
Morta per il mondo by Chris Roberson

chasingom's review against another edition

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This was a really neat twist to zombie lit! I'm definitely interested in reading more.

auroara's review against another edition

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3,5 stars!

Not quite what I expected but it was still a fun read!

alice_digest's review against another edition

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I'm quite new to this whole comic book thing - although I'm loving it! - And it probably would have taken me a while to find this one if it hadn't been the for the TV series that just started last week (the TV series seems to have used the title but little else). If I'd ever come across a synopsis that said 'female, zombie, solving crimes' I'd have been sold immediately! I picked this up in the 50% off Comixology sale, and I really wish I'd got the others before the sale ended! (This comic book habit is expensive and I'll be broke if I don't stop)

So Gwen is undead and she works as a gravedigger to allow access to a monthly munch on some brains (without killing) else she'll turn into a mindless monster. When she eats the brains she takes on the memories of the dead person, and this time it’s a guy who was murdered so she agrees to help him get some vengeance. Her best friend is a sixties ghost and they also hang out with an adorable were-terrier named Scott who has a big crush on Gwen.

It's completely light and fluffy but I loved it! Gwen is great, I loved her and her sense of humour (I can totally see why Rob Thomas picked this up for his TV show because she is channelling a bit of dry sarcastic Veronica in there!). There are also paint balling vampires, and of course (totally cute) monster hunters out there to avoid.

It's fun, it's funny and it's light! Man I wish I had more money. My birthday book list is getting LONG.

hollydoesstuff's review against another edition

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I did this backwards and watched the first episode of the show, realized there was a comic, and quickly bought it on my Comixology app. I really like this world. I love supernatural stuff, and Gwen is pretty cool for a zombie. Super fun world building, I will definitely continue reading this series.

alanahcw's review against another edition

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I am loving the show iZombie and feel awful that I didn't enjoy the graphic novel as much.

thatweirdbookgirlie's review against another edition

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I kept comparing this to the show, and personally I loved the show a lot. This plot is very different, and just not as good which is why I knocked off a star. It's still a pretty decent story, and I love the art style. I just am not catching the same level of interest as I did with the character of Gwen.

uosdwisrdewoh's review against another edition

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A fun, light supernatural story.

Gwen is a zombie, but not the shuffling, moaning kind. She holds a job as a gravedigger, which helps her sneak a brain every month or so, keeping her from turning into such a mindless freak. Her latest brain, though, has memories that she finds hard to ignore. And so she sets off on the path to solve a mystery, accompanied by her ghost friend who died in the sixties and is baffled by things like the "Inner Nets".

Unlike other writers, Chris Roberson doesn't go for cheap shocks but rather introduces an ensemble cast with economy. You're never overwhelmed by the number of characters, but at the same time you have a good idea about each one's personality. He's aided to a great degree by Mike Allred's art. While Allred's deceptively simple, cartoony art has left me cold in the past, here it, alongside Laura Allred's day-glo colors, brings a wonderfully playful tone to potentially dark subject matter. The fourth chapter alone is a tour de force, with Gwen being swept into another time and world to explore the rules of this supernatural world, with she and her guide gliding between and in and out of panels in a breathtaking series of spreads. This sequence alone takes the book from good to great, marking it as a breakthrough work for Roberson and Allred. Well worth a look.

library_ann's review against another edition

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I really enjoy the tv show that is based on this comic book series. I finally decided to seek out the source material, and find that the two are like distant cousins. The comic series is more Supernatural meets What We Do in the Shadows -- there are all kinds of monsters in the world, but the story basically happens from the point of view of the monsters.

At the early stages of the book, I had some trouble reconciling what I was reading with what I had seen on tv. Eventually they main character revealed herself and her name, Gwen (NOT Liv from the show), so it got easier to separate the two. The first volume of the comic compilation barely got the story started, so I will be seeking out the further adventures.

in_libris_speramus's review against another edition

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It would be really neat if people would stop calling Gwen the "hot zombie" or "sexy zombie". I get it, a girl zombie is like, a really big deal. And male comics readers outnumber female comics readers, so we're clearly going to get a bunch of the male gaze bullshit over a damned dead girl, but ew. Ew. EW.

Anyway, I've had this graphic novel for some time and finally got around to reading it. Haven't watched the TV show, not sure exactly when I got this graphic novel (possibly it was passed on to me by a friend?), but I'm trying to read through the mass quantities of miscellaneous graphic novels I have and this was short enough for my post-graveyard (hah) shift brain to stick with the whole thing in one shot.

All these words and no real review. Hmm. Well, I liked it. I'm not inspired to watch the TV show, but if I come across a copy of volume 2 in my travels, I might consider picking it up. It's refreshing to have a female protagonist in an otherwise dude-dominated comic genre. It's also nice to have a non-Walking Dead zombie comic. iZombie has sort of a Scooby-Doo meets Buffy and the Scooby Gang (hah, again) vibe to it. You've got a weredog, a ghost, a zombie, a mummy, a bunch of vampires, a few budding mysteries to solve, and some monster hunters that are probably going to crash all of the parties at some point. I kept expecting Ellie to say "jinkies", I'm pretty sure the Mystery Machine is lurking in the shadows, and at some point Gwen is totally going to hook up with the cute monster hunter and throw both of them into some crisis-lite version of Buffy and Angel. Oh, and the mummy has a snow leopard or panther or similar giant cat for a pet. Cats are always a great addition.

I have also just realized, about 15 years late, that Sarah Michelle Gellar's career is quite Scooby-tastic.

angelikareadsavariciously's review against another edition

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Fun read so far!