
Bittersweet Always by Ella Fields

dhanimashla's review

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Toby dan Pippa, itu nama dua kucing saya yang udah meninggal, kangen mereka :'), anyway pas banget dari ketiga buku dari series ini, ini paling favorit menurut saya.

Saya suka banget buku yang mengangkat tentang mental illness/ yang karkaternya struggling tentang hal tersebut. Kepenulisannya apik cantik. Ngga tau berapa kali saya nangis pas baca ini haha. My heart broke into millions pieces gila ..ngga lebay ya tapi buku ini emang bagus, ngga kaya buku fiksi tentang anak kuliahan biasa 5/5

csharp0710's review against another edition

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Ella Fields is one of my top favorite authors! I’m immediately consumed by everything she writes. We meet Toby and Pippa in Suddenly Forbidden and I couldn’t wait for their story. New adult, college romance that gives you all the feels and is so swoony. I just want a paperback so I can hug it! I love ALL of her characters!!!

bobsvoid's review against another edition

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The NA genre is s really starting to grow on me. Once again I was pleased with another Ella Fields book.

Bittersweet Always was about the secondary characters from Suddenly Forbidden. I think a lot of aspects of Toby and Pippa’s relationship was done well. I liked how toward the end he was accepting that she needed time to deal with everything.

Some issues I had was it wasn’t the most accurate portrayal of mental illness, but it did a decent job at making you understand at the difficulties it can pose.

Overall it was a good story. I could see myself releasing this again one day.

kodom251999's review against another edition

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I loved this book! I have been struggling with anxiety for a couple of years to the point of not wanting to leave my home. It’s not fun, and I truly believe that many people hide it. I loved Pippa and Toby! I felt this story needs to be read by everyone. Pippa’s experiences with her father almost made her miss her life with Toby! I am so glad I read this story!

sbauer16's review against another edition

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I'm starting to sound like a broken record when it comes to reviewing Ella's books. 😂 I just can't seem to have enough about her beautiful words. Speaking of beautiful, that's EXACTLY what Bittersweet Always was.

You can't imagine how EXCITED I was when Ella revealed she was going to write Pippa and Toby's story. I fell EVEN MORE in love with those two. Being reunited with Quinn and Daisy was a HUGE plus, I'm not going to lie.

I can't wait for Ella's next book and repeat how AMAZING that book will be as well. 😉

talonvictoria's review against another edition

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“I knew you had your demons, Toby, and I know it’s got to hurt, but I never thought you’d let them hurt me too.”

My three stars is not bad. It’s also not negative in any way. I want to put that out there first. I am just slightly torn on how to compartmentalize some of the things that happened in this book. I’m torn on how to feel about those things. We all read books differently and we all have “quirks”. I also realize I will probably be the only three-star review with this book so I hope once people read this they see that it’s not a bad thing. The book overall was a great read filled with smooth flowing writing and a great story line.

While I believe that Ella handled this subject with sensitivity, she romanticized it. And that’s a huge pet peeve for me. I don’t like for any of my books to be romanticized by mental illness. There’s a way to write and execute it (Six Feet Under by Whitney Barbetti & Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Harlow are two of my favorites) and there is a way to put it into a book for the sake of the romance and dramatic effect, which is what happened in Bittersweet Always. With me saying that- it’s not a bad thing. I don’t think it is at all. I mean, authors have to write about something and some choose this but I just had a hard time rooting for Toby and Pippa. Which leads me to my next point.

I loved Toby and Pippa. But I did not love them together. They were not the type of toxic that I typically enjoy (that’s weird to say, right?) Their characters were such strong characters until you put them in a scene together. And this was partially because a lot of the first half of the book was really rushed. The pacing was off for me. I didn’t get the time I needed with Toby and Pippa, together, they just sort of…happened. WAM, A COUPLE. There was also a part in this book that I won’t name that Toby’s POV was very necessary but for a few chapters we actually don’t see it. In this particular circumstance- I felt it was needed more than Pippa’s was. I think it would have helped me really connect with Toby.

“It gets loud inside my head. But when you’re around, it’s a little quieter. More bearable.”

However, I devoured Ella’s writing and the internal dialogue that is Pippa. She was quite a fun character who had a lot of potential and depth. I loved the incorporation of Daisy and Quinn as well considering I loved Suddenly Forbidden. So, it was nice to be back with some people that we are all familiar with.

I think if you’re looking for a book that romanticizes mental illness, one that isn’t so “dark” and overwhelming- Bittersweet Always is for you. I particularly like the ones that are deeper and more emotional when it comes to mental illness, but with me saying that I didn’t hate this book and I didn’t love it. I liked it. I enjoyed the story-line and I enjoyed the banter and writing.

nessreads11's review against another edition

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*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*

5 "More than okay" Stars!!!!!

"I want you to breathe me, to inhale to thoughts of me, and for you to exhale anything that stops me from overtaking every part of you. I want …" "To do to you exactly what you’ve done to me."

I'm saying this right here, right now. Toby Hawthorne has cemented himself deep down to the narrow of my bones as one of my most favorite Hero's ever written.

There are absolutely no amount of words I can write to do this book justice. None. Zero. Zilch. My words will pale in comparison to Ella's. Her words. My gosh her words. They weave and seep and live in the depths of all of you. Everything. You feel every single emotion when reading her books. Her stories, they take a hold of you that there's nothing you can do but be consumed. Reading Ella's words is an experience. It's intoxicating and it'll leave you wanting more.

Bittersweet Always is a book packed to the brim with emotions. It'll have you smiling and feeling giddy, but then it'll have you clutching at your chest. You will hurt and most definitely cry. This story is raw and so real. Bittersweet Always is a book that'll touch your soul on such a deep level and leave a permanent mark on your heart.

Ever since Toby was introduced in Suddenly Forbidden I knew he would be a character I would never forget. I wanted more of him. I desperately needed his story. I was patiently, not so patiently waiting for his and Pippa's book. And now that I've read their story, it's one that'll always hold a special place in my soul.

"Kissing Toby felt like more than kissing. It felt like I was being burned, slowly incinerated until I thought I’d burst."

Pippa was a character that stole my heart. She was everything good. She had the most purest heart. The way she puts others above herself showed just how selfless she is. Her caring way in being there for Toby no matter what, spoke volumes. But sometimes it wasn't enough, and in so it was heartbreaking.

"You invaded something inside me the minute I saw you, and you haven’t left since."

Toby was a character that broke my heart, but at the same time healed it. Reading how he lived with mental health and how he tried dealing with it was difficult. The demons that live within his head have Toby self-destructing. Doing things he wouldn't normally do, only to try and find relief. Though the one person who can somewhat quiet the storm living within his head and calm him, is Pippa.

Pippa and Toby were two characters that'll put you through the ringer. You will experience the lowest of lows, but also the highest of highs. Their love is unlike any other. They're beautifully imperfect, but their souls are perfectly made to love the other. Pippa and Toby captured my heart and I don't want it back. I will never forget these characters or their story. They'll forever live in my heart.

"But even among all the chaos, my soul will always recognize yours."

Ella. Oh Ella, Ella, Ella. I thank my lucky stars the day I came across Corrode. Since reading that book you automatically became one of my top favorite authors. And I am so grateful because my life would be incomplete without your words. I can't wait for everything else you write. I'm almost positive those books will also be my favorite just like Bittersweet Always and all your other books before that.


lslibrary's review against another edition

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This story is about Pippa and Toby and their complicated love story. Toby suffers from a mental illness, and because Pippa’s father does as well she questions if her love withToby is worth the risk.
This book is extremely emotional and raw. You will feel deeply for both characters and root for them on their journey which is far from an easy one. Ella Fields writes this book with incredible sensitivity and realism. Mental illness is quite unique to everyone and the emotions that’s she writes for these characters are very powerful. She also highlights the work, compassion and complications that can come with living with a mental illness which I think is extremely important .
This is a college romance , so if that’s not your thing you can move right on but if you have read the off campus series and liked it and enjoy an emotional and heartbreaking love story I think you will like it . I will be continuing to read all the other books Ella has wrote!, her books bring all the feels!

Note: this book is a part of a series. I don’t think it’s necessary to read book one first.

jensreads1983's review against another edition

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What an incredible story. Ella Fields has done it yet again. Her writing is pure perfection and her characters are so real and so relatable and the story just flows beautifully and hooks you in from beginning to end.

Toby and Pippa touched me with their undeniably real personalities. You read about their flaws and the mistakes they make along the way, their character growth, and how page by page the emotions these two feel get stronger. There is no doubt they belong together, and each step in this story is proof of it.

This was such a phenomenal, amazing, touching, emotional and breathtaking story that hooked me from the very beginning and had me enthralled until the very last word. I was sad Pippa and Toby’s book ended but what a way to end their story.

bookwormlala's review against another edition

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2.5 stars

The first part of this book was the typical NA book. Player finds girl, a bit of chasing, relationship development. Then the conflict begins. And though it made the book interesting, it made Tony a real jerk. Do people who treat you like trash get a free pass because they are mentally ill? It appears so, based on this book. I felt that Poppa was doing all the fighting for their relationship. In the end, it all worked out, but I was left unsatisfied.