
Come Home to Me by Brenda Novak

bookbae96's review

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Presley Christensen's life has been less than perfect. The product of an unhappy childhood, she had few friends, except her sister, Cheyenne, and Aaron, the man that Presley loved. Aaron Amos was the reason that Presley left home two years ago. A friend with benefits, Aaron wasn't willing to commit more of himself to Presley. When she found herself pregnant and alone, Presley chose to leave, rather than saddle Aaron with a child that he did not want. Now Presley is home, with her two-year-old son Wyatt, ready to start over.

When I started 'Come Home to Me,' I felt like I had been thrown into the middle of a story that I didn't know the beginning of. Because this is the sixth in the Whiskey Creek series, I think that I would have understood the town and character dynamics better had I begun with the first book and worked my way through. It took me a bit to warm to the characters, especially Aaron, who seemed a bit shallow and self-centered, especially in the way that he treated Presley. As well, the sub-plot involving Presley's sister Cheyenne was truly unbelievable to me. I cannot imagine a situation where the events that transpired would be considered within the pale of acceptable.

I generally love series romances, especially ones that involve families (the 'With Me In Seattle' series by Kristen Proby is a great example of this), but 'Come Home to Me' did not have me invested right off the bat, so I felt like this book was only a three to three-and-a-half stars read for me. I would like to go back to the beginning and start over with 'When Lightning Strikes,' so that I can get a better feel for the town and the folks that make Whiskey Creek a place that I'd like to know more about.

wulfwyn's review against another edition

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This installment of Whiskey Creek deals with Presley. If you are already a fan of the series then you know Presley is Cheyenne's sister and not a major player in the clique of friends. We learn some of Presley in Book 2, When Snow Falls, which is Cheyenne's story. I wasn't certain Presley would be included in the series but was hoping. I think the relationship, and how it came to be, between Cheyenne and Presley is interesting and perhaps a bit difficult to understand. I try to avoid spoilers for those who haven't read the books, so this may be left mysterious for some but others know why I say that. It is the background you read of in Book 2 that lays the foundation for this strangeness. I would definitely suggest you read Book 2 before you read this book, if you haven't. There are things going on that influence heavily the decisions made by Cheyenne. If you love Chey you may hate this book. It definitely shows her in a human, flawed light. I personally loved this book. I thought the lying and scheming done brought up some of the psychological issues that are a part of Chey and Presley. While it may bring Chey down to some, I feel it shows how the past can influence you into doing things you usually wouldn't. For me, it made Chey more human, less perfect.Presley changed a lot from where she was left in Book 2. Her return brings her into contact with Aaron again, who has also been making changes in his life. It is difficult for Presley to accept Aaron changed enough to accept her and her son. I think this is a multifaceted issue. I believe that part of her difficulty was her own shame and guilt over her lie. One she really had no clue how to rectify and defend herself at the same time. This may have influenced her beliefs about Aaron, distorting the way she saw him. When you don't really forgive yourself completely your vision is distorted. I'm not certain what was going on with Riley and his sudden deep interest. Perhaps it was what I call, desperate single father syndrome. DSFS is what influences single dads to obsessively seek a "mom" for the family. I have known men who have raised their children to adulthood who are still seeking the "mom" to the family. These men, (not every single dad falls into this category), tend to look for a woman who has a child and then make decisions about her based on her mothering. I think Riley may be going through that and it is why he instantly fell hard for Presley. In my opinion this book is well done. It explores how our past influences our decisions no matter if we are the main character or the sister supporting her. I think it will be difficult for those who have put Cheyenne on a pedestal but for me it was perfect. I think Cheyenne and Presley have a unique bond that is very difficult to understand fully. It will be interesting to see how things go between them as they mature more with life's challenges. This is one series I definitely find fascinating. It is due, in part, to the author not being afraid to explore darker things and in part, to the author not being afraid of her characters falling down. No one is perfect though some are perceived that way. When their flaws are exposed it always brings out strong, intense emotions of like or dislike. This book will bring that out, for sure.

*I was given an advanced ecopy of the book for review purposes. The author, nor anyone affiliated with her, requested a "good" review. Nor did they influence or compensate me in any way. All opinions and thoughts are my own.*

becxreadz's review against another edition

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I was given the opportunity to read and review “Come Home to Me” by Brenda Novak. I love Brenda’s Whiskey Creek series and I was excited to revisit my favorite couple, Cheyenne and Dylan. I loved their story in “When Snow Falls”. I liked getting to know more about Presley and Aaron’s relationship as well. I loved how two people with troubled pasts were able to turn their lives around. I didn’t get why Presley couldn’t seem to understand that if she could turn her life around so could Aaron. I love this series; but this book enraged me so much. I was so excited to read more about Cheyenne and Dylan but Cheyenne’s scheme was too much for me. I wanted to reach into the story and slap her and everyone involved. Grrrrr… why would anyone think such a scheme would be okay?? Yes, I am being purposefully vague so I don’t ruin it for others. I just can’t believe she would think up something all in the name of ‘making Dylan happy’. Whatever! You don’t do something like that to make your loving husband happy WITHOUT TALKING TO HIM ABOUT IT!!!!! It all felt way to soap operaish for my liking and even worse it took away from Presley and Aaron’s story. I give “Come Home to Me” 2/5 stars. I really love this series and those Amos brothers...sigh =D This book just irked me too much, mainly Cheyenne. I hope if this scheme of Cheyenne’s is mentioned in future books that it comes back to bite her. I would expect Dylan to react in a normal pissed off way, as he would have a right to. I think if Brenda went that path with this storyline it would add some conflict and intensity to their relationship and make them worth fighting for. I almost wish I hadn’t read this book because like I said, Cheyenne was one of my favorites and then she up and did what she did and it just made me lose all respect for her.

allandanybooks's review against another edition

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This book was amazing. I couldn't stop reading until the end and I still want to find out more about Aron and Presley and Wyatt.
It was a perfect story about love, the past and the future. It showed perfectly how one thing can change your life forever and the miracle of children. I have to say, this is one of the best book I've read. I liked how the main characters weren't perfect but they had made mistakes and still continued doing them, but in the end they found their way together where they actually belongs.
It was also nice to, for once, have a book that the main characters didn't mention the word love until the very end, well Presley was head over heals in love with Aron but he was stupid enough to not to realize it until the very end.
My mind is blown by this book! LOVED IT!

*ARC received from publisher

akanksha's review against another edition

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After being introduced to the author through "This Heart of Mine", this book didn't seem like it was written by the same person. A few pages in, and I already wanted to stop reading. And I'd had enough by the time I reached halfway. The majority of the reviews here convinced me that there was no point trying further.
I failed to relate to any of the characters mostly because almost everyone seemed pretty selfish, deceptive, and manipulative, not to mention self-destructive. There was also no depth to the characters despite their having screwed up pasts. Frankly, they didn't appear all that sorted after the time lapse either. The maturity level was pretty much zero, throughout.
This was a disappointing read, considering it had potential and I had really liked the other mentioned book by this author.

kat2112's review against another edition

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I'm caught up finally on the Whiskey Creek series, and am sorry to say this one disappointed me. For one, I couldn't get into the main story of Presley and Aaron - they lacked the chemistry I saw with couples in other books, and I didn't really understand Presley's whole deal with not wanting Aaron around. Another character is thrown in to create a triangle, but his presence doesn't really work, either.

The subplot with Cheyenne and Dylan is made up of crazy. I won't spoil it, but it's something that doesn't get resolved at the end, which means there could be more WTF in Whiskey Creek soon.

There's another book coming, and I have a three strikes deal with authors. We'll see what happens.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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*I received a free ARC of Come Home to Me from Harelquin MIRA via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

Come Home to Me fulfilled all my expectations! I got to hang out with most of my good friends from Whiskey Creek, and I also got to know both Presley and Aaron a lot better.

This and all my other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

wendylu4's review against another edition

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I was given an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I have to say I have mixed feelings about this book. While I love the Whiskey Creek series this is my least favorite so far. The writing itself was stellar as usual from Brenda Novak. My issues come from the characters themselves. I new going in I wasn't thrilled with Presley and the fact that she was keeping her baby a secret from his father Aaron. She drove me crazy while she was trying to avoid him and giving him mixed signals all the time. I actually fell in love with Aaron. Riley made an appearance and I wasn't fond of his behavior in the book. My biggest problem came from Cheyenne. I didn't not like the new deceit and betrayal she was getting Aaron and Presley mixed up in. She also seemed way too judgmental in this book. I was just appalled at her actions throughout this whole book. I also would have liked to see more of the other friends included in the story. Overall I still give this 4 stars.