
My Unscripted Life by Lauren Morrill

bookishsami's review

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I received this eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

First, before I say anything else, let it be known that I read this book in under 24 hours and that is an amazing accomplishment in itself. Let it also be known that while I am only giving this book 2.5? 3? stars it's not because it's a bad book. I actually quite enjoyed this book overall, but I did have some problems.

Look, I'm pretty good as suspending reality when reading contemporaries that involve celeberties and other crazy instances - but this one was a little too much for me. It really came together a little *too* perfectly. And look, I would have ate this book up when I was 16 so I really can't hold that against it. It was just a little too cliched at times and a little too predictable for my tastes.

I think my biggest complain with this novel is that it didn't feel fleshed out enough. It read super fast, which I love, but because it read so fast it also came off as rushed? maybe. Everything in this novel happened really fast - like a little too fast. I wish the romance was a little more slow burn - but like I said before, this is all personal preference things. I under no circumstances hated this book.

One little gripe I will say is why oh why did Dee keep calling Milo her boyfriend when they barely knew eachother, it made me cringe so hard for no real reason.


I really enjoyed the characters in this novel and I wish I would've gotten more time for them to be fleshed out as well. I loved that our main character Dee had a passion for Art and that continued to be showcased throughout the entirety of this novel (though it was a big ironic that she got to show off her art skills so much). While Dee's parents weren't in the novel as much as I would have liked, I liked that they had unique jobs and were not completely absent as is the case with many YA novels. Milo was a likeable enough character, but once again, I wish I could've gotten to know him more.

I will also say that while I don't know how authentic it was (i'm assuming it was very thought out though) the descriptions of life on a movie set was really interesting to me and made the book very intriguing. I also adored the chapter openers that read like a movie script - I thought that was a very interesting and unique addition to the novel.

Overall, I would recommend this book. It's a super quick read and for the right person I think it could give you all the feels. I really enjoyed the writing style so I am defintely open to reading more from Lauren Morrill in the future.

solelylu's review

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This was good..

mavs's review

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I feel like this is a harsh rating but I thought it was okay only, I didn't like the transition o development between characters here, I felt it like it was too fast.
I'm kind of trying to get back into YA but this didn't help.
It's a quick read and I'm sure someone else might enjoy it as for me it wasn't the best.

laprofedelengua's review

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Me esperaba más romance pero estuvo bueno que la historia se centre en lo que pasa detrás de escena durante el rodaje de una película y que, más allá de su relación con Milo, Debe haya encontrado una nueva manera de vivir su sueño.
Me gustó el realismo en la relación de la protagonista con sus padres y la inesperada profundidad de algunos fragmentos y diálogos.
Para leer y comprobar el refrán de cuando se cierra una puerta...

capa105's review

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Guys, I’ve had this book on my Netgalley TBR for ages, but for some reason, I decided to finally start it a few days ago, and it was an easy and enjoyable read. If you have been following me for awhile, you know that a 3 stars rating is not that great for me, but I actually did enjoy this book, it’s just that I thought it had some major issues, especially in terms of plot and characters.

I really liked the writing, it was fun and light, and I loved that the story was told in the first person, and present tense. Dee’s voice was great, and it takes some pretty amazing writing to make nutty behaviour look endearing, and I think the author achieved just that.

Now, you might have noticed that I kind of said that Dee was a bit nutty, and while I loved her, I do think she was. I really liked that she had this artistic but slightly undefined side, because most times in books, teens have such a clear picture of what they want, that it was refreshing to see someone who was a bit clueless. But on the matters of the heart though, I’m not sure about her whole relationship with Milo, or how she kind of annulled herself in his presence.

I read the whole book, and while Milo seemed like a great dude at some points, I ended it and I don’t feel like I got to know him. Don’t get me wrong, there were some cute moments between Milo and Dee, but they were few and far between, and they had very little substance. They go on ONE date, and suddenly Dee is calling him her boyfriend, and everything just came after was a bit weird and needed a lot more context.

I felt like I was missing a huge chunk of the story you know? The part, after the first kiss, where they actually get to know each other and fall in love. Because this went from 0 to drama and to 1000 in one second, and I needed more. More context, more story, more plot and more character within our characters. I also felt like some points could have been explored a little more, like Dee’s relationship with her BFF, or her love for historic buildings, and how she and Milo had some things in common.

So, this ended up being a fun and fast read, but with major plot holes and lacking some serious context. I had fun, but with the amazing way it was written, this could have easily been a 4/5 stars book, but it was missing way too much.

nadasreads's review

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litwife's review

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The story was cute but I would have liked to have some more details. I don’t want to spoil anything so I will be as vague as possible in my explanation....basically, there were times where it seemed apparent that some time had passed and circumstances had changed or progressed but as the reader, I felt like I missed out on what happened to get to that point. Like we jumped from point A to point Z without being told about the letters in between. Overall, I still enjoyed the story and thought it was a fun read.

hmfogel's review

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2.5 stars

mirandax's review

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Every once in a while you just need a dumb, light-hearted, dramatic, and cute, romantic contemporary to soften the blow of all the dark, emotional stories. This is one of those books.

guardianofthebookshelf's review

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Grade: C
An e-galley was provided by the publisher in exchange for review consideration.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Dee Wilkie is one of the luckiest characters in the world. She stumbles into a job on a movie set, and then a pop star falls in love with her. The unlikelihood of that happening to any real girl is enormous. However, as someone who's never seen a movie set, I felt like Lauren described that extremely well. I could picture where the characters were and it seemed realistic.
However, there was so much unnecessary drama with Milo's ex, and the book was a big cliche about small town life being boring. (If anyone's seen Gilmore Girls, you know that's not always the case.) I never fully connected with Dee, and she and Milo seemed to be the only characters important to the narrative.
Language was pretty mild; I caught half a dozen s-words at most.

The Verdict: I think this is going to be my last Lauren Morrill book. There's nothing special about them anymore, and nothing can surpass Being Sloane Jacobs.