
Black by Fleur Ferris

alexrose_reads's review

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I was so looking forward to reading this book from the blurb and reviews on the cover but I was continually let down as I forced myself to keep reading, amounting in my unmet hopes that it would improve. Very juvenile in the writing style, the dialogue and descriptions were so simple to the point of being boring. Incorrectly marketed as a YA novel, it instead fits the style and pace of a middle grade (or younger) novel, though I know many middle grades to be more interesting and compelling.

melbsreads's review

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Trigger warnings: death, death of a friend (in the past), kidnapping, violence,
supposed demonic possession, exorcism, suicide, bullying, serious injury to a friend.

This is the third Fleur Ferris book that I've read, and all three of them have definitely been compelling and fast-paced. When I initially finished this one, my thought were mostly that I didn't quite buy it. There was something about the story that felt utterly implausible -
the idea of a priest having that much control over his congregation in the 21st century, and the idea of Black's parents wanting to stay in this small town where a decent chunk of the population are convinced that their daughter is possessed by a demon. The notes I wrote myself when I finished say that if it had been set in the 1970s, I would have totally bought it. But as it stands, not so much.

And then literally two days later, I listened to the Joan Vollmer episode of Casefile and was like "................................well damn". I'm curious to know if that case was Ferris' inspiration for the story because a lot of little details seemed to be similar, but either way, I was pretty surprised at the similarities.
Ultimately, this was utterly gripping but there was something about it that I didn't quite love. *shrug*

jessiquie's review

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I started reading Black late one afternoon. Not being a particularly brave individual I went against my gut instinct and picked up the book and read it in one sitting. By the time I finished the book, it was super dark and I sat there on my bed just starring at this unnerving but brilliant book and wondering how the hell I was meant to sleep now?!

You know how there are those movies where you know something creepy is just around the corner and part of you can't wait to find out what it is, and the other much larger part is just feeling uneasy about the whole thing? Well that was my experience with Black. Part of me wanted to know what the deal with the town, Ged and the creepy Father Ratched was and why they were picking on poor Black. But the other part of me was getting ready to hide under the covers and scream at Black for running head first into danger horror film style (e.g. girl runs herself into a corner making it easier for those chasing her). But Black's resilience and strength of character means she always uses her head; she uses her smarts to get her out of situations and sure she might not always make the best decisions, but I was never screaming at her in frustration because of what she'd done. Black is most certainly no-damsel-on-distress and she sure as hell isn't waiting for her Prince Charming to come save her either. Though a little help, that she could appreciate from time to time.

Hands down the most terrifying aspect of Black is not necessarily what happens in the narrative itself, but the way in which it’s not so hard to find real life people who echo the fears and mistakes of the characters in the book. In fact after finishing the book I can distinctly remember lowering the book and thinking ‘huh’, I know fanatical people like that and people who could very well find themselves in situations ‘close’ to Black’s through no fault of their own. The extremes that some people will go and just how relatively close this book is to the ‘real world’ is unnerving, disturbing and just down right terrifying at times.

What’s more the way in which Ferris has written the book is sure to make you feel uneasy about many characters and decidedly wary of everyone. Given that Black deals largely with superstitions and the lengths people go to in order to ‘correct’ them, I was immediately wary of every character in the narrative and found myself actively questioning their motives and actions, including our main character Black. Because of this I found my response to the book was heightened and once I decided on my own feelings of particular characters (could I trust them? Was it real or just inside their head?) I was so much more invested in their well being and ultimately the books outcome.

One of the shining lights in Black, is how incredibly strong (and stubborn) Black Marshall is. Not only has she proven to be one of the most resilient characters ever, having bore witness to three of her closest companions deaths and still getting up every morning and going to school, but she is also being bullied by the town Priest (Father Ratched) and a number of her school friends. Black doesn't take any of what happens to her lying down though, and uses every opportunity that comes her way to show just how smart and witty she truly is. The limited relationships she has with people reflect real warmth and love too and it was so easy to fall under her spell.

With an authentic ear to dialogue and a great deal of respect for detail and suspense, there is no doubt that Black is one hell of a page-turner. The restricted small town country setting heightened the tension and the inferno of such town's personalities, while providing the most epic and terrifying backdrop for perhaps the creepiest of crimes and this oh-so-perfect-narrative.

Black is a super quick and easy to read novel that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat rushing towards the books climatic conclusion. It's an ideal read for fans of psychological thrillers, mysteries or just your plain old thriller.

karlalala13's review

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Loved loved loved this book!

This is the first book I've read from Fleur Ferris, but she's jumped up with my favourites. Definitely a new fan of this Aussie author!

'Black' kept me on the edge of my seat. I started reading it before bed one night and couldn't put it down until I finished it at 7 the next morning. Fast paced and full of intrigue. I wasn't sure if a supernatural element was going to pop up or if the evil Ratchet was a complete fruitcake, as Black's mum called him. All I knew is I wanted to know what was behind the mystery of the house in the woods, Black's birth and the curse that seemed to follow her around.

I definitely recommend this book. Contemporary YA with loads of action and a mystery I couldn't wait to unravel.

ausfangirlreads's review

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When I got this book I wasn't sure what to expect all I knew was that it was a horror/ mystery story written by an Australian author. So when I started reading it and was hooked right away I wasn't surprised, I read this book way too fast and the more I tired to pace my reading the more I wanted to see what happened next!
The suspense was amazing and I was always wondering what was going to happen next, the characters were well written, and as someone who lives in a small country town, I was even more drawn to the characters and could relate to certain things.
This was an easy, yet suspenseful read and I would recommend anyone who likes a book full of mystery, thrills and makes you sit on the edge of your seat to go a read this book!
....I'm really tempted to read it again.. XD

readunderthestars23's review

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I received a copy of Black from Penguin Random House New Zealand to review. I’ve never read a book by Fleur before but I’ll definitely be looking for her other book, Risk, now.

I didn’t go into this with any expectations so this book was very surprising. But in a good way. This book was so disturbing and dark but I just didn’t want to put it down. I needed to know what the hell was going to happen to Black.

I’ve never believed in curses, demons or anything like that so this was a little out there for me. I mean, I want Supernatural but I don’t get all this possession stuff in real life… I don’t understand how people can convince themselves and others that this kind of stuff is real so what happened to Black blew my mind. Especially because so many of the people living in the town believed all that rubbish and were prepared to let this unbalanced man get away with anything. Well, they already had so what’s one more? All because they were doing “God’s work.” Even typing this now it still frustrates me.

Black had to put up with a lot of crap from these people. All because three of her friends died in horrible accidents that had nothing to do with her. I’m not even sure Black was there when they died… I can’t remember. I thought Black was brave, not only at the end of the book but also dealing with all the bullying and isolation her whole life. She stayed when it would have been so much easier to leave. I’m not sure the decision was up to her when she was a child but at the end it was.

This book wasn’t very long, under 300 pages, but I couldn’t get over how much happened. It was such a good book. I will have to get her other books one day.

lana13's review

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This is the book that got me out of my slump!

The thing I liked most about this book was the dynamics and relationships.

Healthy relationships with parents? Check. CHECK. CHECK.
Group of girl friends? (Check but kinda in an odd way).
Love triangle that doesn't want to make you rip out your eyes? Check. (Don't let that scare you off. I hate love triangles but this one was barely there and easy to look past and actually enjoy).

sambbarnes's review

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izzy_t01's review

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Brilliant book, captivating from start to finish absolutely loved it!!! I've recommended it to all of my friends. Can't wait to read 'Risk'!!!

frankenbookie's review

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This book sounded like it had all the right elements for a great thriller/mystery with a supernatural twist, but I just found the writing very lackluster and it just did not draw me in.