
Hourglass by Claudia Gray

mirandac13's review

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I thought it was ok. I liked the first 2 books in the series more, but this one was pretty good too.

emma211's review

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awesome. the ending was one that left me hanging on the edge of my seat. eagerly anticipating the next book.

themarishale's review

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If you haven't read Evernight or Stargazer, I would recommend reading them, in order, before picking up Hourglass.

Yes, Hourglass mentions some of the previous issues that cropped up in the previous two books, but to fully understand the ramifications of what happens in this installment, the world building found in the previous books are necessary.

Also? This installment of the Evernight series took quite a few twist and turns. While I saw some of them coming, there were others that really surprised me.

Bianca's fate? I saw that coming from the very beginning, but I did not expect Lucas' nor Eduardo's fate, and I had really held out hope that Raquel would have been more loyal.

The continued development of the relationship between Lucas and Bianca felt natural, and I was grateful that the sex scene was more implied than explicitly detailed. It made that moment more intimate, in my opinion.

I was so very heartbroken over the ending, though, but am holding out hope that there will be a HEA for the star-crossed lovers in Afterlife.

Hourglass didn't amaze me, but I found it to be a great continuation of the Evernight series, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I can't wait for the release of Afterlife.

readingwithjulia's review

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Most interesting of the series, flew through it although all the books are easy reads
Looking forward to Balthazar’s books but also wish Vic had a book because he’s a sweetheart
Had no idea about the big twist either!
Also got a little teary at times, love that

michael__'s review

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Okay, I'm not even half way through this book, but I had to write a little something about how I felt so far. Basically, Bianca and Lucas are the most idiotic and annoying couple I've ever had the misfortune of reading about. And Bianca is probably the worst heroine in a novel. Ever. Okay, so her best friend (and almost lover) is in the next room being tortured. Lucas, the biggest douche-bag in life, is jealous because she is worried about what might happen to her friend. And then Bianca goes off with things like, "Oh Lucas, forgive me! Balthazar means nothing to me! You're the only one!" Seriously?

Gah, this book is pissing me off.


I finished it. And I must admit, it did get a little better. A little.

I still hate Bianca and Lucas with a burning passion. Especially Bianca. She has got to be the most self-centered heroine in the history of literature. Almost all the hardships in this book are caused by the fact that Bianca cannot stand to leave her beloved Lucas. Almost half the book is Bianca talking about how madly in love she is with him and how perfect he is. Seriously, give me a break. Bianca says "Lucas" more in this book than Rose says "Jack" in Titanic. And seriously Claudia Gray (if that is your real name...) stop comparing Bianca and Lucas to Romeo and Juliet. For the love of God, no matter how much you want them to be, they will never be Romeo and Juliet.

However, the plot saves this book from getting less than two stars. I've never had any doubts that Claudia Gray can spin an interesting storyline. Charity is interesting enough as an antagonist. And the part with the diving board was simple, but chilling nonetheless. The events that happen in the end are interesting as well, and should lead in to an interesting conclusion to the series.

rosebudthom's review against another edition

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The entire thing was predictable. I feel like the series should have/ could've ended here and I'm not sure I want to read the next book. Really disappointing.

j_elphaba's review against another edition

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Se após uma reviravolta surpreendente em Evernight ainda havia dúvidas sobre a capacidade desta autora em arrebatar o leitor, Ampulheta vem certamente comprovar o valor de Cladia Gray no que se trata cativar, admirar e prender a respiração dos adeptos deste género literário.
Sim, este é um livro sobre vampiros. Sim, este é um livro juvenil. Mas, definitivamente, esta história trás algo de novo e refrescante em relação a estas criaturas fortemente esmiuçadas no reino fantástico.
Em primeiro lugar as suas personagens, embora jovens, são bem trabalhas não caindo na vulgaridade e conseguindo captar a atenção na sua forma de transmitir emoção, depois existe a questão do cenário que apesar de urbano e actual tem um requinte apenas atingível pelo toque milenar do vampirismo e, por fim, existe um enredo cuidado ao pormenor, sustentado no presente, mas que permite antever que os verdadeiros mistérios se escondem antes mesmo do nascimento da protagonista que, facilmente, sofre mutações e permite uma leitura voraz e repleta de adrenalina.

Não existe uma personagem que me cative em particular, confesso-vos, embora a falibilidade de Bianca me vá conquistando assim como a sua garra crescente, no entanto penso que fica claro que ela é o género de protagonista que vai construindo, cadenciadamente, a sua empatia com o leitor porque também ela só agora começa a tomar conhecimento da dimensão o mundo em que está inserida. No que respeita ao seu par, Lucas, também cresceu bastante com este livro, embora continue a existir uma certa distância pela sua personalidade fria devido ao facto de ter sido criado pela Cruz Negra mas, atenção, ele encontra-se em evolução constante e parece estar a tornar-se um verdadeiro herói à moda antiga e o seu final neste livro deixa no ar a promessa de que poderá melhorar bastante. O restante leque de intervenientes, com maior ou menor protagonismo, são, na minha opinião, aqueles que abrilhantam este texto. Cada um dos papéis secundários dá um toque de génio a esta série através das suas qualidades e personalidades muito diferentes que cativam pelas suas particularidades peculiares, sejam elas humanas ou vampíricas, a verdade é que contribuem para manter constante o interesse nesta belíssima história de amor e sacrifício.

Quanto ao enredo este será, possivelmente, para a grande parte dos leitores, o ponto-chave que marca pela diferença. O conceito apresentado para esta raça mortífera, as suas dificuldades perante a actualidade e as suas fraquezas perante outras criaturas pouco exploradas, como os espectros, são fascinantes e aqueles que apreciam fantasia certamente encontrarão aqui algo que captará de imediato a sua atenção. O amor está presente, claro, mas é na forma como é explorado, permitindo desvendar singularidades muito criativas, que confere à narrativa atractivos genuínos.

Este é, portanto, um livro que rapidamente conquistará os fãs do maravilhoso através dos trilhos da primeira paixão e dos desígnios da morte em que não faltará muita acção, mistério, um pouco de suspense e, definitivamente, muitas surpresas ao longo de, aproximadamente, 300 páginas em que tudo pode acontecer. Acreditem, tudo mesmo.

Opinião completa:

char9222's review

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Definitely better than the previous two books - but with a bad ending. It was just... ugh.

blumenstadtkind's review

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Oh Claudia Gray… what did you do to me?

Just like with the first two books in the series I was unable to put “Hourglass” down. Not even while I was terribly exhausted, emotionally wrecked, teary eyed and tired because I spent the whole night reading through. *sigh* The pages and hours just flew by and I am once again amazed by Claudia Gray and the Story she wrote here.

At the end it was hard to decide whether I really hate this book for what it did to me and for what happens inside, or if I just really love it because it is just plain brilliant. Well it is just plain brilliant.

It is different to any other Story I´ve read so far and it never fails to completely surprise me with the twists and turns that I would´ve never expected and was pleased to see them work out the way they did.

All I have left to say right now is… I NEED “Afterlife” NOW! :)

kristid's review against another edition

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I love to be taken by surprise. It doesn't happen all that often, so I really relish the times that it does. I have to admit I was a little apprehensive when I started Hourglass. The plot was a little slow moving, there wasn't that tension or anticipation between Bianca and Lucas.. will they be together, will they not be together? I think that helped the first two novels move along a little more quickly.

The last quarter of the novel is really what did it for me. I wanted to read the book because I do enjoy the series, but had that last quarter not happened... I think my rating would have been a lot lower. Totally did not see it coming and I'm very curious as to what is going to happen next.

So besides the plot another thing that bothers me is Bianca. I don't really like her. She kind of annoys me. A LOT. Her character is just so..... mature. And not in a good mature teen kind of way, but in a very worldly mature kind of way. Which isn't what her character is supposed to be at all. She isn't a vampire that has been around for centuries, she really is just a teenager. I mean what kind of teenager uses the word lover? As in being in bed with a lover....? Maybe it's just me, but her character just isn't consistent. BUT the real character behind my love for this series is Balthazar. Give me a piece of that! Love everything about this guy and he is in this novel plenty, which I of course lapped up like a kitten would a saucer of milk. Meow! Was that too much? I'm usually not a metaphor person, but hey I'm just in that mood. I will admit that Lucas did start to grow on me a little bit. He finally grew a backbone somewhere in there.

Hourglass was a little steamier then the previous two novels as well! I'm a steamy fan though, so I enjoyed that part. And it was done tastefully too. Which is always nice, especially in young adult fiction.

Gray has a very addicting writing style I think that is what kept me going despite the slowish plot and my annoyance of Bianca. I am really looking forward to the final installment: AFTERLIFE!

(I've also heard rumors of a Balthazar spin off... YES PLEASE!)