
Lord of the Vampires by Gena Showalter

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review

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This was an exceptional book! The story drew me right in - from the very first word, I was mesmerized with this strange world, and the paralell worlds excisting beside it.

Jane was a very strong and smart heroine, having been through hell and back, after a car accident killed her family, and left her shattered.

Nikolai was a vampire crown prince, and he'd been bespelled by an evil princess, to forget who he was, and then enslaved for her sexual pleasures.

Jane and Nikolai ended up saving each other, and it was very satisfying! The sensual scenes were written in true Gena Showalter style - hot, demanding and believable!

laurenjodi's review

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Lord of the Vampires
2 Stars

Once a vampire renowned for his virility, Nicolai is currently a sex slave to a revolting family of witches. When he summons help, the most unlikely of women is unable to disobey his call. Jane Parker is a human scientist who finds herself in a magical realm and must save the life of the only man she has ever craved.

An intriguing reverse fairytale plot, however, the execution is exceedingly disappointing.

While I’m usually a fan of dominant alpha males, Nicolai is just too much for me – the man is a complete Neanderthal. Jane is supposed to be an intelligent scientist but comes across as a naïve and idiotic simpleton. While their sexual connection is intense and steamy, their dialogue is repetitive and ridiculous. Moreover, the villains are utterly grotesque, which is not that bad but they also come across as cartoonish.

The overall story premise has potential but events become repetitious as the book progresses. There is very little foundation or build up and explanations appear to be tacked on as an afterthought. For example, the idea of Nicolai’s amnesia and returning memory has promise but ultimately misses the mark because the process is difficult to follow with abrupt transitions between reality and memory, and Jane’s role in the return of his memories is under-developed and vague.

Overall, I found it difficult to suspend my disbelief and was unable to become immersed in the fantasy world. Nevertheless, I will most likely continue reading the series as I am interested in seeing how a different author handles the same themes and world.

Lord of the Vampires is scheduled for release on August 23, 2011. An advance copy of the book was provided to me for review by the publisher and

lynseyisreading's review

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I don't seem to be having a good week for reading Gena Showalter this week. I read The Darkest Prison Novella and was...unimpressed, shall we say? Now this effort...

Okay, so let's just get the things that annoyed me off my chest first, then we can move on to the positives.

1. It was incredibly cheesy.

2. The speed at which they fell in love. So, without spoiling it too much (and it does tell you this in the blurb too) the hero of the book has been sold as a sex slave. Now, maybe being sold as a slave and sexually violated on a regular basis whilst chained, starved and tortured affects different people in different ways. Who am I to judge? But I'm just thinking that maybe, were that person to escape such a...predicament, they probably wouldn't seduce their rescuer and declare undying love for her after about 20 minutes and then bind themselves to her for the rest of eternity...I'm just sayin'.

The delightful chap also likes to reminisce about the threesomes and foursomes he used to enjoy (prior to being a sex slave, naturally). Not that he has any interest in such things now that he's met the love of his life (about 5 minutes ago) of course.

3. The female character. She was just an empty vacuum of space from what I could ascertain. She served absolutely no purpose other than to provide the eyes through which we could ogle Nicolai's physique.

So onto what I did like... Um, the title font's quite pretty don't you think?

dukefn99's review

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chelseavbc's review

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This review was originally posted at Vampire Book Club.

If there is one reason to read Lord of the Vampires, it is Nicolai. Luckily, there is more than one good reason to dig into this one, but really, I need to emphasize: You. Will. Want. This. Vampire.

Lord of the Vampires is the first in a new Royal House of Shadows series Harlequin Nocturne has assembled — with four different authors each tackling a book set in the same world and a different sibling from a lost royal family. Gena Showalter brings us the first title focusing on the crown prince Nicolai. Long ago, his family’s castle was attacked. His parents, before being murder, sent out conflicting magical spells to protect their children; one called for vengance and the other to get the children safely away. This made for much confusion as Nicolai was in his bed with a naked maiden one minute and chained to wall in a dungeon another. His memory was gone and he was being held as a sex slave for nasty, nasty witch princesses in the ageless kingdom of Delfina.

Then there’s Jane, a human from the mortal world. She used to perform paranormal research, but after a horrid car accident, she stays home. Her days have become monotonous, but at night she dreams of a gorgeous man. A vampire, bound in chains. And she wants to save him. This is when a handwritten book arrives on her doorstep, and reading it transports her to Delfina. Everyone sees her as a princess thought killed. Everyone except Nicolai, who sent for her. She can save him.

Sound a bit like a fairy tale? That’s exactly how this one goes — and is the reason it’s a 3-star review. The plot isn’t all that original, but it’s immensely fun to read. Seeing Nicolai realize he can’t live without Jane, refusing to accept any obstacle, makes a girl giddy. He was the player and had intended to use her just to gain freedom before beginning his siege on the usurper of his lands. But he just can’t. Jane does some things I would consider a bit reckless, but overall she’s a strong woman. And, really, Nicolai needs someone to challenge him.

Despite the predictable plot, Showalter’s toe-curling sex scenes and even those sensual vampire bites would be enough to make this one a fun weekend read for any vampire paranormal romance fan.

It may not be breaking the mold, but it’s nicely done vampire romance. If you like the boys that bite and beating down the oppressors, you’ll enjoy Lord of the Vampires.
I most certainly had fun reading it, and am looking forward to seeing what the other Harlequin Nocturne authors can cook up to continue the tale.

Sexual content: Graphic sex scenes, attempted rape

thegeekyblogger's review

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Requested from NetGalley by me
Overall Rating 3.25
Story Rating 3.00
Character Rating 3.50

NOTE: I love Gena Showalter's writing style and her books. To quote a friend of mine, "they can't all be your favorites".

What I Loved: Whatever disconnect I felt from the story, that was not missing in the couple of Nicolai and "his" Jane. In fact, I think I melted a little every time he called her "mine". There was some sizzling hot chemistry between them. As their love story unfolded, I never felt like it was rushed or forced. Gena Showalter knows how to write couples!

What I Liked: I liked when we learned about Nicolai's family. I can't say much more about that because of spoilers. However, I can't wait to read his sibling's stories.

Complaints: I don't have a specific complaint about the story, it was ok. I just never felt that "punch" that makes you fall in love. I did feel the pacing was excellent and all plot questions were answered. I wish I knew what just wasn't there for me but I don't have a clue.

Why I gave it a 3.25: The chemistry between the main characters was off the charts and I enjoyed reading their story. I will be continuing this series.

dragon_lion64's review

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Human meets vampure

This was different from what I'm used to with Gena Showalter stories but that is probably because this is a collaborative effort with other writers.
I'll have to read the next book to see how the series goes.

foreverbeautifulbooks's review

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I received a copy of this for early review from

Oh, Gena.

I have to say, that even though I loved Gena from the very first book I read of her. I do believe she has gotten even better. I think her brain has gone deep into a whole new world with this one. It is like a sexy, more understandable version of Lord of the Rings. It has magic galore and I actually understood it all.

At first I wasn’t sure how I was going to take our little heroine Jane. She almost seemed like this boring little meek mess. I should have known that Gena doesn’t know how to write unlikable heroines. Jane is one of those women you least expect, and then they throw you for a loop and you are giggling along with their wit. You are rooting for her to win at every turn. Jane was someone that could be anyone, with a recent past that is the stuff of human nightmares. The hero in the book is a powerful, dominant, and flat out roar worthy alpha male. I just love when men say MINE! I’m such a slut for a man that is that possessive of a woman, while still being respectful of their independence and their own strength. Jane wasn’t above fighting and she wasn’t above screaming when she knew that she was out of her league in trouble. For the most part Jane had a brain, she had logical reason even when it came to the man that she loved; a drop dead gorgeous vampire.

The story was for me a flawless effort on Showalters part. It was so different than anything she had ever written, yet it followed her general formula. However, it was a lot more complicated. I am so used to her Lords of the Underworld, and this was so fresh, so raw, and brand new. I seem to love everything that Showalter writes, so it is kind of unfair of me to write a review properly. I can only judge her on the fact that no matter what Gena is thrown, she always satisfies the senses, give us a great battle for love till the bitter end.

Great start to a series that I will for sure be continuing. If you love Gena Showalter, this is for sure a must read in her vastly growing collection of greatness!

hoping4more's review

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My first Gena Showalter book, and now I see what all the fuss is about. I loved her writing style and character development. The plot was seamless and kept me riveted. This is the first book in a multi-author series that is fast becoming a new favourite of mine.

One of my favourite things about Lord of the Vampires was Jane. Finally a strong smart female lead! It was a breath of fresh air to not once have to ask "how can't she see this?" There was the element of self-doubt when it came to Jane and Nicolai's future, but they were believable and not overdone.

Nicolai was a fantastic hero in this one. He was strong and powerful, but bound by his captors. Like waiting for a bomb to explode you could feel the anticipation of what he would be able to do once he was released. He killed without qualms and the possessive drive to protect was perfect for the alpha male.

The villains of the story were painted perfectly so that you wanted them to be destroyed. The "Queen of Hearts" and her daughters are revolting and powerful, giving a worthy opponent to the powerful duo that Jane and Nicolai have the potential to become.

I loved the references to Alice and Wonderland, and the undertones of fairy tale that were laced through the framework of the story. I can't wait to start Lord of Rage and see Jill Monroe's continuation from Breena's side of the story.

mleetm's review

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3.5 stars - because there is just so much cheese.