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A Proper Hellhound by Orlando A. Sanchez

cjevans's review

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I absolutely adore this story because it there is so much we learn about our favorite hellhound. I also blame it for the fact I said "Meat is life" to my husband in a conversation.

shereads1011's review

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Peaches is a character worthy of his own series of books. The dynamic between him and Simon is hilariously funny and touching. The fact that Simon treats Peaches as if he is a regular dog makes me laugh every time someone points out that he is not.

This short was something I think the series needed, it didn’t answer any important questions but it did help Simon and Peaches her stronger and it also taught Simon lessons. He really needed some lessons. I don’t know how he goes through life that clueless. Also I’m glad he now realizes that the saliva is life saving lol.

aarosebery's review

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More predictable than usual, but a fun short story

dmcke013's review

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Off-shoot from the 'main' Montague and Strong novels, in which Peaches (Strong's faithful hellhound) has to go to obedience classes, after chewing up some of Montague's shoes.

Which, as anyone who has ever owned a dog will tell you, is quite a common thing for a puppy to do.

Most puppies, however, are not hellhounds, nor do they possess the ability to grow to the size of a small bus or shoolt laser beams ('baleful glare') from their eyes ...

All of which Peaches can do.

I fairly flew through this one - think I read it in less than a single afternoon - which you can normally take in one of two ways: it's short, or it's good. to that, I'd add a third option: it's also rather enjoyable for what it is!

lowbrowreaderofzerof_cks's review

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Not bad but too familiar

I wanted a taster for a series I am considering for but the story was quite short and I suspect I landed too much in the middle. The writing is not bad and there is definite promise though, more so in a taster chapter of the first book in series than in the actual short story. Only thing that seriously bothered me though is that Simon and Peaches remind me of Atticus and Oberon a bit too much for comfort.