
Love kitchen. Gli ingredienti magici dell'amore by Jenny Nelson

kdurham2's review against another edition

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One woman is not happy in her relationship, not happy at her job and can't figure out who to change it all. So after the relationship falls apart and the job is gone, she heads to Italy to find a new balance in her life. With kitchens in Manhattan and Italy at the center, food is a major character in the book and this author nailed the descriptions of each dish and made me quite hungry while reading!

I fell in love with Georgia and wanted to become her friend which makes me fall deeper into any book - a connection the characters is key in my book. Although there is heartache and relationships in this book, it was refreshing to have the woman try to find the balance in her life within herself instead of depending on others for it.

A wonderful piece of women's fiction that will make you want to visit both Italy and New York for the food and the atmosphere. A strong woman at the center and a depth to the story makes this book a piece of women's fiction in my mind and one worth picking up.

machadofam8's review against another edition

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Started off slowly but picked up when she left for Italy.

butterfly2507's review against another edition

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Ich habe es nach ca. 100 Seiten abgebrochen. Zu viele unausstehliche Charaktere, die Story ist flach und auch nicht wirklich interessant. Schade, denn ich mag beide Hauptpunkte in dem Buch eigentlich sehr gerne: Essen und Italien. Leider konnte das Buch mich nicht packen :(

caseyc616's review against another edition

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I didn't want this book to end. Cooking/food and Italy...what's not to love!

wiseowl33's review against another edition

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Love Georgia's spunk. Wish I had her cooking talent too. Love that she found herself, then found the person perfect for her. Very enjoyable book!

tasha_fullybooked's review against another edition

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From my blog...

In Mrs. Nelson's debut novel, she introduces us to Georgia, a girl who seems to have it all. She is the head chef at one of NYC's hottest restaurants and has an entertainment lawyer fiance. When all that comes crashing down, Georgia sets out to Italy for a summer working for her mentor.

The entire story was told in such vivid detail that I felt like I was taking this adventure right along with Georgia. I was pulled in from the opening sentences. It was well-paced and very well executed. I couldn't believe this was just her first novel. After reading it, I wanted to rush out to buy more books of hers.

Mrs. Nelson has such a witty portrayal of Georgia, especially with her parents Hal and Dorothy, that I found myself laughing till I cried. My only hope is that Ms. Nelson decides to revisit Nana's Kitchen in the very near future. She definitely has a life long fan in me; I will be reading more from her for sure.

Read more of my reviews at Book Obsessed.

doma_22's review against another edition

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Dopo aver finito il mese precedente con una storia impegnativa e avendone iniziato uno che parla di schiavitù questo mese, ho pensato di iniziarne anche uno più leggero. E devo dire che ho scelto bene.
Un libro veloce da leggere, senza tante pretese ma che mi ha tirato su il morale.
Qualche mese fa pensavo di non leggere più libri dove, con un schiocco di dita, la carriera che desideri si "materializza" e tutto diventa facile, proprio per l'esatto opposto, cioè la mia depressione arrivava alle stelle. Ma questa volta, anche se la storia si ripete, mi ha dato una piccola scossa e fatto venire delle idee. Che non realizzerò dall'oggi al domani ma che potrei tra qualche tempo...
Una trama semplice e lineare: Georgia è una chef che, dopo una recensione negativa, non meritata, si ritrova senza lavoro e, come se non bastasse, senza futuro marito. A poche settimane dal matrimonio con Glenn, problemi e incomprensioni, fanno si che la coppia si divida.
Così, senza riuscire a trovare un nuovo lavoro, molla tutto e parte per l'Italia dove la sua ex insegnante sta per aprire un nuovo locale nella campagna Toscana.
Un lavoro a tempo determinato ma che, con un gruppo ben affiatato, si trasformerà in un buona opportunità di crescita personale. Perché forse a Georgia mancava qualcosa e non dal punto di vista lavorativo, c'è qualcosa che la blocca per fare il grande passo, aprire un ristorante tutto suo.
Avrà l'opportunità di gestire una cucina di un nuovo albergo a Taormina, insieme a Gianni, di cui si è innamorata. Ma il dover restare "bloccata" la fa desistere e così, rientra a New York.
Una serie di situazioni fortunate, tanti incontri con le persone giuste e capisce che non per forza il locale deve essere "suo" ma che possa essere "nostro". Comprende che se si trova il giusto appoggio, le persone giuste con cui condividere un sogno, questo non varrà di meno, anzi che si possa realizzare ugualmente e anche meglio!
Ognuno farà la sua parte e con una parte della squadra del vecchio locale, a partire dal direttore di sala Bernard, suo vecchio amico, e ora socio, il sogno inizia a prendere forma e il locale può aprire in breve tempo.
Georgia in alcuni tratti può risultare antipatica ma è solo il suo carattere che poco a poco si ammorbidirà... per il resto bei luoghi, belle passeggiate tra le Avenue di New York, la campagna toscana e siciliana; tanti buoni piatti che vi faranno venire l'acquolina in bocca.
Niente di più che una bella lettura rilassante senza essere troppo banale.

katequeenofsprouts's review against another edition

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It wasn't great literature, but it was one of the best books in the light reading with a woman main character of a marriageable age trying to make a go of her life genre that I have read in a while. Her career and the dreams around it took center stage as often as her love life (if not more) and the book also had a couple of minor characters, women with high powered careers, who found happiness as well so it didn't feel as if the book was judging women who were passionate about their work and punishing their choices.

delightfullyswt's review against another edition

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It was an easy book to read (I read it in three days). I did have a slight problem in some sections due to the overly descriptive scenery. I also felt that the ending felt a bit forced and was completely predictable. Overall, I read this novel fairly quickly and enjoyed it. It was worth the time I spent to read it because I love culinary novels with a mix of chick lit. This was the author’s debut novel and I look forwarding to reading her next.

halisbooknook's review against another edition

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3.5 - perfectly enjoyable, but not particularly special