corinnemercury's review against another edition

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By far my favourite book out of the 4 business books Gary Vaynerchuk's released so far. Clear and tight writing, it cuts through the bullshit of so many other business books and gets straight to the point. Plenty of philosophical ideals in it, but it also gives plenty of useful, practical information, from the 6 things that characterise outstanding content, to saying exactly the type of content you need to produce for the main social media channels in order to, ahem - "crush it" i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn. The main philosophy of "jab, jab, jab, right hook" is explained so clearly it doesn't even feel like business jargon at this point. His best work so far!

Some fav quotes:
"content is king, but context is God"
"aspiration & acquisition are two of the most powerful human drivers that lead people to buy"
"social media channels are storytelling venues, not distribution centres"

anandrajaram's review against another edition

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Great introduction to Social Media (Facebook and Twitter primarily) for Small Businesses. Excellent examples and case studies.

cherreadssharereads's review against another edition

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Tumblr chapter is outdated but even before that, the strategy to Tumblr was not all about GIFs as Vaynerchuck makes it seem; Tumblr was what made blogging go viral. It prioritized quality content first, regardless of animated GIFs. Anyway, regardless, I do like the analogy of marketing as a boxing match--it makes so much more sense in today's social media-obsessed world. I have some additions to the Instagram chapter but I think he nailed it on Twitter. Good book on how to leverage social media for newb marketers.

hzboy's review against another edition

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I read in English but the review is being written in Bahasa Indoneisa

For the sake of my job sebagai Head of Social di salah satu perusahaan copy writing di Surabaya, selain karena buku ini memiliki judul dan penampilan yang unik, ternyata banyak ilmu yang bisa didapat dan berguna untuk para admin di luar sana.

Kalau kamu tertarik dengan dunia pemasaran digital terutama yang berhubungan dengan media sosial, buku ini sangat cocok untukmu. Dengan bahasa yang tidak berbelit-belit dan disertai contoh studi kasus nyata, aku rasa pembaca menjadi semakin peka dengan segala macam media sosial yang melakukan pemasaran. Siapa tahu malah bisa mengkritik seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh Vaynerchuk di dalam buku ini.

Untuk ulasan lengkap, sila mampir ke Shiori-ko