
Trevor by Aurora Rose Reynolds

jpatts's review against another edition

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I really wanted to love this book, but it fell a little short. I felt like it was too much like the first in terms of plot. Don't get me wrong there were definitely parts of the book I enjoyed. Trevor, much like Asher, was super sweet and a major alpha. The heat between Trevor and Liz was palpable. The sex scenes were a plenty! I just felt the story in general was little forced and maybe a bit rushed.
Spoiler There was all this drama with her brother and then poof it was resolved with a few pages of a kidnapping and rescue---just way too fast for me.

With that being said, I am majorly looking forward to Cash's story. The epilogue of Until Trevor might have been my favorite aspect of book #2. I can not WAIT for Cash and Lilly's story. The little snippet we got at the end had me in tears. I have high hopes for book #3---I feel like the story alone is going to be vastly different than 1 and 2. Though I liked not loved this book, I will definitely be continuing this family-series.

ally_always_reads's review against another edition

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This is still my least favorite book of the series.

lazyydaisy's review against another edition

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Definitely much better then the first book! I'm so happy I gave this book a chance. Yes, this book has instalove and yes it's a bit cheesy/corny at times but there's just something about it that keeps me hooked!

The only thing I don't like is the fact that time just passes by within paragraphs. It'll be like "I wake up and remember that I was attacked yesterday and stabbed seven times in an alley" and I'm like "WTF?! When did this happen?! A sentence ago they were on their freaking honeymoon". (The scenario is completely made up fyi she doesn't get stabbed or anything like that but still). If you're going to make something huge happen I would like the details leading up to it. I feel like sometimes she just skips over important stuff and just glosses over it.

I'm really excited to read remaining two brothers books, especially Cash. At first I wasn't really looking forward to the idea, especially since it would involve that stupid hoe who ruined his life but after reading the excerpt at the end of the book, I'm hooked!

I think everyone should give this series a shot. If you don't like the first book, don't give up on it too quickly. Like me, you might end up enjoying the second and hopefully the others.

everread_nicolesversion's review against another edition

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love them but love Asher more

This book was really good and I liked the blooming relationship between the two MCs I didn’t like some of the things that they Mmc does but honestly it fit perfectly with his character so can’t really complain haha. I thought more would come out of the Kai character or even Bill but they moved the story along well.

robinreadsalot's review against another edition

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I cannot get enough! I want more, more more! I love the Maysons. I love Trevor and Liz. Their story tore me apart and put me back together. And I will keep coming back for more as I read every story about the Maysons and their extended family and all their friends. More. Please More.

thebelleaurora's review against another edition

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(Im)patiently awaiting the next.

mcdubsreads's review against another edition

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Trevor...what can I these Mayson boys. Love the way he is so protective yet supportive of Liz. I like that he recognizes her observant nature. I fell in love with Liz and her evil side definitely a girl after my own heart. Another winner, Aurora! I can't wait until March to get my hands on Until Lilly.

acose5's review against another edition

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1,5 stars
It took me ages to finish Until Trevor - AGES!
Why? Because I didn't particularly like it.
1: spelling & grammar mistakes - everywhere!

2: The flow was off. The storytelling switches oddly between past & present, not only in flashbacks, but also in terms of tenses. While you're reading in past tense in one sentence, the author switches to present tense in the next and back again. This makes for an odd reading experience.

3: Only the sex scenes are narrated somewhat more detailed. The rest of the action or the background story of the characters is told in paragraphs of max. ten sentences. Thus making it really tough for the reader to relate to the characters OR the story.
Just one scene to show you my point: At about 87% the heroine Liz gets kidnapped - KIDNAPPED, ok? This is how the reader gets told this bit of the story ...

“"Liz.” I can hear my name being called, and I know the voice, but don’t know why Kara would be calling my name when I’m on my honeymoon with Trevor. “Hmm?” I answer from my groggy state. “Liz.” I try to lift my head, but become dizzy from the sharp pain that slices through my head. Then I remember that today is my first day back at work. I was there with Kara when two guys came into the store and forced us at gunpoint out to their van. When I tried to prevent them from taking Kara, something slammed into the back of my head.““

A scene narrated right after ending the chapter of the heroine's honeymoon. Seriously? I mean SERIOUSLY???
Author and editor thought it best to leave out all the interesting story parts - telling their readers what happens only when really, really necessary and in just the shortest way possible.

The cuts in the story are just too harsh and happen too often. Plus: There are so many bad mistakes that could have been avoided with some decent editing. Small things like that:
Liz and Kara are being kept in a tornado shelter; they decide to turn off their electric lamp to save batteries for when they need it again. THEY SIT THERE IN THE DARK - so far, so good. But on the very next page, you get this:
"“Kara, I want you to go into the corner, tuck yourself into a ball, and turn off the lamp.” ...Once I see that she is tucked away and turns off the light, ..."

WHAT? No, no, no, just NO!

Mrs. Reynolds, please change editor!!! You have potential and you already proofed to write good and funny books. But your editor needs to improve drastically!

5: Trevor is supposed to be the sexy caveman in this romance. He was not only this, at some stages he was worse than a Neanderthal. At one point I thought "no no, this one is no caveman. He is still an ape that even lacks the ability of speech." In the beginning he acted like a three year old and spoke like one. No sentence longer than 10 words. MAX. The character got more interesting at the end.
It was nearly impossible to like him.

6: Liz's and Trevor's getting together was just without magic or any kind of suspense curve. Not only because of Mr. Caveman, but also because of all aforementioned reasons. So - No nice relationship development between the two - just snarling command after command from him and lots of carrying her around. Meh! Ma che ca**o!

7: I was honestly disappointed as I really liked the first book of the series ([b:Until November|18341046|Until November (Until, #1)|Aurora Rose Reynolds||25808543]). Why this downslide? It's really strange. At least it doesn't happen very often that the sequels are so much worse than the first novel. Even less often that I get so disappointed and bored while reading =)!

Dear Mrs. [a:Aurora Rose Reynolds|7215619|Aurora Rose Reynolds|] - where was your editor?

I'm out in search of a good book.
And no. No recommendation as long as they don't correct some of the editing cruelties made here.
Yours, Anto5

nickole1980's review against another edition

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sigh. ...what a good story. I liked how alpha Trevor is n how Liz likes to ruffle his feathers

amybosica's review against another edition

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Actual Rating: 4.5 stars