
Reid by Melanie Moreland

crazychriss93's review

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Reid - hacker extraordinaire, life savior and ... virgin due to the fact that he was a nerd in school and spent quite a while in prison.
Meets the love of his life, Becca, a woman who doesn't slut-shame (ok,ok there are also no other women in this one she could slut-shame), who is a bit too nice for this world and believes her daddy a bit too much but... she is a nice woman who is quite a successful businesswoman so whoop whoop

I liked he couple as a unit but also the characters individually. They fit and worked well together. I like that both of them share some character traits but are also quite different.

I loved that the author highlighted some real life issues in this one again.
Other than that, there was nothing extraordinary about the plot itself...

Concerning the plot and the writing style, this one probably doesn't deserve 5 stars, I know, but I'm just so into this series right now that there's no way I could consider giving only four stars...

renitor's review

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this was hella good. i didnt like becca so much. but i utterly adored reid. he’s my fav. love him to bits. he was literally so precious and i couldnt stand it. also, this whole book in general is so heartwarming. all the moments where bentley, maddox, and aiden are helping reid because they are FAMILY! they are BROTHERS! literally i was squealing in wholesome delight. and the BABY & DADDY CIRCLE! ugh yes.

“Then I think the weekly meeting should commence. Everyone has their baby and is ready?”

can it get any cuter?

talknerdybookblog's review

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No strong representations of minority identities.

Overall: 3.75/5 stars

Reid is the definition of a sweet romance. The main narrator is the Hero, Reid, as he navigates his job at BAM while also trying to work up the courage to ask his colleague, Becca, on a date. Most of the tension in Reid arises from Reid's past–he went to jail for four years for hacking: his way of proving to a friend's bank there were issues in the bank's security was hacking that bank.

His history as a foster kid and being abandoned as a baby has resulted in Reid convincing himself he's not worthy of a loving and committed relationship. He also has to work through the impact his ex-convict status has on his ability to live life the way Becca wants (travel and mortgages, etc.).

Reid never wavers in his faith that Becca is 'the one' for him. But his past is what makes him hesitant to pursue Becca, and once they're together, it makes him take a step back.

I think because Moreland does such a great job crafting Reid's narrative, I didn't connect to Becca as much, which is quite rare for me. Even when a novel is written in only the Hero's POV, I'm usually much more in-line with the Heroine. My lack of connection with the Heroine was further damaged by how she handled some situations. However, the degree to which Reid pushed the Heroine away also contributed to the less-than 5-star rating.

There were quite a few unique parts that I liked:

– the Heroine, Becca, proposing to the Hero! It was so cute.
– Reid calling out Bentley on his double-standards over Reid's hacking. Bentley needs Reid to violate his parol by helping find Emmy (see [b:Bentley|36889238|Bentley (Vested Interest, #1)|Melanie Moreland||58650289]), yet Reid can't use his own skills to protect his girlfriend, Becca? Ya, nope.
– Reid putting Becca's father in his place–her father was so rude. However, I didn't like how Becca never stood up for Reid in those initial visits.

Overall, I like (and, as a result, re-read) Reid because of the sweet romance between Reid and Becca. However, I think the biggest draw is Reid's sweet, smart and caring characterization.

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Safety Rating: Safe

• No cheating
• No OW/OM drama (Hero is a virgin)
• Does have Hero pushing the Heroine away
• Does have a brief separation

Possible Triggers:

• Husband of a supporting character dies from a heart attack (he was diagnosed with MS)
• Bias (and verbal abuse) against ex-convicts
• Discussion of childhood abandonment and mistreatment of children

HEA with Epilogue

ammalek's review

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I just knew I was going to adore Reid. This was by far my favorite book in this series. I love the geeky computer nerds that awkwardly say the funniest and sweetest things. Plus he was a virgin Hero which are always fun to read. Becca opened him up and showed him how to love. And after reading his backstory it was something he was aching for for a long time. She was the perfect woman for him. And I loved the epilogue to catch me up on all my favorite BAM characters.

myownbookshelves's review

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If you haven't checked out the Vested Interest series or hells bells, Melanie Moreland's writing, you are missing out on the best in romance. Her storytelling always delivers all the necessary elements I need for complete entertainment: heart, soul and happy ever after. But where her speciality lies is in the male characters. They are more than the sum of their exterior shell. Ms. Moreland delivers the personalities flaws and all where the reader cannot help but fall in love with them.

Reid does not disappoint. But exceeded my expectations.

A beta virgin isn't a new trope to introduce to readers. Their story has an expectation. Not Reid. His position isn't because of some tragedy impacting the decision to forgo or ingrained belief. What it boils down to is opportunity with the right person. And once he meets Becca, he recognizes the 'One'. And the courtship - yes, getting to the sex - becomes fun. Imagine being the disenfranchised man and suddenly getting everything you've ever dreamed of. You are going to ROCK HER SOCKS!

But the story has more than just the trials of getting to a HEA. It's about how your past decisions impact your future. Does someone deserve to keep paying for that mistake? Melanie Moreland handles the topic with truth and honor without high drama. Her storytelling gives insight to any characters ability to change or rearrange their 'spots'.

If you've not read the Vested Interest series, yes it can be read as a standalone. I actually took the journey with an ARC reader and I got a resounding thumbs up. Yet, as she said, why miss out on the fabulous and entertaining story of friendship in the series. 5+ out of 5 IT Genius finds his

sbellis's review

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This might be my favorite of the first 4 books in this series to read. I haven’t laughed so much in a really long time. Gosh what can I say about this novel... Reid with a rough past has a lot of first in his adult life, and it makes for a fun story to read. The BAM boys take him under their wing, and he quickly proves himself and becomes apart of their family. You need to read the first three before reading this one, but you won’t be disappointed with this series at all. Maddox is still my favorite of the BAM boys, but this was definitely my favorite to read. Get ready to go on a fun ride with Reid. He learns so much and gains so much more than he ever expected.

luth3rmilla's review

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This book was promising, but in the end I just couldn't get into it.

bookgyrl's review

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OK, so I have not read the other books in this series so maybe that effected my rating. I liked the book but did not love it. It has some cute moments and some LOL moments.

Reid is the IT guy of BAM and in love with Becca, who has joined the company as a liaison. But he is so shy and still a virgin so he makes a list what he would like to do with and to Becca (like kissing, dating and her popping his cherry) and he accidentally sends this list to his bosses. They of course try to help the poor guy get his girl by giving advice, dancing lessons and reminding him of condoms.
I understand Reid is a virgin, but he was portrayed like some teenage boy and I thought that was a little over the top. The love story was kind of sweet.

fortheloveoffictionalworlds's review

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Also Posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Disclaimer: An eARC was provided via Enticing Journey Book Promotions and the Author as part of the Blog Tour. The Thoughts, opinions & feelings expressed in the review are therefore, my own.

Actual Rating 4.5 Stars

I fell in love with Ms. Moreland’s work when she gave me BAM Boys – they were honest to god, some of the most wonderful fictional men I have had the pleasure of meeting – they were the epitome of faith & loyalty; but most of all; unconditional friendship is all about. It hurt my heart to say goodbye to the men I fell for – Bentley (Read My Review); Aiden (Read My Reviews) and Maddox (Read My Review).  

But the author healed that hurt a bit when she announced that we would be getting Reid’s HEA! 

Reid broke my heart
– all through the book; not only it was a wonder that he turned out to be the kind, gentle boy he is; but he also had my admiration for the strength of character he showed through – out the book! This honestly made me jealous of Becca – she got to hug, love and protect him throughout his life – but it made me proud that I found an author who does a brilliant job of finding perfect partners for characters her readers have fallen in love with!  

But what I loved most about Ms. Moreland in this book; she definitely didn’t shy away from the fact that Reid is an ex – con! Even though he had turned his life around; his past did have an impact on his present and future – the author showed the reality of exactly what being an ex – con is like without the rose colored glasses.  

What I also admired and definitely adored was the support and foundation that my BAM boys gave Reid – he found three elder brothers without him even realizing it – the non – judgmental attitude & the unconditional support they gave him; baffled him yet cemented my adoration for these men who gave this orphan not only a second chance but also the family that he oh so clearly needed.  

I have been on the journey with BAM boys since the start; and while it hurts my heart to say goodbye to these wonderful boys – it helps that all of them are in their happy place! 

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