after only very sporadic contact from Mia, Katie is woken by a knock on the door in the middle of the night. Mia's body has been found at the foot of a cliff in Bali and the authorities have concluded that she committed suicide. Katie's reaction is one of disbelief - Mia wouldn't have done that. In the end, armed with Mia's travel journal, she decides to trace Mia's footsteps around the world in an effort to understand what was going through Mia's head and whether Mia killed herself or not.

This is an easy book to read and it's an interesting premise but the story hinges on so many unlikely coincidences and choices and that really undermined it for me. I couldn't imagine anyone behaving like Katie did. Your sister has killed herself on the other side of the world, you can't imagine what was going through her head and you're armed with her travel diary - so wouldn't you read it? Or talk to the friend who was travelling with her? But no, instead of doing any of these things - and despite the fact that she's getting married in four months' time - Katie books a three month trip for herself, deciding to go to all the places that Mia visited and only read the travel diary day by day, when she's in the same place where Mia was as she wrote each entry. So for example she spends a month travelling up and down the West Coast of Australia before even heading to Bali. It just doesn't feel even remotely realistic!

I also felt that the characters were hard to believe. They tended to behave in ways that served the plot rather than ways that real people would behave. Katie and Finn in particular felt quite under-developed to me. There are also lots of back stories between the various characters which will emerge over the course of the book. So what that means is that people withhold information so that it doesn't get revealed too early - Ed in particular does something midway through the book that I think he would actually have done much earlier (I won't explain further but if you've read the book you'll know what I mean).

So in summary, this is a good holiday read, undemanding and reasonably intriguing, with plenty of twists and a mystery that holds out till the end. However I didn't feel that it was in any way a standout. I did however like the descriptions of the places that Mia and Katie travel too - they really came alive for me and made me feel like slinging a backpack on myself!

In the US, this book has been published under the title "Swimming at Night" and in the UK as "The Sea Sisters".

casimoore's review against another edition

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Great book. Different plot than anything I've read before. I had figured out why Mia left in the beginning though, so that wasn't a shock.

raleyv12's review against another edition

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This wasn't a bad book. I liked that the characters were flawed. They have became distant and understood each other less over time. It's incredible Katie didn't criticize Mia for traveling, abandoning Finn for Noah, going to Bali or even the way she died. Katie took it all in and found a great outcome. Katie traveled to understand Mia feeling guilty that their fight had caused her death but left learning who Mia was, knowing Mia loved her as much as she loved her.

Now I'm going to rant since I can't stand people who act on impulse and realized the consequences of their actions afterwards:

I wasn't expecting the reasonings behind Mia's actions. She isn't thinking rationally and it cause her to die in the end. She was influence by her affair with Katie's fiancé, Ed to travel around. It was accidental since they were both drunk but she somewhat did it to get back at Katie having a relationship with Mia's best friend (who she is also traveling with) Finn. Like I understand not having a good relationship with your sister but Mia crossed a boundary and acted petty over her friend dating her sister. You don't even like him! I feel like she was stringing him along emotionally since she kissed him once and he began to have feeling for her.

And here is the kicker, she sleeps with Finn after mentioning she slept with Ed to get back at Katie. Who sleeps with someone after hearing that? (Ok she was drunk but that is the only excuse I'll give her!) She says "You were the only one who looked at me first when you entered a room and then suddenly you were with Katie". Right it justifies what you did... I didn't forget how Finn is in the wrong too. He KNOWS she likes Noah and doesn't have feelings for him.

Literally when I read the part when Mia found out about Finn not telling her where Noah was, (this was the day after they had sex) I said, "No, no, no" like a 100 times. This will not be his fault for you sleeping with him. He stop you before things started to make sure you consented to it. This makes her decide to go to Bali where Noah is and abandons Finn. She abandon her plans to chase after a guy who hardly showed feelings for her. Finally after so much push and pull, he admitted he liked her but certain events happen and he ran to a cliff, feeling guilty of his brother's death. She tells him he jumps then I jump too. Then she loses balance and dies. Great way to risk your life over someone you met in a couple of months.

In the middle of nowhere, the minute we find out Katie had dated Finn, she realizes that she always loved him. I don't understand how in the beginning there was never a mention she had any feelings for Finn. There should have been hints to show there was some history between them.

lucycatten's review against another edition

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So first up is this gem of a debut novel by Lucy Clarke. I came to read this after hearing and reading about it so many times that the recommendations reached a kind of critical mass in my brain. This is very often how I read these days; rather than spontaneously choosing something that has a great blurb, I’m tending to choose things I’ve heard about numerous times through a combination of my regular podcasts (the subject of another blog post I think!), reviews via twitter or Writer’s Forum magazine, friends recommendations and author interviews.

(Quick aside – the latter is an interesting one actually as it has prompted me to try books by authors I wouldn’t normally buy. If the author sounds interesting and can describe really well what their motivation was for writing a certain novel, I almost can’t bear NOT to read it. I’m really interested in this, how do you choose what to read? Leave me a comment).

Anyway, on with the actual subject of this blog post! Lucy’s novel ticked a lot of boxes for me; it was a debut novel from a British author (with a great name!) who had struggled initially to get published and who, after studying English at University, ended up working in the business world despite the strong signs that writing was what she should do. Her story struck a nerve with me, so much so that I actually started reading her novel on kindle when I was already in the middle of two other books – something I NEVER do. Once I’d downloaded it, I read over 40% of the 400 pages in one sitting.

The blurb says:

Two sisters, one life-changing journey…

There are some currents in the relationship between sisters that run so dark and so deep, it’s better for the people swimming on the surface never to know what’s beneath . . .

Katie’s carefully structured world is shattered by the news that her headstrong younger sister, Mia, has been found dead in Bali – and the police claim it was suicide.

With only the entries of Mia’s travel journal as her guide, Katie retraces the last few months of her sister’s life, and – page by page, country by country – begins to uncover the mystery surrounding her death.

What she discovers changes everything. But will her search for the truth push their sisterly bond – and Katie – to breaking point?

The Sea Sisters is a compelling story of the enduring connection between sisters.

Which I’ll be honest, wasn’t enough for me to read it. In fact, it was enough for me to pick it up from the virtual book-shelf at Amazon and discard it a few times. Not having a sister (or even a brother), the way the blurb positions the story with the sibling relationship as the central theme was a big turn off. Having now finished it, a far greater hook for me as a reader would have been the mystery surrounding Mia’s death which doesn’t feel strongly emphasised enough in the few lines above.

Anyway, as the blurb suggests, at the news of her sister’s death in Bali, the flying-phobic Katie drops everything, leaving behind a successful job and a fiancé she is due to marry in a few months’ time, to travel around the world in her sisters footsteps by following her travel journal entries. She flies where Mia flew, stays in the same hostels and eats in the same restaurants. The story is told in two halves with one following Katie’s experience and the other following Mia, before they converge at the end in a satisfying denouement.

The sister’s travels are not centred on local tourist attractions or ‘places’ as such. Mia’s choice to depart England is written very much as a ‘running away’ rather than a desire to actually see and experience the places she visits (with one exception). Interestingly, this was one aspect of the novel I was partially dreading; I think I had pictured a kind of Dan-Brown-esque romp around Australia and Indonesia, but in the end I was actually left a little dissatisfied at the lack of local colour and detail. I’d have liked a little bit more.

One landscape that is painted in great detail throughout the novel though, as indeed you may expect from the title, is that of the sea. If I hadn’t already heard Lucy Clarke in an interview describing how she lives by the sea and completes much of her best writing on the beach (another ‘hook’ that drew me to the novel in the first place), I think I would still have been able to glean a special relationship with the sea from the story. It is interesting though that despite her obvious love for it, in the Sea Sisters the sea is more often painted as dangerous, frightening and uncontrollable than as serene, inspiring and comforting.

When I try and describe the two sisters on paper, they sound drawn as stereotypical polar opposites but I have to say that wasn’t something that bothered me too much when I was reading. Even in appearance Katie is fair and Mia dark and their characteristics bear that distinction out. Katie likes to be in control and as such, has a fear of flying and the sea; she has a good, steady job with a good,
steady income and a steady man waiting in the wings. She is the ‘good sister’ who looked after her mum in her decline and was holding her hand when she died.

Mia is wild and unruly. She loves the sea and far from having a fear of flying, is quite happy jumping out of a plane in her search for the next adrenaline rush. She moves from job to job and never has enough money. She found facing up to her mother’s illness hard and so avoided it, thereby missing her mother’s death and running from difficult situations ever since. She has no steady, romantic interest in her life and tends to make bad decisions when it comes to love and sex.

Both characters actually come across in the novel as very human. I didn’t love either of them, but I did come to understand their various drives, motivations and desires. Woven into the main story is a sub-plot about Katie and Mia’s absent father which added depth to the story and helped explain some of this. I can’t go into more detail about that without spoilers so I’ll stop there…

Of all the characters in the novel, my favourite by far was Finn; Mia’s lifelong friend who drops everything to accompany Mia on her travels. Finn is amazing. There’s a part of me that wants a friend like Finn but another part that wants to mother him, wrap him up in a blanket and feed him chicken soup.

On the flip side, I really hated Ed – Katie’s fiancé. It’s very hard to write dialogue in a novel that sounds meaningful when it is peppered with as many ‘darling’ references as Ed uses. It just sounds patronising and for a woman drawn as strong and independent as Katie, I couldn’t imagine why in the world she would choose a man that spoke to her like a child. But perhaps that was the point…

Despite the obvious differences between the sisters, at the end of the novel you’re left wondering how different they actually are. Part of the tragedy certainly comes from the fact that despite not having the best relationship when Mia was alive, deep down both sisters envied those characteristics of the other that had most obviously come to define them. Perhaps the real conclusion to the novel is that to get the most from life we should all aim for some kind of ‘balance’ and ‘middle ground’, neither sitting wholly at one end of the spectrum of control, or the other.

The main plot question – did Mia commit suicide or not – is answered at the end of the novel. For a moment I did wonder whether it was going to leave me hanging and I’m not sure how I would have felt about that. I did feel that the way it came to be answered was a little too neat and tidy but I was also grateful I knew. Bit of a paradox there. I certainly wasn’t sure which way it was going to go until the end so it did keep me guessing nicely. Did it make me cry? No, but there were occasions in the novel where I did have a lump in my throat.

Overall I really did enjoy the novel. I read it at the right time too – with the sun just beginning to make its appearance in the UK which made the references to the sun and heat in Bali all the more poignant. The only thing that would have made the physical reading experience better would have been a beach to read it on! Of course you can’t write a review without touching on what you didn’t like but these were all minor points and shouldn’t be over-emphasised. Any novel that I can escape into for 170 pages in one go is a good ‘un as far as I’m concerned and I will definitely read Lucy Clarke’s next novel with interest.

I’m always a little dubious about giving books a grade or a mark but this one gets a 4/5 from me.

sabrina80's review against another edition

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A very, very sad story but not sad enough I shed a tear. I couldn't relate to this book because the relationship I have with my sisters is non-existent and even the memories I have when we were young and lived together are not all that brilliant. That said I knew in my heart from the beginning Mia had not jumped but whether she had been pushed or it was an accident only reading the book will give you the answer. Overall an enjoyable if not very sad read but recommend giving it a go.

andrealoverke's review against another edition

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a sad but beautiful story. you hzve to read on because you want to know what happened to Mia.

saram618's review against another edition

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This book reminded me a lot of another book I read at some point. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that book was called and I can't find it anywhere on my read shelves!

This was a quick read that was mostly enjoyable. It goes back and forth between two sisters, Katie & Mia. Mia turns up dead in Bali and Katie is determined to find out the truth about Mia's death. She does so by following the path left behind in Mia's travel journal. Mia's chapters are told from her perspective before her death as they fit into the story of the journal.

I'll admit, I was into the story and also wanted to know the truth of Mia's death. There were some soap-operaish parts along the way, but I was willing to accept them. This was the perfect read for a day at the beach :)

baby_mcbabyface's review against another edition

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Well written but I really didn’t like it. I can see why it’s someone’s exact cup of tea tho. I personally was hoping for more of the mystery 

librarianshell's review against another edition

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Oh man was this one heavy. I went into it expecting something a bit more like One of the Girls, which I adored, but I think this was just too depressing for me. I do really appreciate Clarke’s skill at turning a mystery into much more than that. She is really good at examining relationships.

adw7984's review against another edition

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I don’t really know what I was expecting with this book, but I was pleasantly surprised by what I read. I think I was expecting more of a thriller, but instead I got a beautifully, poignant story of heartbreak between sisters.

At first, it is hard to find anything to like about Mia. What was she running away from? I definitely knew there was something between Ed and Mia from the beginning, and was happy when Katie figured it all out.

I love how the chapters rotated between Katie’s current journey and Mia’s past journey. It was fascinating to read Katie’s reactions to Mia’s journal, and it really gave the character of Mia more depth. We really got some insight into where her mind was during her trip, and we also found out that things aren’t always as they seem.

I’m happy that this book had a resolution. I thought for sure we wouldn’t really find out what happened to Mia, which would have been realistic. Think about it, when people commit suicide the question of why always hangs in the air and usually there is no closure. Fortunately, we did get resolution and Katie got resolution. Hopefully Katie will be able to move on with her life and let go of her guilt surrounding Mia’s death.

This book was beautifully written and quite a surprise, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

*This book was provided for review on Confessions of a Bookaholic. All thoughts and opinions are my own.