
The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana by Vatsyayana

benkozel's review against another edition

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only like 20-25% of this book is applicable.

I think my biggest problem with this book is that it only deals with the "how" and not the "why" so no real knowledge is gained. Vatsyayana just rattles off situations and concoctions that he has found without any deeper understanding into why these schemes work. Besides the more upsetting parts (How to give fellatio, striking and scratching your partner, how to cheat or steal someone else partner) I pretty much forgot everything else.

While he does mention different regions and their practices, much of the "tricks" Vatsyayana uses would not work outside of a Hindi context.

This being said, I am thankful to the writer that I know what a lingam and yoni is as well as the various techniques for mutilating ones penis.

liselit's review against another edition

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A male should not show interest in a female who is:
- too white,
- too black,
- who has been used by 4 males before him,
- whose name ends with the letter 'R' or the letter 'L'.
They get away with it as it's basically classified as a history book but wow. Maybe I should have read the illustrated version instead of the audiobook...

carolinewhitten's review against another edition

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Well what can be said the ancients weren’t so different from us after all

goldripred's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced


Super fast read in 2 hours. Pretty helpful in general knowledge about relationships. 

allymarell's review against another edition

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This is not what I expected, but an interesting social commentary on all types of relationships in ancient India. Some of it repulsive, some amusing, some just confusing.

nananavillera's review against another edition

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I hadn't exactly intended on reading this, but it was sheer curiosity that encouraged me forward. This book is kind of infamous in Indian pop-culture which makes it out to be some raunchy pornographic manual, but that's a grossly ingenuous description. This book has theological and philosophical merit, makes arguments against the notions of caste, and explores cultural phenomenas of sexuality, relationships and love. I thought the concepts of purusharthas, the four tenets for a fulfilling life in Hinduism, were well-woven into the exploration of sexual and emotional human relationships and desire. Also, surprisingly, there were chapters on queer sexuality/gender-identity, written without scorn or pejoratives. I did, however, have to look past a lot of misogyny and encouraged sexual inequality between men and women. I wouldn't model your life after this text or anything, but it is definitely a worthy historical read.

noachoc's review against another edition

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This is what I learned from reading the Kama Sutra:

If someone comes up to you and tries to pick you up by insisting that they have read and/or memorized and/or internalized the lessons of the Kama Sutra, you run as fast as you can in the opposite direction because only maybe 5% of this is about interesting ways to have sex and the remaining 95% is about how to manipulate your significant other (or random people) as much as possible. Literal SWATHS of information about how to get all of the money you possibly can out of the dude you're sleeping with and how you should dump him as soon as he's out of money, or how to pick fights, or how to manipulate someone into sleeping with you.

So now we all know that.

contessacarmilla's review against another edition

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I personally didn't find this book interesting or eye opening in any way. However, I can respect if you did.

smashingreads's review against another edition

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This is the absolute worst. Only pushed through to cross off genres on one of my challenges.

rebecca1070's review against another edition

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Crap. All from the man's perspective. They cannot figure out how a woman orgasms. No matter. Not their problem. Oral sex is prohibited and dirty. And if you are a woman, watch out. Your only purpose is to be conquered. I had no idea that I was being propositioned each time a guy stepped on my foot.