
Heaven and Earth by Nora Roberts

zarco_j's review

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I really really don't like Ripley so I'm going to leave this as 2 stars just for her attitude.

amandawije's review against another edition

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I ended up really enjoying this installment of the Three Sisters Island Trilogy, but not as much as I enjoyed the first book. It was nice to get back in this world with the characters I grew to love in the first story, and I liked focusing on Ripley. I'm looking forward to reading the final book to see how everything wraps up!

christinawegner's review

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Terrible. No plot, no chemistry, terrible one dimensional characters. Yuck.

But, hey, the big bad has finally been introduced. Sort of. Medium bad? I wonder if he's going to be defeated by all 3 couples combining their powers in a big storm. Like in all her other witch trilogies.

As I will it, so mote it be!

mattyxxz's review

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Good story but I wasn't into this compared to the first book. I don't like it that much but I still like the characters. Mac' better than Zac but the event in here wasn't that good. I'm glad I'm about to finish the series by this month

falulatonks's review

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Hmm, usually Roberts (and/or me as a reader) has settled into a setting more by book 2 of a series that I like the 'ship from pretty early on, but I don't think they're very convincing! Honestly it was all Mac: I found his love of this ~science to the point of not just ignoring boundaries but rebuking them, wildly frustrating and often a bit unkind. As a nerd type, Carter from Mac's book (lmao) in the wedding quartet series is WAY more likable and evenly written. Also I liked Ripley a lot, but turnaround isn't well-sold to me either.

All said, I adore Mia and can't wait to get to that book.

git_r_read's review

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Good story, but not going to listen or read more.

serinde4books's review against another edition

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This follows the second witch Ripley and her path to love and breaking the curse. Ripley walked away from magic 10 years ago, and curse or no curse she has no plans to go back. I don't really like Ripley, so I had a hard time getting through this book. I also don't care for her love interest MacAllester Booke, the whole thing didn't do it for me really. I just wanted to get it done with so I could read the third book. There was a lot more internal struggle here, and the love story was very blah to me, probably because I didn't like the characters so I had no vested interest in their romance.
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tnaimpally's review

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Rating: 3 stars

Re-reading this, I somehow remember enjoying it more when I first read it. While the plot is interesting, it does feel overly drawn out and I just find Ripley annoying. I do like the Booke though which helps save it a little bit, and the stage is set for Mia's book with some explanation finally provided for why the relationship between Ripley and Mia is so fraught. Plus, it was lovely to see Nell and Zack settled into life together. So definitely not my favourite but oh well.

tessiekat's review

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Heaven and Earth was much better than its predecessor, [b:Dance Upon the Air|59829|Dance Upon the Air (Three Sisters Island, #1)|Nora Roberts||58217].Leaps and bounds ahead of it. The two main characters were a much more likeable in my opinion.

I did not like Ripley in the last book, but knowing her motivations behind her actions made her relatable in this book and she is my favorite of the three women. I love her relationship with her brother. Dr. Booke is so much hotter than our last male lead because his personality is SOOOO much more likable. He is not pushy, he takes Ripley's feelings, thoughts, wants, and desires, into consideration, and he does not try to change her personality, unlike the former male lead. *cough cough*. The contrast between Ripley and Dr. Booke is wonderful, and it creates some amazing tension that when it finally snapped, it sizzled.

In a really weird way, I loved their shared interest in fitness because of my own journey in weight loss. Repeatedly in romance novels, the leads just happens to have underwear model worthy bodies. We are expected to believe that the female lead has good genes and the male lead’s career lets him have that body. I liked that they strived for it, worked for it, and enjoyed working for it, and we were able to see that. It was realistic and that made me like them both more.

Overall, I would suggest it to any Nora Robert's fans, and any fans of sexy but nerdy male leads, rich guy meets every day girl romances, supernatural romances, and romances that include a strong woman falling in love for the first time.

jscarpa14's review against another edition

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The number of times I've read this is a wild guess, and my rating is more based on loyalty over just how many times I've read this rather than my experience reading it this time. Sometimes you get to a point where you might have read a book too many times because the surprise and the excitement aren't there anymore, either than or I must have read it in recent years without bothering to mark it read because I remembered way too much about the plot to really enjoy the book this time. Hell, I walked away for about a month in the middle of reading it and didn't have any problem picking it right back up without rereading. I don't have a good memory for details anymore so that I could to this tells me that I probably need to wait five or ten years before I ever consider picking this book up again. And I feel that's important to note because my thoughts on the story aren't going to have the same zeal and excitement they would have had if I'd written this review when I read this book for the first time.

Ripley has always been my favorite of the three sisters island trio. She's strong and a fighter. She's not the protected, she's the protector. I don't have a ton in common with her interest wise but I can relate to the fighter's don't screw with what's mine, mentality and I've always loved her character because of it. She's rash, impulsive and powerful. She's really a delight to read, when she hasn't been read to the point of that song that never stops playing on the radio that is.

Like most trilogies the excitement and danger builds even more in this story and it features some really well done battle scenes that I loved as well as more magic. The love story is more precarious and less gentle than the first novel as well.

I hesitate to say much more because I don't want to give a bad review to a book that I've read so many times that apparently I practically have it memorized. If you've never had the opportunity to read this book before I definitely recommend it. It's a good story with interesting and enchanting characters.