
The Forever of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen

nathalyalvarez's review against another edition

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The Forever of Ella and Micha comienza con Ella de vuelta en la universidad y con Micha viajando por el pais con su banda, y con ellos siendo miserables y extrañándose el uno al otro como locos. Pero Ella no le diría Micha que renuncie a su banda y Micha nunca le pediría a Ella que abandone sus estudios.

Este libro me recuerda a esa canción de The Cab que se llama Vegas Skies. Y que gran casualidad que esa sea la ciudad donde vive Ella.

Say goodnight our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We'll stop the clock together
And know that the timing was right

All of these guards they stand tall and defensive
Putting up walls around what was once innocent
It won't let me in, but I'm stronger than that
'cause you stole my eyes and I've never looked back

Eso totalmente suena como algo que Micha le cantaría a Ella.

Lo que mas destaco fue la evolución de Ella durante el libro. De pasar de extrañar a Micha a hacer cualquier por estar con él y entonces tener que dejarlo ir. La lucha consigo misma, mas los conflictos con su padre y su hermano, la culpabilidad por la muerte de su madre; Ella se esta ahogando en problemas y la única persona que la puede rescatar es Micha y ella se niega a pedirle ayuda por miedo a hundirlo con ella.

—Todo el mundo tiene problemas, mamá. Es solo que algunas personas lo tienen mas dificiles. —Me acerqué a ella y el miedo en sus ojos comenzó a disminuir—. Creo que la gente que pasa por mas, a la larga, puede terminar mas fuerte. Tienen un entendimiento que la mayoría de la gente no tiene y una mejor comprensión, pueden ser mas abiertos de mente.
Pero lo que hizo este libro merecer cuatro estrellas no fueron los personajes, o la trama; sino como fueron presentados todos los problemas por los que pasan los personajes. La depresión, los conflictos familiares, los cambios y sobre todo, la lucha por todo lo que quieren y por estar juntos. Ademas, te lleva a entender poco a poco lo que difícil que es recuperarse, aceptarse a ti mismo y tener esperanza de que el futuro te traerá algo mejor.

josie9814's review against another edition

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I truly loved this whole story! I feel like I could read this over and over!! Such a beautiful story! ;)

devansbooklife's review against another edition

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This is a great story that could have been completed quickly. Both Ella and Micha have heavy emotional baggage. Unfortunately, Ella's baggage competes with her ability to love Micha the way he deserves to be loved. This is about Ella's growth and healing. As she heals she becomes capable of loving herself. But will she completely push Micha away in the process? I am leaving future readers with that question.

nitzanschwarz's review against another edition

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This one is going to the library. What a disappointing read... 

talya_'s review against another edition

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Not a fan of Ella and Micha.

zippy_julz's review against another edition

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I loved the first book in this series so much and Micha was just as supportive in this book but it just felt like all of the dramas seemed to weaken my resolve about whether they should be together.

lifeand100books's review against another edition

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Dark and angst-filled characters struggling to face their demons are like my kryptonite (well, that and rakish men).  Something about the act of redemption and making it against all odds just gives me the warm and fuzzies.  With that being said it's not a surprise that Jessica Sorensen is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.  I loved loved loved loved loved her book The Secret of Ella and Micha when I read it last month, and couldn't wait to jump into book two in the series, The Forever of Ella and Micha.

Now that they have survived the events of the first book in the series, both Ella and Micha have settled into a long distance relationship.  Ella has gone back to college, and is attempting to get away from her family problems, as her father is battling with alcohol addiction and has been in and out of rehab for the past few months.  Micha, on the other hand, is traveling across the country performing with his band.  He is finding it much more difficult than he originally thought to be away from Ella, and Ella is missing the safety and security that she feels with Micha.  Nonetheless, she knows that Micha is perusing his dreams, and she refuses to stand in the way of his accomplishments, no matter how much she misses him.  Fortunately they do get to spend brief interludes together, but these moments only serve to highlight how hard it is to let each other go.  Will they be able to keep up their relationship with the distance mounting between them?

Gahhhhh I am in so love with this book and with Sorensen's writing and with this series in general.  After all the hell that Ella and Micha went through in the last book you'd expect a bit of a reprieve, right? Wrong!  I'm actually glad that Sorensen didn't just take the easy way out and write them a completely normal happy ever after.  It's unrealistic to imagine that suddenly all the problems they have with themselves, their families, and each other would magically disappear the minute they admitted to loving each other.  That sugar-coating you find in a lot of romance novels doesn't exist here.  Ella and Micha are raw, emotional, passionate people.  In other words, they're real.  At one point in the book Micha tells Ella that since they know all of each other's flaws, their relationship is stronger than most.
"It will, and you want to know why?" I as and she nods. "Because most people go into this blind.  They don't know the bad side of the person they're with.  But we know each other's flaws and cracks- we know what we're getting into and that makes us stronger."

SO TRUE.  How many people dream of a fantastical relationship where everything is gumdrops and roses? A perfect partner who knows your every thought, dream, wish, etc.  A person who will never disagree with you and will never have any problems dealing with anything life throws at them.  Unfortunately, life doesn't happen that way.  Nervous breakdowns happen. People lose their jobs, money, homes, family members, etc.  Grief happens. So does depression.  All of these problems can change a person.  Going in to a relationship with your eyes open, knowing the emotional susceptibility your partner could have because of any of these things is the best possible "relationship strengthener" there is.  There will be times when you need to be the strong one while your partner is weak.  This is exactly what happens in The Forever of Ella and Micha, and it's because of this that I love this book so much.  It's an incredibly realistic love story that has tons of parallels to real life.  It doesn't make any false promises, but at the same time is spontaneous and fun.  In short, it is as varied and unpredictable as life is, and because of that it makes a great read.

Kimberly (Reflections of a Book Addict)
Originally Posted:

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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So I'm not going to lie, I wavered between giving the first book 4 or 5 stars. This book has no competition. It is a 5 star home run all the way. I loved this book. As someone who has struggled with depression and anxiety I can honestly say that Jessica Sorensen wrote a believable character in Ella. It is exactly like that (minus boyfriend drama) but it is exactly that hard. Most people don't know that you can sense you're in a funk, and it is so so difficult to pull yourself out of it. Kudos to Ella for getting the help she needed to work through her issues. And Micha was just so wonderful the entire time. I know it broke his heart when she lied to him, but I think a part of him knew it wasn't true. I can understand why she did it, and I didn't agree but I got it. Micha was so supportive of her through the entire book, and I loved that she had that support system. I also liked that we got to see a little more of Lila and Ethan. I can't wait for their book!

nbwalks's review against another edition

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After reading The Secret of Ella and Micha awhile back, I have been dying to get my hands on this book! And I am happy to say that I wasn't disappointed!

The Forever of Ella and Micha was everything I could've asked for an so much more. I loved everything about it and I think that Ella and Micha's story was tied up very well.
I love the fact that their relationship wasn't perfect and that they had to work through some very realistic hardships. But the part that I loved the most? Ella. Everything about Ella. I did think that she made some stupid mistakes in the beginning of the novel, but other than that I loved the way she handled things. Instead of jumping right back into their relationship, Ella wanted to find herself and make herself better. That is probably the most admirable thing I have ever read about a character before.

Anyway, I really did enjoy this story. I am extremely happy about how everything turned out for Ella and Micha, and I'm even more happy about how things ended between Ella and her dad as well as her brother. Not everything is perfect, but that's what makes this story more relatable since nothing in life is perfect.

parryc's review against another edition

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Sometimes it seems in life all you need is for some one to love you even when you don't love yourself.

Micha is that some one, he fights day in and day out for Ella to show her that even though she is broken he will love her and be there for her. Ella is convinced she will ruin Micha, this book is the cute and great story of how Ella will try to be a better person for herself and for Micha and Micha will prove to Ella she is all he could ever want in this world.