
Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm by Thích Nhất Hạnh

almondjelly's review

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concise, practical wisdom

alextbrouwer's review

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Reading this book, I found myself more equipped to be present, move more purposefully in the world, listen and speak with compassion, and understand my own emotions. The words are simple but profound.

rjdouglas1's review

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This book is very good. It has helped me as I have struggled with fear and anxiety over the past year. The mindfulness meditations help to stay present in the moment instead of letting fear take me to the future or the past.

The book is simple, but profound.

o88's review

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This one read paradoxically and is a bit out of touch with the the 'real world'. On one page he's saying there is no self and on the other he's saying to gain self-understanding. As much as he denies the self he sure does go on a lot as if we're individuals who should treat each other better. I don't think his personal philosophy is congruent with Buddhist teachings, it seems more in line with Christianity. All the stuff on reincarnation and continuing after death in some other form was poetic but ultimately "woo-woo". Yes the building blocks of our body on an atomic level continue, but his dismissal of the individual experience is off-putting to the point that I think these Zen masters have lost touch with what it means to be a human as their both wise and aloof on the human condition, but perhaps that's what happens when you take up a life of monk-hood. Furthermore, his antidote for dealing with fear using mindfulness makes me feel like he's never even remotely experienced the sort of pressure bubbles that a lot of us Westerners have been in because it won't be enough on your worst days, or perhaps i'm not deep enough into my own practice yet to see that sort of benefit. The biggest takeaway from this book was the importance of community. I have a tendency to take on challenges by myself and it really doesn't have to be that way. We are all linked in one way or another, so it's important to connect, lend a hand, and ask for help sometimes.


martinga's review

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This book gave me so much! Words are not enough to describe it. Maybe just this: As someone struggling with anxiety I found great comfort in it.

evenstr's review

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This has been a summer of reading several Thich Nhat Hanh books. What can I say: I love the guy. I love his peaceful demeanor that is clear even in his writing. I love the strides he’s made to make the mindfulness practice more accessible to non-Buddhists. After living in his monastic community for a week, I’ve gotta say that I love that, too.

One of the things that I love about Thich Nhat Hanh’s books is how similar they all sound...they all have the same calm tone that makes it feel like you’re reading a section of an incredibly long work. Others may dislike the quality, but I like it.

Fear, as you may have guessed deals almost entirely with fear and anxiety in life. I loved Thay’s focus on acknowledging the child within us, a practice which I believe should be employed more often, whether that is calming the child or embracing the child and doing something fun and silly.

I find myself continually frustrated with the way that books like this seem to ignore the realities of emotional states caused by mental illness--sadness caused by depression, fear caused by an anxiety disorder, that sort of thing. I think it’s too easy for a book like this to insinuate that if your anxiety isn’t being helped by the advice in the book, then you aren’t trying hard enough. I will say that the book kept me engaged enough that I didn’t feel that anxiety while I was reading. Once I had finished, I still felt frustrated that the fact that it’s ok to be anxious was never brought up. There is still a lot of stigma to mental illness, and books dealing with a topic like anxiety that don’t even bring up diagnosable illness aren’t helping to erase that stigma.

That being said, I give mad props to Thay for not making me frustrated while reading. And really, that’s my only criticism with the book. I loved the tone and the gentle nature of the writing. I never felt attacked or blamed for feeling the way I feel. It was a short, enjoyable, and thought-provoking read. I recommend Fear to anyone who likes Thich Nhat Hanh, his writing, or Buddhism in general. I issue a note of caution (though not *quite* a trigger warning) to those suffering from an anxiety’s likely you’ll still enjoy the book, but you may find yourself frustrated once you’ve finished.

Again, Fear is an excellent book, and its short length makes it a quick read, although it’s message will definitely last a long time. (Review taken from

squince's review

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I made it halfway but I'm quitting. I don't like his style of writing. I just wasn't invested.