
El señor de los vampiros by Gena Showalter

secretsofabooklover's review against another edition

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See my full review here: Book Review: Lord of the Vampires

First, let me start out by saying that (*gasp!*) this is the first novel I have ever read by Gena Showalter. Go ahead. I'll wait while you pick your jaw up off the floor...

Better now? Okay.

This started out a little confusing for me. I was worried by a few pages in if I was even going to finish this book. But as I kept reading, the plot drew me in and there was no turning back. Let me explain.

Right off the bat, we're thrown into this story centering around Jane. She has a past that we don't know about but is hinted at. The very fist scene seems to interrupt her day and I kind of felt like a neighbor who happened to be walking by, saw Jane in the window and decided to keep watching. It felt clipped and I didn't understand what was going on or the point.

As I pushed through the first chapter, it started reading like a novel within a novel. Eventually I became so engrossed in what she was reading that I had to keep going. Then, of course, Nicolai enters the plot and I was done for!

Jane was a very "vanilla" character in the beginning. She could have been any one of us. She wasn't the drop dead gorgeous heroine, she was a real woman with real problems and no extraordinary attributes. By the end of the book, we come to see the real Jane that lies beneath the vanilla surface. She's strong, stubborn, defiant, passionate, loyal and she fights for her man. She's not easily won over, even by Nicolai, but once she give her heart, she's in it for good. I really came to admire her as a woman by the end of this book.

Nicolai was an interesting character. While I was sold on him as soon as he entered the story, he took some getting used to. His memory loss made it difficult to get to know his character, but it starts to come back in bits and pieces. The time-traveling threw me for a loop the first few times and I had a hard time trying to follow along. Once I figured out what was going on, it made more sense, but it also added a bit of frustration to the plot (which is probably a good thing).

I liked the relationship that builds between Jane and Nicolai. I'm always a fan of the alpha male and their possessive instincts when it comes to their women, and Nicolai is no exception. As soon as he lays eyes on Jane, he stakes his claim on her. "Mine" seemed to be his favorite word. Cavemanesque? Probably, but I don't care. Especially when he's willing to anyone kill for her. Even Vicodin, the killer of pain, who held her prisoner (When you read the book you will understand. It's a sweet moment, trust me. LOL!).

The storyline, as I said, was a bit hard to follow in some points. And sometimes it seemed like it was moving slow. Not in the "boring" sense (there was enough going on the keep my nose in the book and my ass on the edge of my seat), but in that there didn't seem like there were enough pages left to tie up all the loose ends. But alas, that's the benefit of a series. You can end a book and give a couple their HEA (or not!) but not be done with the story. So, where this all leads, we shall see in the next book, Lord of Rage.

booklovinmamas's review against another edition

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Full Review posted on A Book Lovin Mama's Blog

I loved Nicolai in this book. I loved his name too. =) His character is actually what kept me reading the book. Jane also had my attention because she was a powerful woman and determined. She went through hell in this book though. I felt sorry for her. I did like what she did at the end of the book.
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed this book, but it wasn't my favorite from Gena. I can't wait to read the next LOTU which will capture my heart again. I do look forward to reading the next three books in the Royal House of Shadows series from the other three authors.
I still love you, Gena...and I will always be your fan...but please no more short books like this that only tease me.

enchantressofbooks's review against another edition

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This is my first time reading Gena Showalter and I've heard how wonderful her books are. I found this series as I searched for books by Jessica Anderson. Turns out three of the four authors of the series, I've heard how great their books are so I thought "Oh, this would be a great series then!" The concept was intriguing and who doesn't love a good vampire story w/ steamy scenes?

Its definitely a quick read. Only 281 pages and I believe that's the reason I'm only giving it 3.5 stars. It felt like the author was trying to cram too much information into a limited amount of time/pages and then rushed it to meet the word count requirement.

With all this said, the story itself is good. Loved that the heroine is strong and smart yet has some vulnerabilities/issues, but they don't consume her. She didn't hide behind her issues or her man!

Speaking of her man! Nicolai - sexy, strong, confident - well, yeah, of course, he's our Alpha male. He was a total cave man! Literally. One word sentences. Primal instincts and possessive "Mine." What women doesn't want that? LOL. I will admit, I had issues with Nicolai's "primitive" speech and it sort of turned me off, at first.
Spoiler Come on, he's supposed to be a Prince and be this higher being. Would he really talk like Tarzan? At times I was waiting for the following to show on the page "You Jane. You. Mine.(insert Tarzan call)." Thankfully, that didn't happen.
Then the story evolves and you get more of the details of what happened and what Nicholai has been through. Its the 'tell the man he's a beast and sooner or later he'll growl like one', sort of thing. Thankfully, he begins to use full sentences.

The ending felt rushed, again, due to the length/word count. An overall enjoyable story and a good beginning to a series. Looking forward to the next book.

amyiw's review against another edition

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2 1/2 and I struggled to decided between a 2 and 3 but really too much of this was meh..

1. Hero is arrogant, self center and cannot remember who he is.
Spoiler Forces a woman to come, but she only comes in spirit, so when the reason is revealed, he makes her forget and puts her in a very dangerous situation.
This isn't revealed until the end and I cannot understand through the whole book why she likes him other than feeling sorry for him. Still this wasn't enough of an explanation.
2. The heroine, Jane, is so amazing at taking pain that she doesn't cry out but laughs. Well, then later in another situation, again doesn't cry out, yet Nicolae hears her screams of terror. What? When? I was waiting for her version and when she cries out, she never does. Yet he finds her by the screams and then the tie.
3. We get a flat vision, explained of her life and then more put in. She had an accident which killed all her family but her. She is in a wheel chair but later we understand is just starting to be able to walk. She has no reaction to her new mobility. Or is, just starting to walk, able to run also as she does later in the book. Hmm... Also she is a scientist studying the paranormal including vampires, did this come after the accident.
4. Why would a vampire blame her and curse her over the other scientist, especially if she is crippled?
5. Argh, too many more, and most of the characters seem as dumb as rocks, including Nicolae, so I'm not sure why she likes him at all.

There is a storyline and it is OK, I liked a couple of parts but really this is a skip as a recommend to anyone else, maybe a old school paranormal, bodice ripper, but really there are better of those too. Overall a MEH from me.

lettemeread's review against another edition

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Although I normally love Gena Showalter, I found it hard to get through this book. The characters didn't grip me and the plot although it moved along nicely just didn't hit the right spot for me. As much as one has to deny believability when the hero is vampire, I found him to be unbelievable. The attraction between the hero and the heroine too strong and although that was explained later in the book, I would have preferred the gradual awakening to the attraction. I don't know whether or not my opinion is based on the overall writing and plot configuration or the fact that I just wasn't in the mood for it. All in all a waffley review.

b0okcupidity's review against another edition

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This is really about what I expected it to be - everything about the storytelling was convenient, lots of s-e-x, decent dialogue. I would say the one thing that was very surprising was the creativity and ingenuity in the plot. There's only so many ways you can hash out a vampire story, but this one was refreshingly original.

I was impressed enough to maybe read some of Gena Showalter's other works.

trinforeman's review against another edition

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I was highly disappointed with this novel. This was nowhere near what Mrs. Showalter is capable of. I felt like I was reading a typical dime store romance novel. I was missing her normally quirky and fun lead characters. The story had potential but I'm not eager to pick up the next one.

beth_dawkins's review against another edition

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Jane just got back to walking. She was in a horrible car crash that killed her parents and a sibling. Since then, she hasn’t been a happy camper. One day a box arrives at her house, and inside of the box she finds a book. The book describes of Vampire Prince who is locked away as a sex slave. The book demands Jane’s help. Jane believes she has dreamed of just such a man.

Poof! Jane is in another world. No seriously, it happens. She goes to sleep with a sexual fantasy in mind, and then she is waking up in a castle, being told she is a princess. At this point I was between skeptical and, well, I am a girl and waking up in a castle, being called a Princess. Those are the types of things I spent my girlhood dreaming about.

Now then Jane has to save the sex slave that is calling to her, Nicolai. The thing you have to know about Nicolai is that he says ‘mine’ a lot. The other thing is that he was the crowned prince until his parents got murdered, and he had some spells put on him, a lot of spells. He has no memory of what happened to his parents because of the spells the people keeping him put on him. He did figure out how to conjure Jane, to save him.

In the process of Jane saving Nicolai, Nicolai saves Jane. During this awesome feat of vampiric blood shed there is a great deal of ‘Mine!!!’ because they touched Jane, and apparently Jane is his. Usually I would complain about his over the top protective animal like behavior. I would rant and rave about how short of a time they knew one another, and how much is repeated. Instead I am not, instead for once this over the top, very unrealistic viewing of two people falling in love amongst danger is not only enjoyable, but stole me away. The falling in love is very steamy at times, and Nicolai can also sound very barbaric.

This strange blend of comedy, fantasy and violence kept me highly entertained. Did I mention there are Ogres? It was just fun. It was an adult fantasy story with Vampires, Witches and Ogres. I had to leave seriousness at the door when I picked up this novel. I will be picking up the next book in this series, and I will also be picking up another one of this authors novels.
Happy Reading!

monkeereads's review against another edition

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musetraxed's review against another edition

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Bought series set, not a vamp fan but I wanted the world lore,
no HEA could make up for this much torture porn.

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