veegeee's review

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Everyone should read this book. Take the test with your partner. Then take the test again every few years. Your needs and wants change over time and it's a great way to be reminded on how to love others and let them love you.

megatsunami's review

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I found the essential paradigm of this book to be very helpful and worthwhile to explore. I'm curious to check out the books about this topic for parents of children and teens.

I thought I'd be put off by the religiousness of this book but actually for the most part it wasn't too over-the-top. Except for the total assumption of heterosexual marriage as the only valuable way of having relationships. Oh yeah, that. That was obnoxious.

The chapter where he helps a woman in an emotionally abusive relationship to use the love language skills to "be a better wife" since her husband is not willing to make any changes = f'ed up. (And in notable contrast to his earlier explanation of why you should explain to your partner that you will not be a doormat in your relationship and are choosing to love yourself enough not to be treated that way.)

oregon_small_fry's review

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Interesting concept, but I don't like how he writes. Very simple and repetitive. But I feel like I did learn something. I liked what I learned, but I wish I didn't have to read this book to have learned it.
Whats my love language, you all ask? I don't know. So maybe I didn't learn that much. :)

matthewabush's review

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I "had" to read this as part of my masters program at Anderson University. I am glad that I was introduced to this book as I don't think that I would have actually read it on my own (a purple and pink cover??? puke!) But anyway, a very interesting take on how to learn to love your mate better. You can even apply some of the principles in this book to loving your children as well.

Obviously not gospel, but if you follow the advice in this book, you definitely aren't going to be worse off.

bkread2's review

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I was recommended to read this by a fellow member of the Chicks on lit book group. Even though this book is definitely geared to married people I read it anyways. I am glad I did. I think that this is a good book for any type of relationship. I was a bit frustrated at the obvious religious tones and some unrealistic chatter...HOWEVER over all it was very worthwhile to read. I have already recommended this to another friend!

serinde4books's review

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This was insightful and for a little bit it, it did seem help, but it was sadly short lived.

toastymaloney's review

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I liked this book because it helped me realize the many ways we give and receive love. A good thing in trying to understand others.

jrc2011's review

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Even though I read this book years ago - I feel like I learned a lot that has stayed with me, more than many other books. This book provides a nice framework for understanding different ways to find fulfillment or to help fulfill needs of others in your life. The "love language" ideas have spread a lot and it seems like it's now a common way to discuss relationships (romantic or not). Great concepts and well presented.

apasc's review

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I normally don't like self-help books especially about relationships, but I really likes this book. The ideas made so much sense and I shared them with my significant other and we have already put it into practice. I would like to see one of his seminars. Easy, fast read. I recommend it to anyone. It is a great way have respect for another person's "language".

avoidthenoid's review

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A friend of mine referred to this book as "hokey" and you know what? She was not wrong. There is a little hokeyness to it. And sure, there is an obvious slant to an American audience. As well as numerous completely unnecessary call outs to Christianity. And so what that it feels a little skewed to a white upper class readership? Honestly, there are some really good nuggets in here. Quick read and you can skim over the mentioned parts.