
Broken Hearts, Fences and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn

tazee's review against another edition

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It was alright. Very predictable. I guessed what was happening from the very beginning (and that’s not deductive skills, imo it was just very in your face), so it took away the reveal of the big twist for me. I’m in two minds whether I should read the next one or just read spoilers cos I wanna see what happens lol. But, as usual, the romance was dead with a capital ‘d’.

I’ve just decided I won’t be reading the second one.

ennitsud's review against another edition

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i totally knew that she knew that she wasn't who she said she was the entire time. i totally knew. but this was executed wonderfully, despite its excessive predictability and misleading cover with only minor errors in grammar here and there. i'm gonna miss josh and sophie and gemma (and, yes, even hallie bc you gotta love the antagonists since they make stories hella exciting). excited for the sequel- as made obvious by this review's starter.

n_n_nikki's review against another edition

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This books was okay. Parts of it were predictable, but I didn't catch on to the big thing other people said was super predictable. It was a fun, light read. It was just good enough that I'll probably read the sequels just to see what happens, but it won't be one I am dying to get my hands on.

mom2triplets04's review against another edition

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Read this for a goodreads bookclub called read with friends. It's a cute contemporary geared towards younger teens. It is a story about revenge, friendship and love. It was predictable at times but I did not see the twist at the end. This will be a trilogy where 2nd book comes out in May.

christajls's review against another edition

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My review can be found over on Women Write About Comics

dannimaxwellbabcock's review against another edition

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I don't know why my phone does not post my reviews when I say I finish a book nor do I know why it won't post a status update saying that I finished the book on Twitter. Despite that I figured I should rewrite the review sort of thing that I wrote last night when I finish this book. I like this book I thought that it was a new adult for some reason I'd heard it was a new adult but reading it I realized it was YA and was a summary read like I expected it to be. It was kind of corny at times and a little bit predictable. I made a prediction for the very end of the book and I was pretty freaking close to it there was a little bit a difference between my prediction I would actually happen (honestly I think my prediction was better it would've been cooler). I didn't like where it ended and I felt that the main character was a bit childish at times and yes she was trying to do the right thing even after she did the wrong thing when she was 11 but the overall "plot twist" was something I predicted midway through the book. I wish the book had of ended on a lighter note rather than a sort of cliffhanger to get us to read the second book. Despite all the little things I had issues with I did like the book so I gave it 3.5/5 stars and I will be picking up the short story kind of novella thing about Hallie and will be picking up the second book when it comes out; I want to know what happens to the characters in the next book. I definitely like Amy and Rogers epic detour by Morgan Matson more, but I did really like this book. I can't wait to read second chance summer by Morgan Matson and I might even look at some of the other Katie Finn books.

kaitburesh's review against another edition

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This was cute and totally predictable, but I still found myself enjoying it. I called many of the things that happened right from the start, but it was light hearted and fluffy, which was great to balance out with the high-fantasy of ACOTAR. I didn't realize it was a series OR that it was really Morgan Matson with a pseudonym, so I think I'm definitely going to pick up the next installments and see the series out. It's summer, why not?

leahka89's review against another edition

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Super cute, easy read. This is the perfect book to sit pool/beach side and read. Full review below!

bookworm097's review against another edition

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I wanted to like this book. I really did. I absolutely ADORE Morgan Matson's books and writing, and I was super excited to read this series. However, Katie Finn's writing is so different. I did not like it at all.

For starters, literally every single thing was uber predictable, very far in advance. I was cringing most of the book, knowing what was going to happen. I wasn't wrong on a single point. That type of book just isn't fun to read. All of the characters were problematic and not very likable. I'm sad to say, there wasn't much of anything good about this book.

Let's start with Gemma. She feels very much like a Mary Sue type character. "Oh, I am a Bad Person. I did Bad Things 5 years ago and need a Good Boyfriend to make up for it". But this Good Boyfriend really isn't that good, since he apparently treats her so terribly, pressuring her to sleep with him, not ever taking her to a restaurant or movie that she wants, so oppressive that when asked what she likes to do, Gemma can only think of what said boyfriend likes to do. So if he really was such a jerk, why did she stay with him? Because he was cute? That's not valid in my book. Also, that whole thing about the vegan cupcakes really annoyed me. Trust me, it's not possible to make a vegan cupcake taste almost like a regular cupcake. It's called science. Just doesn't work. Plus, Gemma claimed she enjoyed baking because of the chemical reactions, yet barely passed science. Doesn't add up. Then, after Teddy breaks up with her, she swears off boys for a year, and 2 seconds later she's in love. Like, really? Must have not liked Teddy too much to be over him in 2 weeks. Gemma's character was just not at all relatable and really fell flat for me.

Her parent's aren't any better. For one, they straight up LIED about the divorce. The kid is the one who is effected the most from a divorce and the parents should be honest from the start with them. No child should have to find out their parents are getting divorced from a friend. And then Gemma's dad lied AGAIN, by telling her their 'separation' was going to last a little bit longer. He should have told her they were getting divorced. On top of that, both parents started dating before the divorce was finalized. Like, have some respect? Let the body cool down a bit, maybe? Also, neither parent asked Gemma's opinion on the person they were dating. Gemma's mom apparently married some deadbeat who couldn't even be bothered to get to know Gemma or put in an effort.

Gemma's mom bothered me a lot more than her dad. She couldn't even remember that her own daughter was going to Colombia that summer, not Ecuador. Come on. It's kind of your job to know where you kid is, especially if she's leaving the country. Then, she goes and plans this trip without telling Gemma, and when Gemma is really hurting over her breakup, instead of either inviting her to come along or just canceling the trip, she basically hands Gemma off to her dad, and couldn't even make the arrangements herself. She didn't even TRY to be there for her daughter going through her first ever breakup. What kind of mother do you think you are??

The whole Bad Thing Gemma did that this plot rests on is rather stupid. Gemma was 11, and she was scared, and didn't want her dad to marry someone else. Understandable. She should have talked to her dad instead of taking matters into her own hands, but she was 11. YEARS. OLD. Cut her some slack. If Hallie knew exactly what Gemma did, she could have gone to her mom, talked to Gemma's dad, and fixed things. But. No. She went full-on stalker and planned this elaborate revenge for 5. Years. Like, what? Five years is a long time to hold onto something. I get it, Gemma really hurt Hallie. But Hallie had the power to fix it. Talk about petty.

The fact that Hallie recognized Gemma and was dating Teddy was SO OBVIOUS. The wrong text about the party? Way too convenient explanation. Having an extra bathing suit? And one that isn't meant to be worn in a pool? No question. Everything was explained away too perfectly. And her boyfriend's name is Ward. It was specifically mentioned that Teddy is short for Edward. EdWARD. And said Ward isn't around, maybe cause he's in COLOMBIA???? The second it was mentioned that Hallie kept her hair down all the time, I knew she was neck tattoo girl. Too obvious.

The premise of how Gemma and Josh met is too cliche. They're both on the same train, going to the same place. Which, incidentally, neither has been back too in 5 years. He notices her when she gets on. She notices he has a nice neck. Ugh. And Hallie clearly doesn't care much for her brother. I don't care how much I wanted to get revenge, if it meant my brother getting his heart broken, I'd never go through with it. She should have confronted Gemma from the beginning and explained who she was too Josh before things got serious. Her scheme doesn't even make sense. She had no way to know Gemma would be in the Hamptons that year, because I refuse to believe she had the power to manipulate everything that went into play for that to happen. I also really want to know what happened to their mom. Obviously something big, since they have so much money now, but probably something shady since no one will talk about it.

The fact that the end of the book implies that the next book is going to be a revenge war between Hallie and Gemma just makes me groan. How old are you, 5? Grow up a bit. Talk it out. Throw some punches if you have too. But be an adult and move on. It was in the past, when you were 11. Again, Hallie could have fixed the issues if she wanted to. She has no place trying to get revenge, when she was the one who spilled the beans about the divorce in the first place.

Let's talk about Josh. This whole 'just friends' thing between him and Gemma was a load of crap and everyone knew it. Nobody has a 'just friends' dinner at a fancy restaurant. You don't get all dressed up. You don't pick the girl up. And you certainly don't bring her flowers. You're full of crap, Josh.

This whole book was a mess. It was rather boring, predictable, and problematic. Didn't take long to read, and I plan on picking up the second book, since I want to know what happens. But I wouldn't recommend it.

gthecaffeinatedbookworm's review against another edition

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For me, it was a childish book and you could see where it was going throughout.