
Becoming a Legend by Sarah Robinson

thebookdisciple's review against another edition

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Link to full review below! Liked Nora but Kane was NOT my favorite Kavanagh brother...See full review on The Book Disciple

nicspears's review against another edition

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*ARC Provided by Loveswept & Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

The Kavanagh boys are back in the third instalment of Sarah Robinson's best-selling series of five brothers that make up the majority of the Irish born Kavanagh family.

Though this is the third book in the series it can be read as a standalone, however I would suggest reading the first 2 to get a proper

This time we get to watch Kane as he trains to become the best and to prove he can be 'someone' to his family. To prove he isn't just a player or just a twin. Fighting is all he thinks he has to offer and he will not let anything or anyone get in the way of that title...

Nora Hannigan is a strong, driven woman who wanted nothing more than to complete her school work and graduate with the degree she had worked so hard to achieve. She wasn't looking for anything else. She didn't have time for anything else. But nothing ever goes according to plan.

Between Nora and Kane's love/hate relationship, training, school and secrets that has Nora struggling to keep secret we get a story full of angst, off the charts chemistry and. Couple that you fall instantly in love with.

Sarah has yet again delivered with this book and this series just gets better with each book released.
I loved Kane and Nora's relationship. I loved how he gave her the love she was craving and she gave him the reassurance he was more than just a fighter.

Sarah's writing gets better and better with each book she releases and I have loved watching her grow.

I can't wait for Quinn's book next and to see this series become even more successful. It's very much deserved.

Congratulations Sarah. Keep doing what you're doing. You are a truly, truly wonderful author.

kaytlynallbooked's review against another edition

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**Book provided by publisher through NetGalley in exchange for and honest review**

Becoming A Legend is the 3rd book in the Kavanagh Legends series…however, this is the first book in this series I have read. I didn’t have any problems just diving right in and I would say for reference this could be read as a standalone. I will probably be checking out the rest of the books in the future though. Kane is a MMA fighter fast approaching the biggest fight of his life, the National Championship. He is set and determined to train hard to finally achieve his goal, and be the first in his family to take the title. Nora has known the Kavanagh family for a while now, seeing as her best friend is marrying into it. Nora has baggage of her own between school and trying to bail her mom out of trouble, so the last thing she has time for is to get involved with a Kavanagh. However, one night the spark between them seems too much to pass up, entering into a no-strings-attached arrangement, both begin to realize that their feelings run too deep. Can they handle their feelings while trying to maintain their life outside of each other?

This is actually the first fighter romance I have read by any author…and I have to say I quite enjoyed it. Robinson created characters in Kane and Nora that were deep and dimensional. Neither of these characters fell flat for me, and I felt like they evolved through the story nicely. I loved the strength that Kane brought to the table, even though he might have been a little arrogant, once he realized how deep his true feelings for Nora went there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her. I think that Nora was the perfect counterpart to Kane in that she was fiercely independent and resisted help from anyone. She is also an incredibly strong woman…she not only maintained her life while going to school and working, she also put her life on the line in order to help a mother that was less then supportive. Nora and Kane definitely have a good balance to them, I enjoyed watching them grow and learn as they went on not only in their relationship but in their lives.

Not to mention the chemistry between these two was smokin’ hot, I always love the tension that a love/hate relationship brings to the table. Overall, this book had a lot of winning elements for me and I quite enjoyed the unfolding of all of it. The writing was well done, and this story had a lot going for it outside of just the bedroom scenes. I will be looking for more in this series to come, as well as going back to read the first two!

Overall Rating: 4/5 stars

elylibrarysec's review against another edition

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

Kane Kavanagh has a way with the ladies. But there’s one woman who pushes his buttons and her name is Nora Hannigan. She just wants to be loved. I’m glad that her mother is fictional because I would have a few choice words to tell her. Kane at times seemed to be a little self-centered but he was there for Nora when it counted. At times I felt that she was to good for him but you love whom you love. It’s a story that will have you riveted and wanting to know more about the Kavanagh family.

This is one of those stories where the children pull at your heart – especially at this time of year. The children are part of Nora’s world and I’m glad that they have someone like Nora in their lives. Our author, in her own way, lets the reader know that we can’t take all the responsibilities of the world on our shoulders. We have to let others in and take the help that they offer.

I’m glad that this series can be considered stand-alones because I need to get caught up. I’ve read book two, Saving a Legend, but am disappointed to not have read Breaking a Legend yet. But I made sure to add it to my TBR list. And to add an extra enjoyment, it’s also in my audio TBR list. Kane is an MMA fighter and had me wanting to take a trip to Vegas just to see if he would make an appearance. I was also happy to see that there’s another book, Chasing a Legend, coming out in 2017 and it’s on my want to read list. Am also looking forward to the other books that Ms. Robinson has out now.

. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.

lauraanne9's review against another edition

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***ARC Provided by the Publisher and NetGalley***

I enjoyed this book. And I appreciated the idea that it is possible to be atttracted to someone, and yet at the same time be in a place in your life where the addition of a relationship is an issue. Life happens, and often in romance novels, the reality is set aside for the flutters of love for the characters. It really appealed to me that this reality, for both Nora and Kane, was addressed and had an impact. I did believe the choices they would make, and I think that it made them both more human and more compelling for their difficult choice.

I thought the pacing of this was strong, as well as the writing, which was also strong with good dialog and no points where I felt the characters were speaking oddly or out of character in any way. I found both of them appealing and realistic and I liked who they were as people, not just as characters.

I do recommend this book. It has a lot of depth that not only keeps it interesting but moves the story along smoothly.

Full disclosure: I read the 2nd in this series and did not like it. My review and rating for this other book reflect this. Generally, this means I don't read the others. In this case, the author was gracious, reached out, and said she hoped I would read the next one. So I did.

***This and other reviews featured on our blog “Booked All Night” and here:***

beamasalunga's review against another edition

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Thank you Loveswept for providing an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Out of all the books in the Kavanagh Legends series, this is my favorite. Becoming A Legend is about Fiona's best friend, Nora Hannigan and Kieran's twin brother, Kane Kavanagh.

The love-hate relationship between them is fascinating. I can't help smiling whenever they exchange witty banters and later on leads to a steamy romance. These two have priorities in life and they don't have time to engage in relationships because it will distraction on their goals. With Nora finishing her Psychology degree, maintaining her grades to qualify on scholarship, working to sustain her needs and keeping up with her mother, who hasn't been good to her and has gambling problems. While Kane is busy training for upcoming fight and aims to win for his family.

The pressure is on but they remained passionate and motivated when it comes to their careers. As they spend more time together, Nora sees beyond Kane's reputation of being a player. He's a lovely man and she's slowly falling for him. Likewise, Kane finds her sweet, kind and strong instead of a grouchy and guarded woman. I'm engrossed with their story and I love how they matutely handled their issues. The sexual between them is so good and hot! Kane is really an attentive lover. For the love of Irish men. Irish. Hot. Men.

If you are looking for novels with hot MMA fighters, I recommend this series. It's really good and the Kavanagh family is awesome. I am looking forward for Quinn's book. ;)

arireavis's review against another edition

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*ARC received from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review*

Another good installment to this series. I liked Kane a great deal, even if it took him a while to get his head out of his butt and admit his feelings. I liked Nora and the way she handled situations at the center for kids, but her mommy issues bugged me. I am more of a 'if you don't like me, leave me the hell alone' person, so it's hard for me to connect with Nora doing so much to earn her mom's (nonexistent) love and attention. But she was still a great girl. Kane was willing to sacrifice a whole lot for Nora in the end and it just improved my view of him a lot. The sexy time was hot and you didn't have to wait long for it. You also get to catch up on wedding planning and stuff with the previous books' couples, which was nice. The book was 3 stars, but I'm putting 4 because although I rated the previous 2 books 3 stars as well, something gets me excited about continuing this series, so I think that deserves an extra star.

thepottedplant's review

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*ARC Received from NetGalley in exchange for honest review*

This was so good!! I think it was even better than the other two! Hopefully the next is even better!