
One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker

yasmeexn's review against another edition

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livie is my sign not to pursue medicine thank u

akiikomori's review against another edition

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I don’t know how it is for a lot of readers, but there are books that you just can’t put down; that you need to continue reading because you NEED to know what happens next? Yeah, that was this book for me.
Usually I’m okay with putting a book down for a while and picking it up again later, but with this one, I just HATED putting it down – like I wanted to just keep reading it! This has almost never happened to me before, at least that I can recall. I loved seeing how Livie started to change and become her own person, and I liked how frustrated she was around Aston. Isn’t that something we can all relate to? Liking someone who isn’t good for us, but liking them anyway?

Livie Cleary has always been the perfect daughter. She has perfect grades, thinks of others before herself, loves children and has her whole life mapped out and memorized. Just before she’s about to start her first semester at Princeton (her father’s alma mater), her sister and her Doctor both agree that she needs to let go and figure out who she really wants to be. At her first party she meets Ashton – who is the sort of boy you’re not supposed to fall for. Livie’s problem is that for some reason he won’t leave her alone. Not long after she meets Connor. He’s everything she could possibly want in a boyfriend and the kind of person her parents would have loved, but for some reason all she can think about is Ashton. What is it about annoyingly hot guys that tease you all the time, that make them irresistible. But just as Livie can’t stop thinking about Ashton, he can’t stop thinking about her. She’s it for him, his forever, but he shouldn’t want her.

It feels like elementary again where everyone tells you that if a boy teases you it’s because he likes you. How does that mindset even work as an adult, and how does it still work!?
Is it because it’s a form of flirtation? I still have yet to figure it out. I have someone who I probably have unrequited feelings for (nothing will ever come of it so let’s not talk about it) and we flirt and we banter and we tease each other with witty comments like, “You know you like it” or “You know you’ll miss me”. And it works! Why is it playing hard to get works?! Or maybe it just works on me… Maybe I’m broken. Maybe I only like men who I like more than they like me, does that make sense?
The point of this being is I get the struggle with Livie and Ashton and maybe that’s why I enjoyed this book so much. THE STRUGGLE was SO RELATABLE!

With a lot of romance novels you know the two mains are going to end up together, that’s just a fact, but even though I knew who Livie was going to end up with I still wondered how exactly that would come about. It wasn’t typical, boy chases girl, or girl chases boy, it was the kind of love story where they know they shouldn’t be together but do it anyway. Why do I like those stories so much? Maybe because that’s how things usually are…. We fall for the wrong people and we just can’t help it.

“Sometimes in life you make a decision and you find yourself questioning it. A lot. You don’t regret it, exactly. You know that you probably made the right choice and that you’re probably better off for it. But you do spend a lot of time wondering what the hell you were thinking.”

Livie really is/was perfect. She said and did all the right things, acted a certain way, had the perfect school and profession in mind, but you have to wonder how people don’t crumble under that sort of pressure. Part of growing up and being an adult is figuring out who you want to be, and at twenty-four I still don’t know who I’m supposed to be. I don’t believe that at seventeen or eighteen we’re in the right mind to decide our futures, and just like Livie we need to explore life, fall in love, have adventures and make mistakes along the way. (Having a great support team of friends is important too).

The two main males, Aston and Connor, are two-sides of a coin. Both of them quite dreamy depending on your preference in men. I could see the appeal to both, and yet like Livie, I couldn’t help but be attracted to someone I shouldn’t want. Sigh. What is it about wanting something or someone you shouldn’t that makes it so appealing? SOMEONE TELL ME!
Let me just say that Ashton is a bad-boy (in a sense) and Connor is the gentleman, the kind of boy your mom wants you to bring home.

“1. I’m brilliant
2. I’m charming
3. I’m hung like a thoroughbred
4. I’ve stopped all philandering
5. I’m highly skilled, as you’ve learned the other night.

P.S. Stop staring at my hands. I know what you want me to with them.”

Ashton has definitely made my Book Boyfriends list, and One Tiny Lie is definitely going on my favourites and recommended list.
I have so much love for this series I can’t wait until the next book!

5/5 Hearts of Love

mandyreads's review against another edition

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Another favorite of 2015! I absolutely adored this book! I'll write up a proper review once I compose my thoughts!

What's It About?

One Tiny Lie is the second book in the Ten Tiny Breaths series that follows the Cleary sisters. It pretty much picks right up from where Ten Tiny Breaths left off and this time we get to go along with Livie on her journey to finding herself. Livie is all grown up and off to Princeton, which is her father’s alma mater, to pursue her dream of becoming a pediatric oncologist. Since losing both of her parents in a tragic car accident at a young age, Livie has always known what direction her life is supposed to go. Always the straight A student, volunteering, and always looking out for others; sometimes before herself. She is the ultimate life planner. But you know what they say, “The minute you make plans, that’s when life happens.” The night before Livie leaves for New Jersey, her older sister Kacey shocks her and tells her that she needs to loosen up and not be so rigid about life and that she too has suffered a sort of PTSD from losing their parents.

“You’re too perfect, Livie. Everything you do, everything you say. You can do no wrong. If someone slapped you across the face, you’d apologize to them. I can’t believe you don’t deck me for some of the stuff I say. It’s like you’re not capable of getting angry. You could be the love child of Mother Teresa and Ghandi.”

Kacey accompanies Livie to Princeton to help move her in and help her meet some people besides her roommate, Regan. Since Livie has a bit of social anxiety, especially when it comes to mingling with the opposite sex, Kacey decides that they should go to a toga part hosted by a frat house and have copious amounts of jello shots. During these shenanigans, Livie loosens up quite a bit and meets Ashton Henley, the captain of the Princeton rowing team and pretty much Livie’s wet dream. From the moment they lock eyes, they form this intense, strong connection. They end up making out and the next morning Livie wakes up in her dorm room to a naked Ash who has a fresh tattoo on his ass that says, “Irish”. Because the planner and Livie comes out, she has already made up her mind that Ashton is not the type of man she should be with and she keeps ignoring the burning attraction and magnetic pull that she feels towards him just because he doesn’t look “good on paper” next to her.

From the first moment that Ash meets Livie, it’s like that he can sense that he can be his true self with her. He portrays himself to be a total fuckboy, but he actually has a lot more going on behind that façade. The angst and sexual tension between these two characters is perfectly paced and absolutely delicious. It can be hard to portray sexual tension between two characters, but this writing was right on the mark. Their journey to their Happily Ever After was complicated, rocky and went back and forth, but well worth it.

“You’re not a one night girl, Irish. You’re my forever girl.”

This is the part where I beg and plead and tell you to go and read this book right now, because if I say anymore I will give away the whole plot!

My Thoughts

I loved that this book was about learning how to make your own choices, not living for someone else’s dream for you, and that it’s ok to not always know what you want in life. I was so happy that Dr. Stayner played another major role in this book, because I’ve come to see him as sort of a surrogate father for both Kacey and Olivia who still desperately need parental guidance since their time with their parents was cut so tragically short. It was also fun to see a lighter side of Kacey since she’s come out of the darkness; she is quite witty and sarcastic. It was really nice to see her truly happy in this book. Also, I really loved the twist near the end of this book that I really didn’t see coming! While the New Adult genre has come to be one of my absolute favorite and go-to genres to read it can sometimes be predictable which doesn’t bother me, but it’s always refreshing to see a new spin on characters and story that has been told before.

K.A. Tucker’s writing is absolutely flawless and addictive. She writes with such grace, style, and her complete heart. She has now become an auto-buy author for me and I can’t wait to read the rest of her books.

sb_reads23's review against another edition

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This book felt so raw and real. Really felt this one deeply. I had a kinship with Livie that I haven’t had with other book characters. Felt like the therapist was talking straight to me. Ashton was so so special and one of a kind, one of the best guys. And the chemistry was out of this world. Completely in love with them both

magencorrie's review against another edition

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*received from NetGalley*

4.5 stars!

My Thoughts

Okay, I just love this series. I love K. A. Tucker! Love , love, love! Lots of love here people! If you haven’t read the first book in the series you need too! And if you haven’t gotten to One Tiny Lie, you are missing out on a great story!

One Tiny Lie was such a beautifully told story with a great pace, a wonderful plot build up, and heartwarming character growth. Livie’s story was beautiful, and I am so glad to have experienced it. The writing style sucked me in, and the characters brought this story life.

Livie, Kacey’s younger sister, is finally on her own, and doing what she thinks she wants to do. But being who she is, a very shy, naïve person, she really faces some challenges when she goes off to college and catches the attention of not one but two guys. This really sets up for an emotional read about personal growth, learning who you are, and for standing up for yourself and for others.

Livie is a great character. She really was. Being able to finally get her story, to understand her more added a great depth to the world K.A. Tucker has created. Like Kacey, Livie has also suffered from the events that have happened in the past few years, though she has suffered quite differently than Kacey. What I loved most about Livie is how she overcomes the problems she is face with. This allows her to really become a strong character. Though she is a shy individual and very innocent, I really did adore her. And the character transformation she goes through was very emotional and wonderful to witness.

Now, let’s talk some Ashton. I adored this guy. Yes, he kind of enters the book with a sexy scene and of course he has some problems of his own. But I really enjoyed the emotional depth of his character. Though he does come off as a butthead in the book (which made me want to shake him a few times), he really is a great character. What I loved about him is, he too, over comes some very personal demons and emotional scars. When he enters Livie’s life, he challenges her and makes her question her life and her decision, they both challenge each other. I love when characters challenge each other! Ashton’s character really draws you in. And just like Livie, I loved watching Ashton’s character transformation.

Oh, the dreaded love triangle! Connor is the guy that brings this little twist into the equation. Yes, I hate love triangles, but it wasn’t that bad in this book. It was done well, and felt believable. The author allowed me to see and understand why this love triangle was taking place. Connor comes into Livie’s life when she is very confused, and he is what she thinks she wants. Though Connor wasn’t my favorite, he was still a sweet guy and I do hate what he went through. But he definitely added a great twist to the story.

There are quite a few characters in this book, some new ones I really liked and of course some old faces make an appearance! I loved that Kacey, Trent, Storm and the rest of the cast showed their faces! It was awesome! I adore these characters, so to see them again was really heartwarming!

The best thing about this series is the character development the characters go through. The author really challenges them, tests them, and sets them up to encounter many obstacles. It is wonderful to read and experience the growth of both Livie and Ashton. It made me love their characters that much more.

One Tiny Lie was a great addition to this really amazing series. I am so glad I got Livie’s story, to see and understand her character. I definitely recommend this one for those who love a contemporary read that is not only about romance, but self-discovery, true friendship, hope, and love.

carriesouthard's review against another edition

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Loved this "torn between 2 lovers" story. Very beautifully written. Could hardly put this one down I kept wanting to know who Livie was going to end up with!

cobaltbookshelf's review against another edition

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DNF at 50% constant cheating between main characters was nail in the coffin I can't

jdgagnon's review

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This is my favorite book in this series. 10/10 for me.

iyaa's review against another edition

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3.5 stars.
Livie, hun. You quite disappointed me.

When I found out that there was going to be a seperate book for Live, I knew I had to get my hands on this one. I loved Kacey's personality, and was excited to see how Livie would venture off on her own. She was a very independent and smart person, but boy oh boy did she make a ton of mistakes here. Don't get me wrong, that's VERY normal. While [b:Ten Tiny Breaths|15990969|Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths, #1)|K.A. Tucker||21747190] was a compelling and gripping story, [b:One Tiny Lie|17302495|One Tiny Lie (Ten Tiny Breaths, #2)|K.A. Tucker||22603415] was basic, plain, and immature for me.

Here's a list of things I hated.
1. Cheating, obviously. She knew she was attracted more to Ashton, but still pushed her romance with Connor.
2. Connor, love, as sweet as you are I'm pretty sure there was no LABEL between you and Livie, and I'm pretty sure you didn't ASK. You straight up kissed her and assumed she was yours.

Yea, Ashton was a bastard and a man-whore but needless to say, he was HOT. And definitely my guilty pleasure.

The one thing that saved this book for me though was the ending. It's a different story with the whole family together, and I missed the gang so much. Reading them goofing around together melted my heart and made me smile.
Epilogue, you saved this book for me.

christinabooktreasures's review against another edition

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This one is not as good as the first 2 books which were about her sister. I am not going to finish this series.