
Light by

mehsi's review against another edition

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

In a world without colour a little guy (or girl, but I see it more as a guy) goes on a journey to find several shiny, colourful crystals. What will happen when he gathers them all?

I was immediately interested in this one when I spotted it at Netgalley. I am all for quests, I love playing RPGs and this one reminded me of just that.

The story is told entirely through the illustrations. Each page is one illustration. There are no voices, the characters are silent. But that doesn’t matter. The illustrations tell it all. An engaging, interesting, fun, exciting adventure through the world where these little guys are living in. Because yes, our MC finds a friend, and they travel together. Beating monsters, running for their lives, searching for those shiny, colourful gems.

The book mostly has black backgrounds, some pages are black and white, but there are a lot of vibrant pages as well, which just looks gorgeous considering the black background. Even in the dark the colours are visible and will leak out of the pages.

The journey was a lot of fun, and I was delighted by the ending.

The art is just beautiful, I love how everything is drawn. From the monsters to the MC, to the backgrounds.

I will be sure to add this book to my collection when it comes out. And I would highly recommend this book to everyone!

Review first posted at

geekwayne's review against another edition

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'Light by Rob Cham is a wordless comic. The book features some surprises along the way, and I liked it.

A lone character sets out on an adventure. When he is dumped into a below ground cavern, he finds a gem. This is the first of several he is trying to collect. He meets some friends that will help him, but he also meet some foes that are not happy about him taking the gems. There are giant bats and frogs and creatures I can't describe. Telling much more might give some things away, so I'll stop telling you more.

I liked it because of the adventure theme. Most of it is explained well enough to follow. I found myself lost a couple times, but re-engaged pretty quickly. The story is pretty violent at times, but that wasn't unexpected. This doesn't look like a story for children, so there is no need for it to be written as one. I really liked the ending and that way the colors evolve.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Magnetic Press/Buño, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

bookish_coven's review against another edition

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This is a silent graphic novel, which means that the story unfolds through a picture sequence narrative. I really liked this since it was the first time I read something like that!

50 Book ReviewsProfessional Reader80%Reviews Published2016 NetGalley ChallengeChallenge Participant

daynpitseleh's review against another edition

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I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

3 1/2 stars rounded up to 4

This is a text-less graphic novel, and the artwork is definitely enough to drive the story on its own. It's really unique - the work I would most relate it to would be Bone. Overall, an interesting graphic novel.

ljrinaldi's review against another edition

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This is quite a lovely wordless graphic novel, but beyond being lovely there isn't much there.

Yes, the Bone like character goes in search of the jewels in the underground, and makes friends with a small creature not unlike him or herself. They fight creatures, and are helped by creatures, and eventually they bring the jewels to the surface and bring color to the world. The End.

It feels as though there are missing pictures. It feels like sometimes they attack people they shouldn't, which is shown, but other times they are helped by creatures that come out of nowhere.

It is all nice enough, but it is a simple plot, and perhaps it is meant to be that way.

So, three stars for the beautiful art, but the plot it self was a bit of a non-starter.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

ari_at_the_bookish_coven's review against another edition

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This is a silent graphic novel, which means that the story unfolds through a picture sequence narrative. I really liked this since it was the first time I read something like that!

50 Book ReviewsProfessional Reader80%Reviews Published2016 NetGalley ChallengeChallenge Participant

elevetha's review against another edition

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*An ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

2.5 stars.

While it was somewhat cute, mostly entirely due to the characters' expressions, it didn't really satisfy. The story panels did a decent job at telling the story, and I liked that it was wordless, but I really would have liked some more idea of what was taking place through panels that flowed into one another. Some of the panels seemed to jump from one to the next without much idea of what was taking place or what happened in between. The idea was nice, and what we got was okay, but I wanted more.

cathepsut's review against another edition

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My first silent comic. Didn't even know they exist. More of a picture book, really. Unusual page layout. Some black and white pages, some pages are with vibrant line art in primary colours on black backgrounds.

Our little hero strongly reminded me of the Moomins.


He has a sword and a map and is off on a quest! He makes a friend, gets chased by monsters and meets many strange creatures...


Our two little main characters are quite blood thirsty, they put the sword to good use. Despite that I would read this with children, I think they would like it just as much as I did.

Try not to read the blurb, it gives away too much. This is nicer to look at with a little mystery left. The plot is straight forward and minimalistic, but combined with the beautiful, childlike artwork this is an enchanting little piece. The creatures made me smile, I enjoyed this quite a bit.

I received this free e-copy from the publisher/author via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review, thank you!