
Primal by Michelle Rowen, Ava Gray, Lora Leigh, Jory Strong

brandiwyne4018's review against another edition

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The only novella that I could understand was Lore Leigh's Primal Kiss and that's because I follow that series. When it comes to anthologies, I read them to discover new authors but this one I couldn't get with. I felt as if I was doing way too much work trying to figure out characters and make sense of it all. I think that novellas should be a bridge for the returning reader but also an entrace to new comers of the series or of the genre.

ciannait76's review against another edition

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Bleeding Heart by Michelle Rowen: 4/5 Even though it is part of a series I got enough of the back story to enjoy it very much.

Skin and Bones by Ava Gray: 3.75/5 Another one that is part of a series but is very much stand alone too. You don't get confused about who is what and why. I just couldn't get into the characters very much. The story though was really good.

Angel-Claimed by Jory Strong: 2.25/5 I'm not sure if this was part of a series or not but I found myself skimming and skipping a lot to get to the end.

Breed 23 - Primal Kiss by Lora leigh: 4/5 I think this is one of the good breed stories after the last few that weren't so good. I hope she continues on the same path.

Total = 3.5/5

schomj's review against another edition

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For me, the stand-out stories were by Gray and Strong, but they're both better if you've read previous books in their respective series.

Bleeding Heart by Michelle Rowen
Strong but vulnerable characters, interesting storyline, but the writing style didn't really work for me. I think it has something to do with the pacing of the dialogue, but I'm not sure. This is a normal reaction for me to Rowen's writing, though, so it might just be a taste/personal preference sort of thing.

Skin & Bone by Ava Gray
You'd definitely get more from this story if you've read others in the series, but it also works very nicely as a stand-alone. Mature characters dealing with plausible problems in ways that make sense (well, plausible in a paranormal reality, anyway). The romance was really sweet and makes me believe that Silas and Juneau have a future together, but if you're addicted to your clear HEAs, this might not do it for you.

Angel-Claimed by Jory Strong - I really liked this one, but I've been a Strong fan since her EC days. Both the plotting and the phrasing are dark and ornate; if you prefer things that are fairly straightforward, this might not appeal to you. (Unlike some other reviewers, I didn't find it at all confusing, but I have read a few other stories in the Ghostland series.) Finally, while I really enjoyed the push-pull in Addai and Sajia's relationship, if you dislike D/s elements in romance, this probably isn't going to be your cup of tea.

Primal Kiss by Lora Leigh - All the books in this series are kind of cracked out and have very little in the way of logical consistency, but this is the first story I've read in this series that I would call boring. I don't remember the characters because even when I was reading about them I didn't care about them. I'm not sure if I'm just burned out on the Breeds, but... this is the final nail in the coffin in terms of my willingness to read more of these.

laurla's review against another edition

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Bleeding Heart by Michelle Rowen - Nightshade #1.5. A woman now carries a deadly drug in her blood. The drug turns vampires to ash with just a taste, but it is also slowly killing her, so she and her dhampyr ally are hoping to find a cure. connected to Rowen's new Nightshade series. "leave me, save yourself." "stop being a bad movie cliche and get on your feet. i'm not going anywhere without you."

Skin & Bone by Ava Gray - skin #2.5. When an earthquake hits in Ecuador, a man with much to atone for saves a woman caught under the rubble and finally finds someone who doesn't fear him, a woman who sees him as a hero instead of the monster he considers himself to be. - Connected to Gray's 'Skin' series. "are you going to judge me too? tell me i'm not serious enough? answer this: how does that HELP anything? how does misery make things better? i learned a hell of a long time ago that its better to decide to be happy - and pay attention here, make no mistake, happiness is a choice. if i choose to focus on all the terrible things in the world, then i might as well shoot myself because its not getting better. or i can take my pleasure where i find it. i refuse to live my life under a rain cloud, even if other people think i should." "but it wasnt as she'd feared. he didnt judge her for knowing what she wanted and going after it. nor did he condemn her because she liked sex and didnt care whether it always occurred in the confines of a committed relationship."

Angel Claimed by Jory Strong - Ghostland World #3.5. An immortal seeks to reclaim the woman he lost centuries ago, despite his dreams of how their reunion will play out, he will not simply force her to submit to his claim but will first help her to keep a vow to the vampire family she is bound to.

Primal Kiss by Lora Leigh - Breeds #23. Breed enforcer Creed is undercover protecting the daughter of one of the Breed's enemies, she's a potential pawn just waiting to be used by the Breeds or by their enemies to force her father's cooperation. But Creed's priorities may well be tested if as he has come to suspect she is his mate. breed series. "a spitfire with more courage than good sense sometimes."

michellecupboardmaker's review against another edition

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A fairly typical short story collection. None really stood out. I brought it into the store.

myntop's review against another edition

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This review is for the BREEDS portion of the book only at this time!

As with most novellas, I found the story a tad rushed and lacking in backstory. Not that it was bad, but to fit everything into 60 pages or so is tough. The glimpse into these two characters that we did get was good though. I love Kita, she's a "princess" but she's not a pushover. I love Creed too, he wasn't going to let Jonas manipulate him any more than he already had putting him at that job. I love that Kita was able to find some information for the breeds too and I hope in future books we get to see if it's able to help Amber at all.