
Frantumaglia: L'écriture et ma vie by Elena Ferrante

annrose_007's review against another edition

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This non fictional work of Ferrante carries her correspondences with her publishers, interviews and responses to her readers and even contemporaries. These writings dating from the time of her first literary publication (1991) to 2016 shows her continuing growth as a writer and her clear stance on the punctilious use of language and her anonymity. Inspite of having only read her Neapolitan Quartet, I went for this because I was curious to get behind her writing. On second thoughts, I should have been more patient and waited till I've read other works as well. Being a writer who keeps her private life away from a public gaze, in this book she allows her readers to have a glance at her writing process, her formative years of becoming a writer and even provides a description of her working space. She discusses in detail the recurring motifs and themes in her works like abandonment, loss, borders, complexities in a mother- daughter relationship and even her difficult relationship with Naples. She says she keeps away from politics but interested in economic and social contexts of her country . Yet she does not deny the ideological underpinnings in her novels. Though I might disagree with her perspective on 'politics' as a wholesome category as reflected in her critique of Naples, Berlusconi and media manipulation, her discussions surrounding feminism, women writing and location of women writers within a male literary tradition clearly marks her ideological standing. Throughout her correspondences, she maintains an interesting obsession with 'literary truth'. Something which in her opinion, shouldn't be confused with realism or verisimilitude. Her honesty as a writer can be observed from the care with which she attends to the words she had written as it gets translated from one medium to another, like adaptations.
Though some parts may seem repetitive, it can be owed mostly to the repetitiveness of the queries posed to her about her anonymity and the hype and constructed mystery surrounding it. If I had read Neapolitan Quartet with an insatiable greed, I read this one like a meditation. Taking notes, marking words and looking between and beneath words.

sungyena's review against another edition

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informative reflective slow-paced


djinnmartini's review against another edition

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peep all the American reviewers throwing temper tantrums about author anonymity. death of the author indeed!

dissendiumnox's review against another edition

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Sans grande surprise... j’ai adoré.
Au début, j’ai eu un peu de mal à m’y faire, car c’est une collection de lettres et d’interviews, et puis parce que je n’ai pas lu son premier roman, L’amour harcelant. Et puis au fur et à mesure, son écriture a produit sa magie et je me suis laissée prendre !

pronnnnch's review against another edition

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While I never actively wanted to reveal more about Elena Ferrante, this book made me more excited to read her other works! Ferrante’s ideas and thoughts are so smart, well thought of, that when I was reading this Ferrante felt like a character herself. By the end though the questions in the interviews got repetitive that I found myself annoyed at interviewers repeatedly asking about her choice to remain anonymous. I also skipped questions Ferrante answered in multiple interviews already. If you read The Days of Abandonment, Troubling Love and the Neopolitan Series I would recommend reading this. It doesn’t explicitly tell you how to interpret the texts (which for me, loses the personal journey of reading a book) but there’s a joy in seeing the author point out the intentionality of their writing.

paulasm's review against another edition

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challenging informative inspiring reflective


lizzie_e's review against another edition

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Perdi a conta à quantidade de frases que anotei deste livro.
É simplesmente maravilhoso para quem gosta da autora. Temos acesso a uma parte mais íntima dela (há spoilers de todos os romances que ela escreveu, cuidado!) e compreendemos os autores que a inspiram, o que a faz escrever, a sua relação com o feminismo (e como consegue silenciar os idiotas que a criticam) e o seu processo criativo. Muito bom.

extemporalli's review against another edition

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I read this ages ago, but 3 things that I found completely delightful about this collection of essays, letters, interviews, marginalia etc and still remember:

1) EF's incessant repetition that 'anonymity did not bring my writing acclaim, the success of my writing brought my anonymity acclaim' ad nauseam to interviewers who you'd think would have learnt to stop asking her the same question

2) Her desire for “a space of absolute creative freedom” via pseudonymity because her books stick “a finger in certain wounds I have that are still infected”.

3) The revelation that the dog in The Days in Abandonment was inspired by a German Shepherd she had and loved very much many years ago

For me, Elena Ferrante is one of those precious & rare writers where I feel the need to read every single thing she's written, so others might find this collection less essential than I did. For my part, I found these short pieces as enjoyable and relaxing as they were invigorating and instructive - I read one piece every night before bed, and every night I felt that I came away having learnt new things about the value of privacy, the craft of writing, and how to read.

gabriela_rus's review against another edition

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Frantumaglia este cuvântul folosit de mama Elenei pentru a-și defini starea de farămițare, împrăștiere, dezintegrare e eului și cuvîntul pe care îl alege pentru a-i defini scrisul. Chiar dacă eul narator pornește mereu de la o tonalitate rece, lucidă, inevitabil se lovește de incertitudini, de durerea existențială și ajunge să fie definit de frantumaglia.

Colecție de scrisori si interviuri, prin desișul de informații care ajung să se repete și uneori să obosească (în special obsedantele întrebări despre indentitatea reală a autoarei, care refuză să se dezvăluie publicului și jurnaliștilor din motive clar si repetat precizate), dacă urmărim firul Ariadnei pe care ea ni-l lasă la vedere, o găsim pe Elena pe fiecare pagină, în tot ceea ce scrie. Și ce bucurie să o găsești!

Redau aici unul dintre pasajele favorite ca teaser:

„Nu știu ce rezultate am obținut ca scriitoare, dar știu spre ce tind când scriu. Pentru mine nu e esențial ca povestea să nu mai fi fost spusă niciodată: poveștile care-i sunt oferite cititorului ca fiind foarte noi pot fi oricând reduse, cu ușurință, la un miez antic. Nu mă interesează nici să revigorez vreo întâmplare banală injectându-i un stil frumos, ca și cum a scrie ar însemna să îmbogățești încontinuu povestea. În plus, nu am tendința să deconstruiesc timpul, spațiul, când sunt mai mult o dovadă de pricepere decât o necesitate narativă. Eu povestesc experiențe comune, răni comune și cea mai mare obsesie a mea – nu singura – e să găsesc o tonalitate a scriiturii capabilă să scoată strat după strat bandajul care înfășoară rana și să ajungă la povestea adevărată a plăgii. Cu cât mi se pare că plaga se ascunde după o sumedenie de stereotipuri, de ficțiuni pe care personajele însele le-au pus cap la cap ca să se apere –, cu cât, în fine, mi se pare mai refractară la poveste –, cu atât mai mult insist. Nu mă interesează să scriu frumos, mă interesează să scriu. Și o fac recurgând la tot ceea ce tradiția îmi oferă, supunând-o scopurilor mele. Nu e importantă noutatea, ci adevărul pe care noi înșine din prudență, din conformism, îl ascundem în forme armonioase, sau de ce nu, în exerciții experimentale.“

tee_tuhm's review against another edition

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Elena is particular and thoughtful, her philosophy of writing and literature pervades her work. And it was inspiring to read her letters and interviews. It makes one sad about the state of media when it comes to literature. At times, the themes repeat, only because she herself is put into situations where it seems she must repeat herself.