
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

nathalyalvarez's review against another edition

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Esto es difícil.

Esta reseña la redactare bien algún día. Mientras mi mente se aclara y pongo todas estas emociones e ideas en orden, escribiré todo lo que pase por mi mente.

Suelo juzgar libros por su portada y su titulo, pensé que este era un libro chico-malo-chica-buena como otros que había leído antes.

Cuando empece a leer juzgue a Echo, pensé que era superficial y que era otra protagonista con problemas existenciales. Por otra parte, cuando leí la perspectiva de Noah me gusto mas (siempre he preferido las perspectivas masculinas, son mas sinceras y mas interesantes).

Este libro me confunde mucho, hay cosas sobre la redacción que no me gustaron demasiado. Las perspectivas me mareaban y cuando Echo tenia flashbacks tenia que re-leer varias veces para poder entenderlo.

Pero también tiene cosas que me gustaron mucho, por ejemplo, los recuerdos sobre Aires, el hermano de Echo, me cautivaban.

La historia esta dividida: por un lado esta Echo quien hace un año medio tenia una vida perfecta, era popular, era hermosa pero ocurre un incidente que la deje marcada y no solo emocionalmente sino también sus brazos los cuales están llenos de cicatrices, ¿lo mas confuso? Echo no recuerda nada sobre el incidente. Por otro lado esta Noah, quien aparentemente es el chico malo con tatuajes, mujeriego y drogadicto.

Las dos historias se entrelazan cuando Echo y Noah se encuentran en la oficina de la consejera. Desde allí se desarrolla la relación entre Echo y Noah, ¿Y quien diría? Tienen algo común: Un pasado doloroso.

Algo que me gusto fue que cada uno de los personajes tenia una historia diferente que contar, cosas que hicieron que el libro nunca fuera aburrido. En particular Echo y Noah que mientras avanza el libro, se complementaban el uno al otro.

P.S. Desearía saber mas sobre Aires y sobre la mamá de Echo. E incluso me gustaría saber que pasara con los hermanos de Noah.

andreea27's review against another edition

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Pushing the Limits a fost genul de carte care m-a atras, initial, prin titlu. In ultima vreme am observat ca a luat amploare un anumit subgen din categoria young-adult, si anume cel care trateaza subiectul abuzurilor, fie ele fizice, sexuale sau familiale.
Pushing the Limits este unul dintre acestea, insa vine cu ceva mai mult fata de celelalte. Personajele, contrar asteptarilor mele, sunt complexe intrucat evolueaza pe parcursul desfasurarii actiunilor.
Romanul ii aduce in prim-plan pe Echo Emerson si Noah Hutchins. Putem introduce desigur cliseul fetitei cuminti, ascultatoare, manata de anumite valori morale care fac din ea o domnisoara respectabila si nu o tinta usoara pentru baietii rai precum Noah. La randul sau, Noah este un personaj tip masculin al romanelor young-adult, fiind extrem de atragator, avand reputatia foarte bine cunoscuta de a fi un baiat care foloseste fetele pentru o singura noapte pe bancheta din spate a masinii. Desigur, trebuie sa existe un element comun intre aceste doua firi aparent diametral opuse. Si acela este reprezentat de viata familiala a celor doi.
Echo obisnuia sa fie una dintre cele mai populare fete din liceul ei si sa fie iubita starului echipei de basketball. Insa un accident i-a schimbat pentru totdeauna viata, facand-o sa ajunga considerata o inadaptata din punct de vedere social, inchizandu-se in ea si neavand incredere in nimeni din jurul ei.
Noah are multe responsabilitati de la o varsta destul de tanara. Ramas orfan, acesta se lupta impotriva sistemului pentru custodia celor doi frati mai mici, care au fost plasati in grija unor parinti adoptivi.
Relatia dintre cei doi evolueaza incet si, spre placerea mea, sunt adorabili impreuna. Noah, desi nu se considera deloc o persoana care sa poata oferi dragoste si stabilitate, descopera ca ar face orice pentru a o putea pastra pe Echo in viata lui. Brusca realizare de a se fi indragostit de o fata precum Echo aduce si alte probleme, cum ar fi senzatia de inferioritate, deoarece nu se considera destul de bun pentru ea, sau frica de atasament.
Ambii vor evolua pe parcursul cartii. Echo devine dintr-o fata supusa, care accepta tot ceea ce ii spuneau adultii si urmarea intocmai ordinele primite din partea tatalui sau, o fata puternica in stare sa treaca peste trecutul care a marcat-o. Si Noah se maturizeaza, realizand ca el nu va putea oferi niciodata fratilor sai ceea ce familia adoptiva le punea deja la dispozitie: stabilitate, bani, educatie la cea mai buna scoala privata din stat, iar toate acestea in afara de iubirea lor neconditionata.
Per total, Pushing the limits a fost o lectura placuta si urmeaza sa incep imediat continuarea, Dare you to.

outoftheblue14's review against another edition

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E-galley received from netgalley for review.

This is one of the most recent titles I got approved for on Netgalley. I read it straightaway because I knew it was just my genre. And I enjoyed it a lot. It reminded me a bit of Simone Elekeles' Perfect Chemistry series, in a way.

Echo Emerson used to be a popular girl who dated a basketball player. Now she's a loner with freaky scars on her arms, and can't remember how that happened. Plus, her Marine brother died in Afghanistan and she misses him terribly.

Noah Hutchins is the bad boy in a leather jacket, smoking hot, engaging only in one-night stands. He's in foster care after his parents died in the fire of their home. His younger brothers are living with a different family who wishes to adopt them, but he wants to raise them himself. In a few months, after graduation, he'll be eighteen and filing for custody.

Echo and Noah are brought together when their school therapist assigns Echo as Noah's tutor. They develop a relationship that looks so wrong on many levels, but feels so right. The attraction between them won't go away. How far can they push the limits? Can Echo learn to love again?

First of all, let me tell you this is a long book. It's slightly more than 400 pages. And you can feel it, while reading it, that it is a long book, but notin a bad way. It's like the author had to cram in the whole story about Noah and Echo, so that it could be a stand-alone book and not a series (and this I appreciate very much). On the final page of the book, there's an ad for a second book in the series focusing on Beth, Noah's foster sister. But more on that later.

I feel it's the characters, more than the events, that make this novel. I mostly felt for Echo. She has a crappy name; her brother died; her former babysitter is now her stepmother; and she can't see her real mother, because she's under a restraining order. That's much to take in. Plus, her father is more than a little overbearing, and she can't remember the accident that made her a "freak". It's not a wonder she almost cracks under the pressure.

Noah I could also sympathize with. He had to go through a lot with various foster families, most of them abusive, until he meets one who actually leaves him alone, which suits him just fine. He sees himself as this guardian-type figure for his brothers, who are both much younger than him, and thinks that their foster family is abusing them. They're not. Thankfully, at the end he realizes that taking care of two young boys would be a full-time job and he wouldn't be able to do it on his own, at eighteen, just fresh of high school.

I liked the hints about Beth which set up the basis for the next novel in the series. Beth is one tough cookie. I also liked Isaac being in love with her and not saying anything until she figures it out. I would love to see them together. Judging from the first chapter of the next book which came at the end of this galley, though, I guess the main love interest for Beth will be a different guy. Or maybe we'll have a love triangle. Can I have the book now, please? You can't tease me with the promise of another book to come and them make me wait another year, for heaven's sake. Book series, you know I love you, but I also hate you a little for always making me wait and bite my nails.

This is a very good romance book. Totally recommended if you're into love stories between "tormented" teens, and if you're a fan of Simone Elkeles.

Cover attraction: I'm not sure which cover I like more, the US or UK one. Maybe the US one because it features them kissing. I think they used the same models for both covers, which is a plus. The UK cover is more dramatic with Echo's face drawn in orange rather than black. I pictured her hair more on the curly side, though.

mcdanky's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book! It was heart wrenching and I could identify with the main characters. This could have made my favorites list -- five stars -- if there were a few differences. To me, this book felt a little too drawn out and a few events felt too fabricated. I think this book could have been more direct and a little less..... Melodramatic? Besides the few criticisms I have, I will admit this book made me teary eyed more than once. I really felt for Echo and Noah (ultimate love interest by the way) and their pain. Their stories were so raw and untapped! Noah was so perfect and makes me want to search for my own school freak/bad boy(if only he existed outside of fiction, sigh). It was a whirl to experience this book and all it had to offer. I rooted for Echo and Noah, I rooted for their happiness and self fulfillment, and I was satisfied with the ending. Great read. Not perfect but great all the same.

jsc55's review against another edition

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cateconut's review against another edition

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Não foi o melhor livro que li na minha vida mas também não foi o pior.

Gostei muito da história do Noah com os irmãos, achei importante que a autora trouxesse esse tipo de tópicos.

rachd24's review against another edition

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It felt like EVERYONE was reading and loving this book and series, and to be honest, I wouldn't have picked it up based on the cover alone. But I did, and I really, really enjoyed it. I loved the mysterious elements, I loved the "issues" and I loved the development of the relationship between the two main characters. I'd definitely recommend this to those who prefer a grittier contemporary and a great romance.

Full review can be seen on confessions of a book geek -

narcissia's review against another edition

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Liked the character and story arcs. Didn't care so much for the dialog, which at times felt clunky or outdated.

reader4evr's review

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This book actually lived up to the talk that I heard about it! I loved a lot of things about this book especially the alternating chapters between the main characters Echo and Noah, each character was unique and the dialogue was raw.

I liked both Echo and Noah. They were both so opposite of each other but they worked at the same time when they finally decided to be together. There relationship was very real and I think a lot of teens could relate to either one of them. The romance was awesome and I wish every guy was like that even though he was pegged as the "bad" guy.

I liked how this book had a little bit of a mystery with finding out information about Noah's brothers and Echo's scars. When that information was revealed, I was just shocked but at the same time I wasn't surprised at the same time. Overall I thought the author did a good job with doing a some what edgy book but handling it in a great way. In the end, I'm glad both of the stories ended not like I predicted.

I can say that there are only two things that I didn't like about this book. One was the swearing. I'm usually ok with it but with this book, it was kind of excessive. I know teens swear, etc etc but I don't know. Another thing I didn't like about this book was the length of the book. Wow, it was long and I believe there were parts that were drawn out and maybe not necessary.

Fans of Simone Elkele's Perfect Chemistry series will love this book! It was hard not to compare this book with that but that is what I thought about throughout.

stormyharper's review

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What can I say when I decided to read this book I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not but it surprised me I love the characters especially Noah and his brothers and I felt sorry for echo that girl had been through a favourite scene was when Noah saw Jacbo get his award I couldn't stop crying at that bit