
The Judas Contact by Heather Long

sonja_ahrb's review

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I've really been in the mood to read something with all the scientific- genetically-modified-human-experimenting thing lately, so when I saw that The Judas Contact and realized that it was a little like that, I immediately wanted to read it! It was always in the back of my book mind and I wanted to ditch my due blog books as soon as hit my kindle, I was good though, but as soon as my schedule allowed it, I picked this baby up and devoured it. It was so excellent, I loved it, and it satisfied my need to read a science-y book!

I really liked Ilsa - she's a great heroine. She's smart, strong, and stubborn, but she's also sweet, kind, and compassionate. She's the kind of woman who's down-to-earth but can sassy and assertive when she needs or wants to be. I just really enjoyed meeting Ilsa and being inside her head.

Garrett, Garrett, Garrett, what can say about Garrett? From the first moment of being inside his head, I liked him. He had this kind of sarcastic, snarky, smart-a*s, yet silent air about him, but it wasn't annoying, just amusing. He has jerk moments and times where he made my heart ache, but he also made me melt too. He can be sweet and he's so devoted to keeping Ilsa safe and always thinking about her. Garrett's wonderful and I can't imagine you not falling for him!

I had such a good time reading The Judas Contact! It was engaging, entertaining, and amusing, but it gave you the feels and knocked you in the gut and made you want to cry sometimes. It was sexy and interesting and I just wanted more, more, more, and to find out all the answers to the questions that came up. It was fantastic and oh, I can't wait to read the next book!

The Judas Contact is a standalone, its told from multiple points of view, and while it will leave you hungry for the next book, Ilsa and Garrett are happy and in love!

~ Sonja, 4 Stars

tlea's review

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I'm not usually a sci-fi fan but the blurb of this story intrigued me enough to warrant taking a chance & I'm glad I did. I really enjoyed this story & my heart broke for the idea of someone in a tactile world not being able to touch & be touched in return. I found the basis original & although it's the 1st book in the series I think there must be at least a prequel out there as there is a relationship that you seem to arrive in the middle of. That said, in no way was my enjoyment limited or impacted by not having read a prequel. Would definitely read more in this series.

inmyhumbleopinion's review

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Fun, action packed romance. Fans of the Avengers and X-Men will love this book. The author has created a very scary world and her characters are the hope for making it a better place. In this story we have Doctor Ilsa Blaine who’s work has been perverted by the bad guys and whose help the good guys need to fix it and Garrett Fox who can kill with a touch. Garrett is an interesting guy. He can’t touch or be touched and it affects his view of the world. Ilsa refuses to give up on him and that may make all the difference in the world. The secondary characters are fun and I look forward to their tales. If you want to find out about Rory & Michael read Yesterday’s Heroes.
Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this book from Barclay Publicity in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Well, that was not what I was expecting! The Judas Contact by Heather Long is a sexy, super-charged read about a team of superheroes from the future and a doctor in the present time who might be an asset to them. Dr. Ilsa Blaine is on the cutting edge of neuroscience, having designed a chip that interacts with brain signals in dogs, virtually eliminating the need to train them as the chip takes care of it. Garrett is from a dismal future where corporations rule everything and the gap between social classes is more like a void. Garrett’s mission: protect Ilsa while she studies the chips embedded in his and his team’s brains.

Ilsa and Garrett are easily likable characters. Ilsa is kind, sensitive, and at heart a scientist. She takes an analytical look at everything. Garrett is like Ilsa. He has a tough exterior and allows no one close to him because of his “curse.” One touch from Garrett can kill you. He was born with toxins running through his blood. So he takes precautions to keep people safe from himself, which means NO skin to skin contact. Can you imagine?! My heart ached for him as did Ilsa’s. In addition to the job given to her by the team, she plans to find a way to neutralize Garrett’s toxins so he can have that contact.

The plot is very simple. Ilsa studies the chips, Garrett protects her, the two fall for each other. It follows the standard trope for romance novels, unfortunately. However it is still a great read. I enjoyed the paranormal/scientific elements of the story more than the romance. It was too insta-love for me, though I did ship the two throughout the plot. Also warning for younger readers/parents: this is a new adult novel which means there are explicit sexual scenes that are only for the 18+ crowd. Sorry kiddos!

Overall I enjoyed The Judas Contact. It’s a quick read, just under 200 pages. It also contains one of my recent favorite elements: superheroes. This seems to be becoming popular and personally I’ll take them all. I love a little action and adventure with my romance. If you enjoy science fiction or you’re looking for a different kind of romantic read, I highly recommend you pick up a copy!

nikkisbooknook's review

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What an awesome new series!! Super-enhanced soldiers, time travel, evil villains and cutting edge science all combine into a wonderfully crafted new world! The story is complex but not su much that you get lost in jargon. The characters are wonderfully believable with real and raw emotions. Action adventure at its best!

Ilsa is such a smart cookie but down to earth at the same time and Garret is alpha man to the core but also incredibly fragile at the same time!

I dare you not to fall in love with this book!