
Far From True by Linwood Barclay

avidreadergirl1's review against another edition

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Book 2 in a 3-book series that makes you move from one cliffhanger to another and gets you hooked from page 1 of book 1 and 2.

aditurbo's review against another edition

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Read as part of my work.

petra_reads's review

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4.5 stars!
I'm really glad I read Broken Promise and Final Assignment right before I started Far From True because I think I may have felt a little overwhelmed with the large cast of characters and their relationships and histories otherwise. But with the events and characters from those two previous installments fresh in my mind, I thoroughly enjoyed Far From True. But man, there was a lot going on! For a small town, Promise Falls certainly seemed to have an abundance of shady characters and exciting mysteries.
I'm particularly impressed by the way Linwood Barclay made all these characters seem so real. This isn't an edge-of-your-seat thriller, but with the awesome characterization, the carefully constructed layers of the mysteries and the twists that seemed to be thrown in almost leisurely I was really captivated. Of course, then I got furious when I reached that damn cliffhanger and found out, I'll have to wait till November to get the conclusion.
So, if I had thought about this reasonably beforehand, I would have preferred to do a marathon reading session of the entire trilogy come November. As it stands, I'm hoping I'll remember enough of what happened in Promise Falls by the time I can get my hands on the final book. In the meantime, I need to check out some of the author's other work. I just love his writing style.

Many thanks to the author and Berkley Publishing Group for providing me with a digital ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

For audiobook enthusiasts, Mark Zeisler narrated Cal Weaver's perspective, while Brian O'Neil read the other chapters, which I thought worked very well. Excellent narration by both of them.

nickieandremus's review against another edition

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*** I received an e-copy from Net Galley in exchange for my honest review

This book picks up where the previous book Broken Promise ended in a cliffhanger. Therefore, if you haven't had a chance to read Broken Promise yet, you will want to read that first, just so you get the references. This one is just as action packed and suspenseful as the previous book, so you definitely won't be disappointed. I couldn't stop reading it... all the way to the very end.

faith_bookluvr's review against another edition

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8/10 (B+) GREAT!

Can’t wait to read book 3!

si0bhan's review against another edition

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Far From True is the second book in Linwood Barclay’s Promise Fall series, and I was rather let down by this one. I was not crazy about the first book in the series, Broken Promise, but there was enough potential for me to come back for more. I was ready for the usual standard of Linwood Barclay, the standard that has me hooked on his books, and was disappointed when this second book failed to deliver.

I think one of my biggest problems was that there was too much going on with this one. There are so many characters and so many different storylines, and they are not as interconnected as I would like them to be. There are connections, connections I’m sure will develop in the next book, but in this one it did not feel like the links were there. I felt like I was bouncing from one thing to the next, trying hard to keep everything straight in my mind.

In many ways, this one was a filler book. If you have read the first, this one progresses towards answers. New elements are introduced that will have you curious about how everything will come together, but it does not wow you alone.

All in all, I’m curious as to how this series is going to come together. The Promise Fall series is not my favourite from the author, but it has me wanting to see how everything comes together.

flogigyahoo's review

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Linwood Barclay has found his niche in small town gossip, betrayals, murders and other mayhem and he does so very well, almost too well, moving his characters this way and that, hardly drawing a breath it seems. After Broken Promise, the mystery continues in Far From True and the twists and turns do not let up. Almost 500 pages later I almost felt I too lived in Promise Falls, a town with an alarming number of very evil people. One is forced to run out and buy the third book in this trilogy and for that I am giving this only 2 stars.

allieeww's review

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A decent thriller, and I enjoy Barclay's writing and pacing. He is awful at writing female characters though, and I think he has a real issue with fat people. Every chapter with Duckworth he mentions his weight. Does Linwood Barclay think that people are overweight because they eat 3 donuts and a whole pie every day and never exercise? Duckworth is smart and witty, but he's reduced to the "fat cop" trope, making the reader picture him as this enormous glutton who is winded just by walking and constantly craving Burger King. And then he mentions that he clocks in at 280 pounds. Hell, that's not that big for a man. That's certainly not the gelatinous mound of a person Barclay makes him out to be.
Honestly, I really like this series and these stories, but I'm so mad about the weight portrayal that I'm bumping it down to 3 stars. And that's generous based on just how annoyed I am about it.

carissaenero's review

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Really liked it! Although I wish I knew this was the second book before I bought it. I read it thinking I wouldn't need to read the previous one, as with most thrillers, but there was just sooo many characters and things happening at the same time. I also read parts which I think is what happened in the first book, which is a bummer since I kinda spoiled myself - but I'm definitely still going to read that one.

The first chapter definitely gripped me! Although a bit confusing with all the different crimes and point of views, I did enjoy this overall.

3no7's review

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This book is number two in Linwood Barclay's Promise Falls trilogy. The best thing about this book is that there is another one just like it coming in the fall. The worst thing about this book is that it is part of a trilogy and I won't know the end until the fall. Seriously, on the last page of the book I yelled"NO" out loud. How can he make me wait?

Promise Falls is a nice suburban city that totally lives up to its name. The town presents a wonderful PROMISE of a happy, quiet life style. the people are personable; they have jobs, and everyone is happy. Or at least it seem so on the surface. In reality the town and everyone in it FALLS apart. The people who seem so nice all have dark -- very dark -- sides under all that happiness. The nice suburb is falling into the abyss and it is taking the reader with it

And we readers love every second of the fall. Don't start this book if you have something planned, because you will drop everything to finish this book. I can't wait for the next and final installment of "As the Promise Falls. "